The fruits that aid weight loss, introduction of 18 kinds of weight loss fruits.

Weight loss fruits
Health Preservation of TCM:Introduction. Introduction: Eat what fruit to reduce weight the fastest, 18 kinds of fruit reducing weight and recipe recommend greatly: This article summarizes 18 kinds of fruits that lose weight fastest and introduces the eating method and effect of these fruits.

The fruits that aid weight loss, introduction of 18 kinds of weight loss fruits.

 Apple ✵1. Apple: Apples are rich in dietary fiber -- pectin. Pectin can protect the intestinal wall, activate useful bacteria in the intestine, and regulate gastrointestinal function, so it can effectively clean up the intestinal tract and prevent constipation. Apple has a bi-directional effect on laxation. When defecating difficultly, eat an apple to be able to rise to embellish bowel purgative effect. Apple pectin can absorb 2.5 times of water with its volume, making stool soft and easy to discharge, can relieve constipation. When diarrhea, pectin can absorb the moisture in defecate again, make the stool thick, have the effect that stops diarrhea thereby. Apple's two-way adjustment is very gentle, especially for the elderly and infants. Eat 1 to 2 apples a day. Eat them on an empty stomach every morning and evening.

 Kiwi fruit ✵2. Kiwi fruit: kiwi fruit contains more dietary fiber and oligosaccharide, protein decomposition enzyme, besides, can quickly clear the accumulation of harmful metabolites, prevent constipation. It can also prevent colon cancer. Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity and softens blood vessels. Take 1 to 2 every morning on an empty stomach, take your breakfast every other hour. The kiwi is rich in food fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, makes defecation smooth, also contains a lot of protein decomposition enzymes, so it is very suitable for dish combine with meat.

 Citrus ✵3. Citrus: citrus contains rich dietary fiber, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion, lower blood fat, blood pressure. It's ok to eat 2-3 per day, but some people may get angry easily. The white parts of the orange meat are edible.

 Pear ✵4. Pear: the pear contains a lot of moisture, embellish bowel aperient, prompt diuresis, and lower blood pressure, and very good also to pharyngitis. Eat 1-2 per day.

 Pomelo ✵5. Pomelo: Pomelo is sweet and slightly cold in nature, rich in pectin, fruit acid and fiber, and enough water can detoxify and clear heat. Pomelo contains a very low quantity of heat and satiety feels tall, not only help detoxification but also can reduce the appetite. A lot of people think Pomelo can thin body the cotton-wool skin of Pomelo and Pomelo peel can reduce weight.

 Pomelo has only 41 calories per 100g, which is lower than apples and bananas. Pomelo flesh and skin are rich in carotene, B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals, sugars, and volatile oils. Pomelo can embellish the bowel and laxative, eats half-Pomelo after the meal everyday help weight loss.

 Pomelo contains a lot of vitamins C, can reduce cholesterol in the blood, could lower blood sugar, blood cholesterol, lose weight, beautify the skin. Compared to other fruits, it is similar to citrus, rich in vitamin c and fiber, which makes it feel full. However, it is low in calories, comparable to watermelon.

 Pomelo peel Pomelo peel: Drink tea, cool blood and reduce fat. When the Pomelo peel is cut, it has a yellowish juice. This juice is rich in tartaric acid and naringin, which stabilize blood fat and sterol levels and prevent high blood sugar levels from triggering obesity. At the same time it can speed up the body fat metabolism, reduce excess heat caused by the fat accumulation. At the same time, has very good effects for the mouth ulcer, constipation, lung heat caused by heat obesity.

 Introduction of weight loss fruits Pomelo peel contains limonene and perylene, after inhalation, can make respiratory secretions become variable thin, conducive to the discharge of phlegm, has a good expectorant and antitussive effect is a good substance for the treatment of chronic cough and cold phlegm and asthma.

 So Pomelo has the effect of lowering blood sugar, blood cholesterol, weight loss, beautifying the skin. Regular consumption has an auxiliary therapeutic effect for diabetes, vascular sclerosis, and other diseases.

 Strawberry ✵6. Strawberries:The strawberry is not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but dietary fiber is also very high, moistening dryness and generate saliva, regulate the intestines and stomach. Eating more than a few won't catch a cold or catch fire. It is a good fruit for all ages.

 Pineapple ✵7. Pineapple: Pineapple has the effect of clearing intestines and detoxifying. Its constituent bromelain can effectively break down protein in food and increase gastrointestinal motility. Peel the pineapple and cut it into small pieces. Stir in the blender. Pour the juice and mix with the honey and lemon juice. Serve. Embellish bowel aperient, thin body and lose weight.

 Pineapple is rich in vitamin B1, which can promote metabolism, eliminate fatigue, beautify the skin, and help digestion. Its rich dietary fiber makes digestion easier. However, eating pineapple, you better not eating it for long-term, and better not take it on an empty stomach, because its enzyme is very easy to hurt the stomach.

 Bananas ✵8. Bananas: the dietary fiber of Ripe banana is very high, contain potassium very high level too, embellish bowel purgative, but the effect of green banana is not obvious.

