Introduction of Xiang Jia Pi:Chinese Silkvine Bark or Cortex Periplocae.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Chinese Silkvine Bark, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Periploca sepium Bunge., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Chinese Silkvine Bark, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Cortex Periplocae(Chinese Silkvine Bark).

dried herb slices and segments of Cortex Periplocae Pin Yin Name: Xiānɡ Jiā Pí.
 English Name: Chinese Silkvine Bark,Chinese Silkvine Root-bark.
 Latin Name: Cortex Periplocae.
 Property and flavor: warm, pungent, bitter, toxic.

 Brief introduction: The herb Cortex Periplocae is the dried root-bark of Periploca sepium Bunge., used to dispel wind-damp in cases of rheumatic arthritis, and induce diuresis for edema. The herb is commonly known as Cortex Periplocae, Chinese Silkvine Bark, Xiānɡ Jiā Pí.

 Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Cortex Periplocae (Chinese Silkvine Bark) as the dried root-bark of (1). Periploca sepium Bunge. It is a plant of the Periploca genus, the Asclepiadaceae family (Asclepiadoideae, milkweed subfamily), Contortae order. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Periploca sepium Bunge.

 plants of Periploca sepium Bunge.,purple branches and leaves Botanical description: The plant, Periploca sepium Bunge is commonly known as Gāng liǔ. A deciduous sprawling shrub, the plant grows up to 1.5 meters long. Taproots are terete, the rind is taupe brown (grayish brown), the endothelium is pale yellow. The plant has latex, and the whole plant is glabrous except for flowers; the stem bark is taupe brown (grayish brown); branchlets are usually opposite, pinstriped, lenticellate. Leaves are opposite; petioles are about 3 mm long; leaf blades are membraneous, ovate-oblong, 5~9 cm long, 1.5~2.5 cm wide, the apex is acuminate, the base is cuneate, dark green, the under surface is pale green; midrib is flat on the leaf surface, slightly convex on the back surface, lateral veins are fine, flat on both surfaces, many, 20~25 lines on each surface.

 a colorful drawing of Periploca sepium Bunge.,root and stems,leaves Cymes are axillary, with several flowers; calyx is 5-parted, the apex of sepals (calyx lobes) is blunt, the inner surface base of the calyx has 10 small glands; corolla is prunus (violet-red), the diameter of flowers is 1.5~2 cm in flowering, 5 corolla lobes, the middle part is thickened and in fusiform (spindle-shaped), reflexed, the inner surface is villous; corolla tube is short, about 3 mm, lobes are oblong-lanceolate, 8 mm long, 4 mm wide; catacorolla (paracorolla) is annular (ring-shaped), 10-lobed, among which 5 lobes are filiform (filamentous) and stretched, pubescent; male flowers insert on the inner surface of catacorolla, anthers adhering to each other and enclosing stigma; carpels are free, glabrous, contains several ovules, stigma is discoid convex; the translater (pollen carrier) is spatulate, tetrahedral granular pollens are hidden in the translater, and the sticky disc sticks to the stigma.

 flowering tree of Periploca sepium Bunge.,with green fruit berries and purple flowers Follicles are binate, terete, 7~12 cm long, about 5 mm in diameter, glabrous, has vertical stripes; seeds are oblong, about 7 mm long, about 1 mm wide, dark brown, apex has white silky seed hairs; the seed hairs are 3 cm long. Its flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from July to September.

 Ecological environment: The plant grows in plains, hilly forest edges, slopes, sandlots by the river, valley terraces, river flats, wasteland, loess hills, forests, roadsides, plains, field edges, and fixed or semi-fixed dunes. The plant is distributed in the northern, northwest, southwest, and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. It is also distributed in the ussuri, far east.

 small trees of Periploca sepium Bunge. grow in field Growth characteristics: Periploca sepium is not strict in climate choice, it is better to choose the hillside or the sunny riverside for planting. For soils, better to choose fields with deep soil layers, fertile, yellow sandy soil with good drainage.

 dried herb segments and pieces of Chinese Silkvine Root-bark are piled together Characters of herbs: The root bark is in the shape of a reel or a groove, and a few are irregular lumpy flaky, 3~12 cm long, 0.7~2 cm in diameter, and 2~5 mm thick. The out surface is taupe brown (grayish brown) to yellowish-brown, coarse and rough, has transverse lenticels, and the cork bark often flakes off as scales, exposing the ash gray (grayish white) cortex; the inner surface is primrose yellow (faint yellow) to sallow (grayish yellow), slightly smooth, with fine longitudinal striation. The herb is light, the texture of the herb is crisp and easily broken, the fracture surface is yellowish-white, orderless. The herb has a special aroma and a bitter taste. The herb of a better grade has thick strips, thick bark, in the shape of a reel, a strong aroma and a bitter taste.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.cardiotonic effect, ②.central excitatory effect, ③.other effects: increase pulmonary circulation under certain conditions, cardiotonic and diuretic effect is proved, bark has an insecticidal effect.

 Medicinal efficacy: Dispel wind and dampness, strengthen muscles and bones, alleviate water retention and reduce swelling, cardiotonic. It is indicated for the treatment of wind-cold-dampness arthralgia, rheumatism and numbness pain, waist and knee pain, palpitations and shortness of breath, lower extremity swelling, edema, dysuria (difficulty in micturition), heart failure, etc.

 Administration of Cortex Periplocae (Xiānɡ Jiā Pí): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Cortex Periplocae (Xiānɡ Jiā Pí)
TCM Books: ①.Internally:3~6 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 1.5~3 qian (about 4.5~9 grams),infusing in wine or prepare to pill,powder; ③.Internally:water decoction, 4.5~9 grams,or infusing in wine,or prepare to pill,powder.Externally:proper amount,wash with water decoction.
 Precautions and Adverse Reactions:the herb Cortex Periplocae should not be taken overdose.




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