Introduction of Hua Shan Shen:Funneled Physochlaina Root or Radix Physochlainae.
✵The article gives records of the herb Funneled Physochlaina Root, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Physochlaina infundibularis Kuang., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Funneled Physochlaina Root, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Radix Physochlainae(Funneled Physochlaina Root).
Pin Yin Name: Huá Shān Shen.
English Name: Funneled Physochlaina Root.
Latin Name: Radix Physochlainae.
Property and flavor: warm, pungent, sweet.
Brief introduction: The Herb Radix Physochlainae is the dried root of funnelform (funnel-shaped) physochlaina,Physochlaina infundibularis Kuang, used to relieve cough and dyspnea, and induce tranquilization. The herb is commonly known as Radix Physochlainae, Funneled Physochlaina Root, Huá Shān Shen.
Botanical source: The herb Radix Physochlainae(Funneled Physochlaina Root) is the dried root of the Physochlaina infundibularis Kuang., it is a plant of the Physochlaina. Genus, the Solanaceae family (nightshade, potato family) of the Tubiflorae order. It is also known as Funneled Physochlaina Root, Root of Funneled Physochlaina, Huà Shān Shēn. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Physochlaina infundibularis Kuang.
Botanical description: Physochlaina infundibularis Kuang is also known as Lou Dou Pao Nang Cao (means a grass with a funnel and vesicle shape), or Huá Shān Shen. A perennial herb, the plant grows up to 20~60 cm tall. Roots are stout, succulent, pyramidal cylindrical. Stems are upright, covered with glandular pubescence, and several stems often cluster. Leaves are alternate; leaf blades are coriaceous, oval (egg-shaped), broad-ovate or triangular broad-ovate, 4~9 cm long, 4~8 cm wide, the apex is often sharp-pointed, the base is cordate or truncated, abruptly narrowed to a petiole of 2~7 cm length.
Corymbals are terminal or axillary; pedicels are 7 cm long, covered with dense white pilose; the calyx is funnel-campanulate, 5 lobes, oblong oval or long triangle, edge and out surface has white pilose, enlarged to globular saccus in fruiting period; Corolla is funnel-campanulate, yellow-green, or margin is yellow-green, the part below the margin is puce (purplish-brown), 5 lobes, broad-ovate to triangular, the out surface and margin of corolla are piliferous; 5 stamens, insert below corolla tube; ovary is 2-loculed, style is filiform (threadlike).
Capsularfruit cracks at the operculum and is wrapped in a saccular persistent calyx. The seed is reniform. Its flowering period is from March to May, and the fruiting period is from May to June.
Ecological environment: The plant grows in valleys or in forests. Resource distribution: The plant is mainly distributed in the middle reaches of the Yellow River area.
Characters of herbs: The roots are long conical or cylindrical, slightly curved, and some are branched, 10~20 cm long, and 1~2.5 mm in diameter. There are usually 1 to several rhizomes at the apex, and it has stem marks and verruciform protrusions. The surface is brown, with yellow-white traverse long lenticels, fibrous root marks and vertical wrinkles, and dense ring lines on the upper part. The texture of the herb is hard and brittle (crisp), the fracture surface is uneven, the cortex is narrow and off-white, the xylem (wood part) is broad, and yellowish (light yellow), and fine radial veins are visible. The herb has a slight smell or tobacco smell, it tastes slightly bitter, and slightly numbing tongue. The herb of a better grade is fullness, has a white fracture surface.
Pharmacological actions: ①.certain effect on the central nervous system; ②.antiasthmatic action; ③.spasm action; ④.dilates the pupil action.
Medicinal efficacy: Replenish deficiency, warm the middle, soothe the nerves, relieve asthma. Indicated for the treatment of fatigue, physical weakness, deficiency and cold diarrhea, insomnia, palpitation and easy to panic, cough and asthma due to excessive phlegm, night sweat, and spontaneous perspiration.
Administration of Radix Physochlainae (Huá Shān Shen):
Administration Guide of Radix Physochlainae (Huá Shān Shen)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 0.1~0.2 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 1~3 fen (about 0.3~0.9 grams); ③.Internally: 0.3~0.9 grams.
Precautions and Adverse Reactions: the herb should avoid ironware, should not be combined with faeces trogopterorum, Chinese honey locust, black soya bean, brine, black false hellebore, etc.
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1.Introduction of Hua Shan Shen:Funneled Physochlaina Root or Radix Physochlainae.