Introduction of TCM Health Preservation.

Introduction of TCM Health Preservation.

 Introduction of TCM Health Preservation Introduction: The modern meaning of Health Preservation refers to the active physical and mental maintenance activities according to the law of human life process.Maintenance or Preservation refers to follow the law of life, through moderate exercise, plus external care and other means, so that the body function and external skin can rest and recuperate, restore due function, which is the first level of health; Cultivation, refers to the broadening of horizons, access to the heart, wide-ranging knowledge, through their own moral and quality of the practice and promotion, so that the body and mind could get a kind of rest and repair, so as to achieve the purpose of rest the mind and vitality; nourishment refers to the timely and appropriate people, follow the law of heaven and earth, the four seasons, with the appropriate food supplements, in order to nourish the conditioning of the whole body, to achieve the goal of better health and extending the year.

Introduction of TCM Health Preservation.

 Health Preservation of TCM Icon 02 Introduction: In addition to adjusting the balance of the five-Zang and six-Fu viscera, Qi and blood, meridians and collaterals, Yin and Yang, the TCM emphasizes health preservation and puts "prevention" in the first place. The ancient works Huangdi Neijing put forward that "the sage does not cure the disease, cure the disease not attack. Do not treat the disorder, treat the disorder not happened. ", ancient herbalist Zhang zhongjing's works Jin Kui Yao Lue starts with"the sage treat the disease in the state it not attacked yet.". Herbalist Sun Simiao also mentioned "diseases would have not attacked is treated by Sage herbalist, diseases that will attack is treated by famous herbalist, diseases in attacking is treated by the common herbalist.

 ✵Although the ancient works the Jin Kui Yao Lue(the Synopsis Golden Chamber) is a special book on the study of miscellaneous diseases in China, there are much content about health preservation in the book, such as paying attention to food therapy, advocating prevention, and emphasizing health support.

 This paper discusses the main measures of prevention and prevention before disease, and puts forward the excellent thought of "care and caution." Keep careful, first of all, to keep the vitality, because the vitality of the ups and downs and physical strength has a close relationship. In addition, the causes of the disease are put forward in the text: firstly, the disease invades the channels and collaterals and is transmitted by internal organs, which is the internal cause; Second, the disease encroaches on the skin, making the limbs and nine orifices are blocked by blood vessels, which is the external cause; the third is the sexual affair, not section or by various knife stick insect beast and so on trauma causes the disease.

 When it comes to health preservation, we have to mention the food we eat every day. Health to the Tao, should set "food" as the main basis, and this is the material basis. Food should be the right way to eat, and people should let nature take its course, the diet should be moderate, work and leisure, moderate work and leisure, dynamic combination, state of mental balance. People in heaven and earth, in the nature of life, can not violate the rules of its movement. Such as 24 hours a day, eat, work, rest, sleep every eight hours, this is in line with the day and night Yin and Yang transformation of the natural law. The law is the law, "law at Yin and Yang, and at art number", want to adjust according to the law of nature and human body change, as the change of weather to increase or decrease clothes, the solar term of Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter changes to allocate food, adjust measures according to time and place. This is the way to keep healthy.

 The contents of health preservation are very extensive and there are many methods. As the ancient saying goes: food is better than medicine.

 Medicated diet is a kind of diet that has a therapeutic effect through cooking and processing with medicine and food as raw materials. It is a combination of traditional Chinese medical knowledge and cooking experience. It "yu medicine in food", not only medicine as food and food endowed with medicinal, medicine by food, food with herbal power; it not only has nutritional value but also can prevent and cure diseases, keep healthy, prolong life.

 Therefore, medicinal diet is not only different from the general traditional Chinese medicine prescription, but also different from the general diet, is a special diet with both medicinal effect and delicious food. It can make the people who eat enjoy delicious food, and in the enjoyment so that their bodies get tonic, disease treatment. Therefore, the production and application of traditional Chinese medicinal food are not only a science but also an art.

 Health Preservation of TCM Icon 03 Since the appearance of Chinese characters, oracle bone inscriptions and Jin inscriptions(inscriptions on bronze ware) have already had Chinese characters of 药(Yao,medicine) and 膳(Shan,food). And join word of medicine word and food use, form 药膳(Yao Shan,medicinal diet.), see at the earliest in ancient works the Hou Hanshu(the History of the Later Han Dynasty). These records prove that at least two thousand years ago, the name of medicinal food appeared in China. Before the word "medicinal diet" appeared, there were records of making and applying a medicinal diet in ancient Chinese works.

 There are principles of health, and there is no art of immortality. Born, old, decline, disease, death, is the law of nature, in addition to natural and man-made disasters irresistible, through moderate and reasonable regulation, is able to do "the Yin and Yang are in a balanced state, the spirit is in a quiet state", achieve this state, people can be away from disease naturally, health and longevity.


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