Herbs Clearing Heat and Drying Dampness.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) herbalism is also known as pharmaceutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Chinese pharmaceutics, is the branch of health science dealing with the preparation, dispensing, and proper utilization of Chinese herbs. It is majorly composed of Introduction of Chinese Medicinals, Classification of Chinese Herbs, Formulas, and Patent medicines.

Classifications of Herbs:Herbs Clearing Heat and Drying Dampness.

 TCM Herbs Icon05 Introduction: Herbs Clearing Heat and Drying Dampness: an agent or substance bitter in taste and cold in property that is effective for eliminating heat and dampness, usually used in the treatment of diseases caused by damp-heat, such as acute jaundice, acute dysentery, urinary infection, eczema, boils and abscesses.

 Heat-clearing herbs mostly are cold and cool in property, a few are neutral and cool in nature, mostly are bitter in flavor, some are sweet, pungent or salty, has functions clearing heat, purging fire, cooling blood, detoxifying heat-pathogen, relieving asthenic heat, drying dampness, removing dampness, nourishing Yin, relieving exterior, etc., and these herbs are mainly used for various syndromes of interior-heat. Clearing-heat herbs are classified into several kinds: ①.heat-clearing and fire-purging herbs, ②.heat-clearing and dampness-drying herbs, ③.heat-clearing and counteracting-toxins herbs, ④.heat-clearing and blood-cooling herbs, and ⑤.asthenic heat-clearing herbs, etc.

 Heat-clearing and dampness-drying herbs mostly are cold in property, bitter in flavor, have functions dispelling pathogenic heat and drying dampness, purging fire and detoxifying, and these herbs are mainly used for damp-heat syndromes, with main symptoms of fever, thoracic oppression, scanty dark urine (short urination and dark urine), yellowish tongue and greasy tongue coating. Representative herbs of this kind are Radix Scutellariae (Huánɡ Qín), and other herbs including Cortex Phellodendri (Huánɡ Bò), Radix Gentianae (Lónɡ Dǎn), Radix Sophorae Flavescentis (Kǔ Shēn), Cortex Fraxini (Qín Pí), Cortex Dictamni (Bái Xiān Pí), Cortex Ailanthi (Chūn Pí), Radix Berberidis (Sān Kē Zhēn), Fructus Gardeniae (Zhī Zi), Radix Berberidis (Sān Kē Zhēn), etc.

Heat-clearing and dampness-drying herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 05 Introduction: The Herbs Clearing Heat and Drying Dampness are known including:, , , , , , , , , , .

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [11] kinds of common TCM herbs, [29] kinds of related plant species, are recorded in this category. These Herbs Clearing Heat and Drying Dampness are briefly introduced separately:

Radix Scutellariae (Baical Skullcap Root).

 Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Brief Introduction: The herb Radix Scutellariae is the dried root of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi(family Labiatae), used (1).to clear heat and dry dampness for treating damp-warm and damp-heat diseases, (2).to clear the lung of heat for relieving cough in cases of lung heat, (3).to purge fire and counteract toxins for treating boils, sores, painful swelling of the throat,(4).to cool blood for stopping hematemesis, epistaxis, abnormal uterine bleeding, and (5).to prevent miscarriage in cases of threatened abortion. The herb is commonly known as Radix Scutellariae, Baical Skullcap Root, Huánɡ Qín.more
Cortex Phellodendri (Amur Cork-tree).

 Cortex Phellodendri Brief Introduction: The herb Cortex Phellodendri is the dried bark of Chinese corktree, Phellodendron chinense Schneid., or Amur Corktree, Phellodendron amurense Rupr (Phellodendron Rupr genus, family Rutaceae, Rutales order), used (1).to clear heat and dry dampness in cases of acute dysentery, jaundice, morbid leukorrhea, and heat stranguria,(2).to purge fire and counteract toxins for treating boils, sores and ulcers, and (3).to relieve fever in cases of Yin deficiency with night sweats. The herb is commonly known as Cortex Phellodendri, Amur Cork-tree, Huánɡ Bò.more
Radix Berberidis (Barberry Root).

