Persimmon:its health benefits and nutritional values.

Introduction of Persimmon
Persimmon:its health benefits and nutritional values. Introduction: This article introduces the effect and function of persimmon, its nutritional value and medicinal value, the eating method of persimmon and tips needing attention.

Nutritional value of Persimmon.

 Persimmon Fruit 02 Persimmon is rich in sucrose, glucose, fructose, protein, carotene, vitamin C, citrinin, iodine, calcium, and other nutrients, and its mineral content is higher than the apple, pear, peach, and other fruits. Persimmon is not only nutritious but also has high medicinal value. Persimmon contains rich dietary fiber, has a good moistening intestine and laxative effect; Persimmon nature cold functions clear heat, moistening the lung, generate saliva, quench thirst, relieve cough, dispel phlegm efficacy. Besides, persimmon leaves to boil water decoction can promote metabolism and lower blood pressure.

 Nutrient content: mature persimmon contains 15% sugar, 1.36% protein, 0.57% fat, crude fiber, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and other elements and a variety of vitamins, especially vitamin C 1 to 2 times than the general fruit.

 Persimmon Fruit 01 Persimmon is rich in nutrition, bright color, soft and juicy, sweet and delicious, favored by old and young. According to measure, every 100-grams persimmon contains carbohydrate above 15 grams, sugar 28 grams, protein 1.36 grams, adipose 0.2 grams, phosphorus 19 milligrams, iron 8 milligrams, calcium 10 milligrams, vitamin C 16 milligram, still contain a variety of nutrition composition such as carotene. It is not only raw food, but also processed into persimmon cake, and can be used to make wine, vinegar and so on.

 Persimmons contain a lot of carbohydrates, 10.8 grams per 100 grams. The main ingredients are sucrose, glucose, and fructose, which is why people find them so sweet.

 Fresh persimmons contain high levels of iodine, which prevents endemic goiter.

 The organic acid in persimmon helps gastrointestinal digestion, increases appetite, and has the effect of astringent intestines and hemostasis.

 Persimmon is rich in pectin, which is a kind of water-soluble dietary fiber. It has a good effect of moistening the bowel and laxative and has a good effect on correcting constipation and maintaining the normal growth of intestinal flora.

 Persimmon contains high sugar, and pectin, after eating persimmon there is always a part residue in the mouth, especially in the teeth, in addition to tannic acid which is a weak acid, is easy to cause erosion of teeth, the formation of dental caries, so after eating persimmon should drink a little water or timely gargle.

 Persimmon contains tannins that bind easily to iron, preventing the body from absorbing the iron in food, so anemia patients should eat less.

 You can't eat persimmon peels. Some people feel to eat persimmon while chewing persimmon peel than eating persimmon more flavor, in fact, this eating method is not scientific. Because most of the tannic acid in persimmon concentrated in the peel, in persimmon deastringent, it is impossible to remove all the tannic acid, if you eat together with the peel it is more likely to form stomach persimmon stone, especially when the deastringent technology is not perfect, the peel contains more tannic acid.

 Persimmon is not only nutritious, but also has higher medicinal value. Persimmon can clear heat and detoxify, is good medicine to reduce blood pressure and stop bleeding.

The effect and function of persimmon.

 Persimmon Fruit 03 ✵1. Vitamin C supplement: persimmon contains vitamins and sugar 1 to two times than the general fruit, so eat persimmon can supply a lot of vitamins C.

 ✵2. Moistening intestine and laxative: persimmon is rich in pectin, and it contains water-soluble dietary fiber, has a good moistening intestine and laxative effect, has a good effect for ease constipation, maintain the normal intestinal flora growth. Besides, persimmon and persimmon cake can be used for relaxation and nutrition. It can relieve hemorrhoid swelling and pain, stop hemorrhoid bleeding and rectal bleeding.

 ✵3. Hemostasis: fresh persimmon cools blood hemostasis effect; the stem of persimmon has the effect of lowering and reversing; Persimmon and stomach bleeding; Persimmon leaves have hemostatic effect, used to treat hemoptysis, hematochezia, bleeding, vomiting blood; studies have found that persimmon and persimmon leaves have positive effects on blood pressure, water, anti-inflammatory, and hemostasis.

 ✵4. Moisten the lungs and reduce phlegm, generate saliva and quench thirst: persimmon helps reduce blood pressure, soften blood vessels, increase coronary artery flow, and can promote blood circulation and inflammation, improve cardiovascular function.

