Introduction of Hai Feng Teng:Kadsura Pepper Stem or Caulis Piperis Kadsurae.
✵The article gives records of the herb Kadsura Pepper Stem, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Kadsura Pepper Stem, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Caulis Piperis Kadsurae(Kadsura Pepper Stem).
Pin Yin Name: Hǎi Fēnɡ Ténɡ.
English Name: Kadsura Pepper Stem.
Latin Name: Caulis Piperis Kadsurae.
Property and flavor: slightly warm, pungent, bitter.
Brief introduction: The herb Caulis Piperis Kadsurae is the dried stem of Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi., used to dispel wind-damp, unblock the meridian, disperse cold and alleviate pain for treating rheumatalgia of the joints with muscular contracture and traumatic pains. The herb is commonly known as Caulis Piperis Kadsurae, Kadsura Pepper Stem, Hǎi Fēnɡ Ténɡ.
Botanical source: Famous herbal classics defined the herb Caulis Piperis Kadsurae (Kadsura Pepper Stem) as the dried stem of (1).Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi. It is a plant of the Piper L genus, Piperaceae family (pepper family), Archichlamydeae order. This commonly used species is introduced as:
(1).Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi.
Botanical description: The plant, Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi is also known as Piper futokadsura Zucc., commonly known as Fēng Téng or Xì Yè Qīng Lóu Téng. Wood vine; stem has a longitudinal edge, covered with sparse hairs when young and roots grow on the node. Leaves are more or less coriaceous, with white glandular points, oval (egg-shaped) or ovate-oblong, 6~12 cm long, 3.5~7 cm wide, the apex is mucronate or obtuse, the base is cordate, rarely blunt, the upper surface is glabrous, the undersurface is usually pubescent; 5 leaf veins, basal or subbasal; petioles are 1~1.5 cm long, sometimes piliferous; the leaf sheath is limited to the base.
Flowers are unisexual, dioecious and cluster into spikes opposite to leaves. Male inflorescences are 3~5.5 cm long; peduncles are slightly shorter than petiole, and rachides (floral axis) are slightly strigillose; bracts are rounded, subsessile, peltate, about 1 mm in diameter, the upper surface is covered with white coarse hairs; 2~3 stamens, filaments are short. Female inflorescence is shorter than leaf blade; peduncle and petiole are equal in length; flower bracts and inflorescence axis are same as male inflorescence; ovary is spheric shape, free, 3~4 stigmas, linear, pubescent.
Berries are globular, brownish yellow, and 3~4 mm in diameter. Its flowering period is from May to August.
Ecological environment: The plant grows in lowland forests, climbing on trees or rocks. The plant is mainly distributed in the coastal areas and Islands of southern and other areas of China. It is also distributed in other areas of East Asia.
Growth characteristics: The plant prefers an environment of high temperature, moist, static wind, better choose a field with good drainage, deep soil layers and relatively fertile, slightly acidic, or neutral sandy loam for cultivation.
Characters of herbs: The stems and vines of the herb are flat cylinders (flat cylindrical), slightly flexuous, of different lengths, 15~60 cm long, and 0.3~2 cm in diameter. The surface is taupe (dust color) or brown, coarse and rough, with longitudinal prismatic veins and obvious nodes, the internode length is 3~12 cm, and the nodes are enlarged, with adventitious roots. The herb is light, the texture of the herb is crisp and easy to break, the fracture surface is irregular, the cortex is narrow, the xylem (wood part) is wide and broad, there are grayish yellow and grayish white radial textures, and many small pores (lenticels), often cracks at the junction of the cortex layer and the xylem (wood part), there is a taupe (grayish brown) pith in the center. The herb has an aromatic odor, and it tastes slightly bitter, and pungent.
Pharmacological actions: ①.increase the nutritive blood flow in mice and reduce the resistance of collateral vessels in the ischemic area in dogs; ②.good effect on coronary heart disease and cerebral thrombosis; ③.antagonize the decrease of arterial blood pressure.
Medicinal efficacy: Dispel wind and dampness, free meridian and channels, regulate Qi, alleviating pain, relieve numbness pain. It is indicated for wind-cold arthritis with fixed pain caused by dampness, limb joint pain, muscle and pulse tension, muscular constricture, bend to stretch disadvantage, abdominal pain and flatulence, edema.
Administration of Caulis Piperis Kadsurae (Hǎi Fēnɡ Ténɡ):
Administration Guide of Caulis Piperis Kadsurae (Hǎi Fēnɡ Ténɡ)
TCM Books:
①.Internally:6~12 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 2~5 qian (about 6~15 grams), or infusing in wine; ③.Internally:water decoction, 6~15 grams, or infusing in wine.
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1.Introduction of Hai Feng Teng:Kadsura Pepper Stem or Caulis Piperis Kadsurae.