Introduction of Chui Pen Cao:Stringy Stonecrop Herb or Herba Sedi.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Stringy Stonecrop Herb, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Sedum sarmentosum Bunge., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Stringy Stonecrop Herb, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Herba Sedi(Stringy Stonecrop Herb).

plants of Sedum sarmentosum Bunge with small yellowish flowers grow in a cluster Pin Yin Name: Chuí Pén Cǎo.
 English Name: Stringy Stonecrop Herb.
 Latin Name: Herba Sedi, or Herba Sedi Sarmentosi.
 Property and flavor: cool, sweet, tasteless, slightl sour.

 Brief introduction: The Herb Herba Sedi is the fresh or dried entire plant of Sedum sarmentosum Bunge, used to remove damp-heat and counteract toxins for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, jaundice, boils, and sores. The herb is commonly known as Herba Sedi, Stringy Stonecrop Herb, Chuí Pén Cǎo.

 Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Herba Sedi (Stringy Stonecrop Herb) as the fresh or dried entire plant of (1). Sedum sarmentosum Bunge., it is a plant of the Sedum L. Genus, Crassulaceae family (orpine, stonecrop family), Rosales order. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Sedum sarmentosum Bunge.

 plants of Sedum sarmentosum Bunge with small yellowish flowers,green leaves and brown stems Botanical description: Sedum sarmentosum Bunge is also known as Sedum sheareri S.Moore (S.sheareri S. Moore)., it is commonly known as Stringy Stonecrop, or Chuí Pén Cǎo, Pu Xing Jing Tian (Wo Jing Jing Tian, or Pa Jing Tian, means creeping stonecrop), Ye Ma Chi Xian (means wild purslane). A perennial succulent herb. The whole plant is glabrous. The root is fibrous, sterile stems are procumbent, 10~25 cm long, and nodes near the ground rot easily. Leaves are usually 3 and in a whorl; leaf blades are oblanceolate to oblong, 1.5~2.5 cm long, 3~7 mm wide, the apex is nearly sharp-pointed, the base is decurrent, narrow and calcarate, entire.

 Cymes are apical, have 3–5 branches, flowers are small, sessile; sepals are 5-lobed, broadly lanceolate, unequal length, 3.5~5 mm long; 5 flower petals, yellow, lanceolate to oblong, 5~8 mm long; 10 stamens, in 2 whorls, shorter than flower petals; 5 scales, cuneate (wedge-shaped) square, the apex is slightly emarginate; 5 carpels, oblong, slightly bifurcated, 5~6 mm long.

 Follicles contain many tiny seeds. Seeds are ovoid, and the surface of the seed has small papillae. Its flowering period is from May to July, and the fruiting period is from July to August.

 pendulous plants of Sedum sarmentosum Bunge grow on a stone wall Ecological environment: The plant grows on sunny hillsides and mountain slopes, crevices, gullies, and wet roadsides below altitudes of 1,600 meters above sea level. Resources distribution: The plant is distributed in most areas of China.

 Growth characteristics: The plant Sedum sarmentosum prefers a shady humid or dankish environment, and it is tolerant to cold, it is better to cultivate in fields with fertile sandy loam.

 dried herb pieces and segments of Stringy Stonecrop Herb Characters of herbs: The whole dry herb is slightly curled and shriveled. Roots are thin and short, stems are slender, brownish-green, 4~8 cm long, or up to more than 20 cm long, and 1~2 mm in diameter. There are more than 10 slightly convex brown annular nodes on the stems, some nodes have adventitious roots, and sometimes flowers grow at the apex. The texture of the herb is tough or brittle (crisp), and the center of the fracture surface is primrose yellow (pale yellow). The leaves are shriveled, easy to break and fall off, and the complete or intact leaves are oblanceolate to oblong, brown-green, 1.5~2.8 cm long, and 0.3~0.7 cm wide. The inflorescence is cymose, the small flowers are yellowish-white. The herb has a slight smell, and it tastes slightly bitter.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.antibacterial effect, the inhibition of staphylococcus alba is strong, the inhibition of staphylococcus aureus is second, it also has a certain inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, Bacillus typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus, Endomyces albicans, Shigella flexneri; ②.protecting the liver and reduction of alanine aminotransferase.

 Medicinal efficacy: The herb can clear heat and dampness, detoxification, reduce swelling, reduction of alanine aminotransferase. It is indicated for jaundice with a damp-heat pathogen, dysuria, gonorrhea, carbuncle swelling sore ulcer, acute and chronic hepatitis, persistent hepatitis, diarrhea and dysentery, abscess of the lung, acute appendicitis, sore and furuncle swelling poison, snake insect bites, fire and water burn, swelling and pain in the throat, dental ulcer and eczema, herpes zoster.

 Administration of Herba Sedi (Chuí Pén Cǎo): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Herba Sedi (Chuí Pén Cǎo)
TCM Books: ①.Internally:dry herb 15~30 grams, or fresh herb 250 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 15~30 grams, fresh herb 50~100 grams, or extract juice.Externally:proper amount, mashed and apply stick, or prepare to ground herb powder and smear, or extract juice and smear, or apply stick with water decoction.




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