 Walnuts ✵9. Walnuts:Walnut not only benefits the brain but also very suitable for those with dry stool, eat 3 a day. Rich in vitamin E.

 Lemons ✵10. Lemons: Lemon contains rich vitamins, can reduce the incidence of freckles, black spots, and has a certain whitening effect. Additional, lemon also could decompose adipose, stimulative digesting can make oneself more beautiful and slender. Nevertheless, lemon acidity is very high, drink too much on an empty stomach will hurt the stomach, so, do not take it in great quantities for weight loss!

 Grapefruit ✵11. Grapefruit:Grapefruit is high in vitamin C, low in sugar and low in calories. If eat Grapefruit to replace a meal, can control the absorption of the quantity of heat, thereby achieve the result that reduces weight. Of course, if other meals can also control calorie, over time, you can lose weight naturally. However, if your body is thin, it's better to eat a few high-fiber crackers, as eat Grapefruit on an empty stomach can cause stomach pain due to acid overload.

 Tomatoes ✵12. Tomatoes: tomato has a very good effect on reducing weight, it is the food, reducing weight with very nutrition health. However, based on the needs of each person's body, the fruit must be changed, cannot eat the same fruit invariably. So you can't just include tomatoes in your diet!

 Papaya ✵13. Papaya: We often hear that papaya can boost breast this statement has no reasons behind it. In addition to congenital genetic factors, and acquired nutritional supplements, eat papaya is difficult to achieve the breast enhancement effect. However, papaya has the effect of promoting milk secretion and is suitable for postpartum women. Moreover, papaya enzyme can clear the heart and moisten the lungs, help digestion, and achieve the effect to lose weight.

 Avocados ✵14. Avocados: Avocados contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which are easy to produce satiety and can reduce weight in a short period. There is no immediate rebound after returning to normal eating. At this time, the stomach will have a satisfied or stable condition to adapt to. But while avocados contain a plant-based fat, if you eat too much, the calories can be significant.

 Blueberry fruits ✵15. Blueberries: Blueberry fruits are rich in super antioxidants, commonly known as anthocyanins of OPC, known as the "king of antioxidants" by experts. Is a fruit known to protect the eyesight? In addition to the regular sugar, acid, vitamin C, mineral elements, the blueberry fruit also contains niacin, SOD, flavonoids, and other special components, which have good health care effects such as preventing brain and nerve aging, strengthening heart and anti-cancer. Principle of reducing weight: quantity of heat is low, contain rich fruit acid, have helped to reducing weight for the lower body part.

 Grapes ✵16. Grapes:Grapes are rich in glucose, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, niacin and vitamins B1, B2, C and other vitamins and minerals. It contains substances that can replenish human energy and have the effects of replenishing Qi and blood, generating fluid and quenching thirst, strengthening muscles and bones, and benefiting urine. Often eat grapes is quite good to neurasthenia and excessive fatigue. Because of its delicious shape and rich nutrition, the grape has always been regarded as the "precious fruit", ranking first among the four major fruits in the world. Reduce weight principle: Mexican medical expert studies discover, female eats 10 fresh grapes contain a lot of vitamins every day, can achieve the goal to reduce weight, helpful for cardiovascular health.

 A week grape weight-loss method: this is one of the methods favored by girls to reduce weight. The one-week grape diet is as simple as eating grapes and drinking water every day for seven days a week to maintain your body's energy supply without eating any food. At the same time, it's better to use a separate infusion of glucose to provide your body with enough energy. The one-week grape diet was tested by south Korean actress Lee young-ae and proved to be effective. But it is important to note that when implementing a week of the grape diet, daily intake of adequate water, to promote the circulation and metabolism of the body, the body's excess waste excretion.

 grapeseed The grapeseed diet: the grapeseed diet is the same as eating grapeseed within 5-7 days. The rich linoleic acid in grape seeds can effectively reduce fat, and the rich nutrients in grape seeds can remove free radicals, which can also deplete the fat in the body. But because grape seeds are low in sugar and energy, they can cause hunger, so it's time to take some natural chitin to increase satiety and control appetite. When using the grape seed to reduce weight, remember not to force, when the hunger of the body is unbearable, you can eat a few low-calorie foods appropriately to replenish the ability of the body. Of course, when using the grape seed to reduce weight, must drink more water, because drink water more at this moment can aid to decompose and clearing the redundant adipose inside the body, maintain body interior metabolism to circulate.

 Red Wine Red Wine reducing weight: drinking red wine to achieve the effect of reducing weight. At the same time, the wine itself is a rich and nutritious beverage. Not only can burn off excess body fat, but the red wine also has a good health care function too.

 Cherry ✵17. Cherry: cherry nature is warm, is a good weight loss fruit for the stomach cold deficiency, weight loss recommendations is that does not eat canned cherry because the sweet content is higher.

 Guava ✵18. Guava: the flesh of Guava is firm and must be chewed slowly to increase satiety. Guava is not recommended for three meals during weight loss. It is recommended to eat guava for dinner.


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