 ✵5. Sober Up: persimmon can promote the oxidation of ethanol in the blood, can help the body to excretion of alcohol, reduce the harm of alcohol to the body.

 ✵6. Health care function: persimmon contains rich sucrose, fructose, cellulose, and other carbohydrates, but also contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, and other nutrients. The astringency of persimmon is caused by tannic acid(also known as tannic acid), so should not eat much. Chinese traditional medicine believes that persimmon taste sweet, astringent, cold in nature, enter into the lung. The ancient works Compendium of Materia Medica records that persimmon is the fruit of spleen, lung, and blood. Its taste is sweet and Qi is plain, astringent and can be closed, so benefit spleen and astringent bowel, relieve cough and hemostatic. At the same time, persimmon stem, persimmon cream, persimmon leaves can be used as medicine.

 Chinese medicine believes that persimmon taste sweet, astringent, cold in nature, clear heat and remove dryness, moistening the lung and dispel phlegm, soft hard, quench thirst and generate saliva, benefit spleen, treatment of dysentery, hemostasis, and other functions, can relieve dry stools, hemorrhoids pain or bleeding, dry cough, sore throat, hypertension and other diseases. Therefore, persimmon is natural health food for patients with chronic bronchitis, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, internal and external hemorrhoids. If you use persimmon leaf decoction or boiled water when drinking tea, it can also promote metabolism, reduce blood pressure, increase coronary blood flow and reduce cough and phlegm.

Health benefits of persimmon.

 Persimmon Fruit 04 ✵1. Reduce LDL: Studies have shown that the tannins of polyphenols, which are found in green persimmons, have the effect of reducing bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein(LDL). In clinical trials of intakes of tannin biscuits in adults, the "good cholesterol" (HDL) was not reduced, while LDL, which promotes development such as hardening of the arteries, fell after just six weeks.

 Tannins are thought to have the effect of speeding up the removal of LDL - based bile acids from the body, reducing the chance of LDL entering the bloodstream. The tannin extracted from green persimmon has been turned into a powder and commercialized for use in the prevention of lifestyle diseases.

 ✵2. Relieve people's psychological pressure: Studies have shown that when persimmon is heated and eaten, and certain health-promoting ingredients are significantly increased, reducing psychological stress. The researchers identified about 150 compounds from the fruit and learned that they could reduce stress and also has antioxidant activity.

 When the heat-treated persimmon, which was originally eaten to kill bacteria, as compared to raw persimmon, the levels of gamma-amino tyrosine, a neurotransmitter that inhibits increased psychological stress, and citrate, a vasodilator, more than tripled. This undoubtedly brings good news to modern people who feel more pressure from day to day.

 ✵3. Prevent norovirus infection: The new study found that tannins from astringent persimmon juice were widely effective against 12 viruses, including norovirus and influenza viruses.

 Tannins are often used as antiseptic coatings, and when the virus culture was mixed with the compound for three minutes, it was found that all the viruses lost their infectious ability. Norovirus gastroenteritis is a common digestive tract infection in autumn and winter. Alcohol is usually used for household disinfection, but it cannot be completely destroyed. And the use of very high safety of this food raw materials, cutting boards and kitchen disinfection, the effect is very good, can be used as a family prevention measure for infectious disease.

 Persimmon benefits for women: the woman eats a bit persimmon help them to beautify and delay aging, still can help white-collar officers to alleviate fatigue, pregnant woman eats persimmon could help prevent pregnant high disease, did you eat persimmon this winter? Persimmon pulp is sweet, known as the "sweetest golden fruit."Persimmon has a high nutritional value, rich in glucose, fructose, protein, carotene, vitamin C, citrate, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, iron, with the effect of clearing heat and moistening lung, thirst, cough, and phlegm, can improve cardiopulmonary function and enhance immunity. For women, persimmon is rich in vitamins and minerals, but also has beauty, anti-aging effect. Persimmon contains 10 times more vitamins C than the apple. It is rich in vitamin A, which helps fight aging and improve eyesight. And the very rich content of carotene can promote human metabolism, help women detoxification, anti-cancer, anti-aging.

Foods could not be taken with persimmon.