 Barberry Root Brief Introduction: The herb Radix Berberidis is the dried root of Berberis poiretii Schneid., Berberis sargentiana Schneid., Berberis veitchii Schneid, Berberis soulieana Schneid., or Berberis vernae Schneid (family Berberidaceae), used a similar way to golden thread. The herb is commonly known as Barberry Root, Root of Chinese Barberry, Sān Kē Zhēn.more
Radix Gentianae (Chinese Gentian).

 Gentiana manshurica Brief Introduction: The herb Radix Gentianae is the dried root and rhizome of Gentiana manshurica Kitag., Gentiana scabra Bunge., Gentiana triflora Pall., Gentiana rigescens Franch (family Gentianaceae), used to clear heat, dry dampness, and purge the liver and gallbladder fire for the treatment of (1).damp-heat in the liver and gallbladder with morbid leukorrhea, jaundice, or eczema, and (2).liver fire with headache, hypochondriac pain, deafness or convulsions. The herb is commonly known as Radix Gentianae, Chinese Gentian, Lónɡ Dǎn.more
Radix Sophorae Flavescentis (Light-yellow Sophora Root).

 Light-yellow Sophora Root Brief Introduction: The herb Radix Sophorae Flavescentis is the dried root of Sophora flavescens Ait (family Leguminosae), used to clear heat, dry dampness, kill parasitic worms and induce diuresis for treating acute dysentery, jaundice, morbid leukorrhoea, and externally for eczema and scabies. The herb is commonly known as Radix Sophorae Flavescentis, Light-yellow Sophora Root, Kǔ Shēn.more
Cortex Fraxini (Ash Bark).

 Cortex Fraxini Brief Introduction: The herb Cortex Fraxini is the dried branch bark or trunk bark of Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance., Fraxinus szaboana Lingelsh., Fraxinus chinensis Roxb., or Fraxinus stylosa Lingelsh (family Oleaceae), used for treating acute dysentery and inflammation of the eye. The herb is commonly known as Cortex Fraxini, Ash Bark, Qín Pí.more
Herba Abri (Canton Love-pea Vine).

 Abrus cantoniensis Hance Brief Introduction: The herb Herba Abri is the dried entire plant of Abrus cantoniensis Hance (family Leguminosae), used to clear heat, remove damp, soothe the liver and alleviate pain for treating hepatitis and epigastric pain. The herb is commonly known as Herba Abri, Canton Love-pea Vine, Jī Gǔ Cǎo.more
Cortex Dictamni (Dittany Root-bark).

 Cortex Dictamni Brief Introduction: The herb Cortex Dictamni is the dried root-bark of Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz., or Dictamnus angustifolius G. Don ex Sweet (family Rutaceae), used internally or externally for skin diseases with excessive secretion and itching. The herb is commonly known as Cortex Dictamni, Dittany Root-bark, Bái Xiān Pí.more
Cortex Ailanthi (Tree-of-heaven Bark).

 Cortex Ailanthi Brief Introduction: The herb Cortex Ailanthi is the dried root bark or stem bark of Ailanthus altissima (Mill) Swingle (family Simarubaceae), used for treating diarrhea, chronic dysentery, abnormal uterine bleeding, and leukorrhea. The herb is commonly known as Cortex Ailanthi, Tree-of-heaven Bark, Chūn Pí.more
Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae (Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome).

 Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae is the dried rhizome of Smilax glabra roxb., or Smilax lanceaefolia Roxb.var.opaca A.DC (family Libiaceae), used to counteract toxins and eliminate dampness for the treatment of syphilis, morbid leukorrhea, and heat stranguria. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae, Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome, Tǔ Fú Línɡ.more
Folium et Ramulus Cotini (Smoketree Twig).

 Cotinus coggygria Brief Introduction: The herb Folium et Ramulus Cotini is the dried leaf and branch of Cotinus coggygria Scop.var.cinerea Engl (family anacardiaceae), used for treating hepatitis with jaundice, dysentery, and eczema with pruritus. The herb is commonly known as Folium et Ramulus Cotini, Smoketree Twig, Huánɡ Lú.more

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