Introduction of Dong Kui Guo:Cluster Mallow Fruit or Fructus Malvae.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Cluster Mallow Fruit, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Malva verticillata L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Cluster Mallow Fruit, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Fructus Malvae(Cluster Mallow Fruit).

many dried seeds of Fructus Malvae Pin Yin Name: Dōnɡ Kuí Guǒ.
 English Name: Cluster Mallow Fruit.
 Latin Name: Fructus Malvae.
 Property and flavor: cool, astringent, sweet.

 Brief introduction: The herb Fructus Malvae is the dried ripe fruit of Malva verticillata L., used to clear heat and induce diuresis for treating stranguria, oliguria, and edema. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Malvae, Cluster Mallow Fruit, Dōnɡ Kuí Guǒ.

 Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Fructus Malvae (Cluster Mallow Fruit) as the dried ripe fruit of the species (1). Malva verticillata L. It is a plant of the Malva Linn. Genus, the Malvaceae family (hibiscus, mallow family) of the Malvales order. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Malva verticillata L.

 flowering plants of Malva verticillata L with small white flowers and green leaves grow in field Botanical description: Malva verticillata L is also known as M.pulchella Bernh., is commonly known as Dōnɡ Kuí. A biennial herb, the plant grows up to 60~90 cm tall; Unbranched, the stem is covered with stellate pilose. Leaves are alternate; petioles are 2~8 cm long, only the groove on the upper surface is pubescent; stipule (peraphyllum) is ovate-lanceolate, is covered with stellate pilose; leaf blade is reniform to circular (round), 5~11 cm in diameter, often palmately 5~7 lobed, lobes are short, triangular, has blunt tip, margin is crenate, both surfaces are covered with very sparse coarse hairs or glabrate.

 Flowers are 3 to several, cluster in leaf axils, subsessile to short stipitate; the general involucre has 3 bracteoles, linear-lanceolate, covered with cilia; the calyx is cyathiform (cuplike), 5-lobed, wide triangular, covered with sparse stellate long hirsute; corolla is whitish to faint red (rosiness), 5 petals, 6~8 mm long, the apex is concave, has claws; style of stamen is 4 mm long, piliferous; style has 10~11 branches.

 plants of Malva verticillata L grow in field Fruit is disc-shaped (oblate form), 5~7 mm in diameter, 10~11 mericarps, the back surface is smooth, lateral sides are reticulated; Seeds are reniform, about 1.5 mm in diameter, puce (purple-brown), glabrate. Its flowering period is from March to November.

 Ecological environment: Malva verticillata grows in plain, hilly wildness, the herb is produced in the northwest, southwest areas, and the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. It had been cultivated for vegetable food use as early as before the Han dynasty, and now it is still cultivated as a vegetable.

 dark chocolate brownish seeds of Mallow Fruits are piled together Characters of herbs: The fruit of Malva verticillata is composed of 7~9 small mericarps, which are disc-shaped (oblate form) with a persistent calyx at the bottom. The schizocarp is orange segment shaped or reniform, 1.5~2 mm in diameter, and its thinner side is concave in the center. The pericarp is brownish-yellow in appearance, the back surface is smooth, and there is an emarginate (slightly concave) round spot on both sides near the concave part, with radioactive stripes outward from the round spot. The seeds are orange segment-shaped reniform, and the seed coat is black to tan (chocolate brown). The texture of the herb is hard, broken cotyledons are cordiform (cordate), and two cotyledons overlap and flex. The herb has a slight odor, it tastes puckery.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.inhibit the growth of tumor cells in vitro.

 Medicinal efficacy: Clearing heat and prompt diuresis, detumescence (reduce swelling). It is indicated for urodialysis (sappression of urine), edema, thirst, urinary tract infections, etc.

 Administration of Fructus Malvae (Dōnɡ Kuí Guǒ): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Fructus Malvae (Dōnɡ Kuí Guǒ)
TCM Books: ①.Internally:3~9 grams.




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