 Persimmon Fruit 05 ✵1. Persimmon and crab: ancient works Yin Shan Zhen Yao recorded that: "persimmon and pear can't eat with crab." Persimmon, crab is cold in nature, take them both, injury spleen and stomach. Crabs are rich in protein. When eating persimmon, the protein in the crab meets the tannic acid in the persimmon, which can coagulate in the stomach and become a mass that is not easy to digest and absorb, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea.

 ✵2. Persimmon and wine: persimmon cold and wine taste bitter, heat. Alcohol enters into the stomach and stimulates the increase of intestinal secretion, and tannic acid of persimmon enter into the stomach and meet alcohol, form of thick sticky substances, easy to knot with cellulose into a group, the formation of clots, both difficult to digest and not easy to discharge, causing intestinal obstruction for a long time.

 ✵3. Persimmon and sweet potato: sweet potato contains more starch, after eating the stomach will produce a lot of gastric acids, if you eat some persimmon, under the effect of gastric acid will produce precipitation. The accumulation of sediments together will form insoluble clumps, both difficult to digest, not easy to discharge, easy to get persimmon stomach stone, severe condition lead to stomach perforation and life-threatening.

 ✵4. Persimmon and kelp: take together the kelp rich in calcium ion and persimmon rich in tannic acid, kelp calcium ions can be combined with persimmon tannic acid, form insoluble compounds, easy to affect the digestion and absorption of certain nutrients, resulting in gastrointestinal discomfort.

 ✵5. Persimmon and acidic dishes: after eating persimmon, please do not drink more acidic soup or drink too much water. Because of eating pickled cabbage, the stomach will produce a lot of acids, and persimmon in the stomach produced gastric acid, the result will produce precipitation, precipitation accumulates together, will form insoluble clumps, thus forming gastrolithiasis.

 ✵6. Persimmon and octopus: persimmon and octopus should not be eaten together, otherwise easy to diarrhea. Octopus tastes sweet, salty and nature cold, non-toxic, can nourish blood Qi. Persimmon bitter astringent cold, belong to the cold medicine, so two things should not be eaten together, otherwise damage to the stomach and easily cause diarrhea.

 ✵7. Persimmon and goose meat: goose meat is rich in protein, high-quality protein. Protein encounter with persimmon tannic acid, easy to coagulate salty tannic acid protein, concentrated in the intestines and stomach, the serious condition will lead to death.

Notes and taboos on eating persimmon.

 Persimmon Fruit 06 Many people like to eat persimmon because it's sweet and delicious also contains a variety of nutrients. However, for pregnant women this special group, there are still some taboos to eat persimmon need to pay attention, not take much and not eat on an empty stomach, otherwise, the growth and development of the fetus is affected. What should I pay attention to when eating a persimmon? Let's see.

 ✵1. Eat persimmon proper amount: persimmon contains more sugar, so people eat persimmon more satiety than the same amount of apple, pears. Eating too much persimmon is easy to affect the appetite, have adverse effects on the teeth and mouth. The tannic acid in persimmon affects the absorption of trace elements such as calcium and magnesium in the human body. On an empty stomach, it is advisable to eat persimmon 1 every time.

 ✵2. One should not take with peel: persimmon peel in has the highest level of the tannic acid concentration, not the tannic acid, can be off to the better of all, if take the peel often are more likely to form the stomach persimmon stone, especially when removing puckery technology is not perfect, the peel contains more tannic acid, can increase the chances of some disease such as abdominal pain, nausea.

 ✵3. Eat persimmon to gargle: persimmon contains high sugar content, and contains pectin, eats persimmon then there is always a part residue left in the mouth, especially in the teeth, plus weak acid tannic acid, is easy to cause erosion of the teeth, the formation of dental caries, so after eating persimmon should drink a little water or timely gargle.

 ✵4. People with diabetes avoid eating persimmon: people with diabetes should not eat a persimmon. Persimmon contains 10.8 percent sugars. Simple disaccharides and monosaccharides are easily absorbed by the body, raising blood sugar levels.

 ✵5. Not eat persimmon on an empty stomach: on an empty stomach better not eat persimmon, because tannin and gelatin and soluble styptic in the persimmon easily react with the high concentration of fusion in the gastric juice, have a chance to form stones, could lead to a stomach bilge, stomach pain, so they may also cause gastric calculus, gastric ulcer, gastric hemorrhage, and other serious diseases so on.

 ✵6. People who should not eat persimmon: those with a low gastric function such as chronic gastritis and dyspepsia and those with an external cold cough should not eat persimmon; sickly, weak people should not eat a persimmon.


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