Introduction of e Bu Shi Cao:Herba Centipedae or Small Centipeda Herb.
✵The article gives records of the herb Small Centipeda Herb, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braum et Aschers., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant, the features of the herb Small Centipeda Herb, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Herba Centipedae(Small Centipeda Herb).
Pin Yin Name: é Bù Shí Cǎo.
English Name: Small Centipeda Herb.
Latin Name: Herba Centipedae.
Property and flavor: warm, pungent.
Brief introduction: The herb Herba Centipedae is the dried entire plant of Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braum et Aschers, used (1).to disperse cold and relieve nasal congestion for the treatment of colds with an acute rhinitis, and (2).to stop cough. The herb is commonly known as Small Centipeda Herb, Herba Centipedae, or é Bù Shí Cǎo.
Botanical source: The herb Herba Centipedae (Small Centipeda Herb) is the dried entire plant of Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braum et Aschers, it is a plant of the Centipeda Lour. genus, the Asteraceae family (Compositae, daisy family) of the Campanulales order.
Herbal classic book defined the herb Herba Centipedae (Small Centipeda Herb, or é Bù Shí Cǎo) as the dried entire plant of:(1).Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braum et Aschers. This commonly used species is introduced:
Centipeda minima (L.)A.Braum et Aschers.
Botanical description: Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braum et Aschers is also known as Centipeda minima (L.)A.Br. et Ascher., Shí Hú Suī (Centipeda minima) or Qiú Zī Cǎo, the plant is also known as Small Centipeda. An annual herblet, the plant grows up to 5~20 cm tall. The stem is slender and many-branched, the base is decumbent, easily rooted after touching the ground, and glabrous or has slight trichomes (woolly hairs). Leaves are alternate; sessile; the leaf blade is sphenoid oblanceolate, 7~20 mm long, 3~5 mm wide, the apex is obtuse, the margin is sparsely irregularly serrated, glabrous, or the undersurface has fuzz (fine hairs).
Capitulum (flower head) is thin and small, oblate, about 3 mm in diameter, grows solitarily in leaf axils, impedicellate or nearly impedicellate (almost no peduncle); involucre is hemispherical; involucral bracts are in 2 layers, elliptic-lanceolate, green, the margin is membranous, lobes on the outer layer are larger than the inner layer; receptacles are flat, no bracts; flowers are hermaphroditic, light yellow or yellowish-green, all are fistuliform (tubular); peripheral female flowers are multilayered, the corolla is thin, has inconspicuous lobes; central flowers are hermaphroditic, the corolla is distinctly 4-lobed.
Achene is elliptic, about 1 mm long, and 4-ribbed, its margin has long pilose; no pappus. Its flowering period is from September to November.
Ecological environment: The plant grows in the wild on the roadside, awn field, ridge of field, and wet grass. Resources distribution: the plant is distributed in the northern, central, southern, and southwest of China.
Growth characteristics: The plant grows in the wild on the roadside, awn field, the ridge of the field, and wet grass field.
Characters of herbs: The herb is tangled and agglomerated. The fibrous roots are slender, and light yellow; the stems are thin and many-branched; the herb is crisp and easily broken, the fracture surface is yellow-white. Leaves are small and subsessile; the leaves are mostly shriveled or broken, and the intact leaves are spatulate (spoons-shaped) after flattening, the surface is gray-green or brown, with 3~5 serrations at the edges. The capitulum (flower head) is yellow or yellowish brown. The herb smells slightly fragrant, smells irritating after long-time sniffing and tastes bitter and slightly pungent. The herb of a better grade is gray-green, has a strong and stimulating smell.
The herb is collected between September and November, when the plant is in flowering, it is used as a fresh herb, or dried in the sun as a prepared herb.
Pharmacological actions: ①.effect of relieving cough, expectorant, and asthma; ②.sensitive to diphtheria bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, and other experimental strains, and inhibitory effects on mycobacterium tuberculosis; ③.effect of suppressing the influenza virus.
Medicinal efficacy: Dispel wind, dissipate cold, eliminate dampness, remove leucoma (dim eyesight), relieve nasal congestion, indicated for cold, pharyngitis (throat obstruction), pertussis (whooping cough), abdominal pain of eruptive disease, malaria, chancroid diarrhea, rhinopolyp (nasal polyp), leucoma (dim eyesight) and itchy, ecthyma (chronic ulcer of the shank), scabies and traumatic injury, etc.
Administration of Herba Centipedae (é Bù Shí Cǎo):
Administration Guide of Herba Centipedae (é Bù Shí Cǎo)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 6~9 grams,Externally:proper amount; ②.water decoction, 1.5~3 qian (about 4.5~9 grams),or extract juice.Externally:mashed and stuff nose,prepare to finely ground herb powder and stuff nose, or mashed and apply stick; ③.5~9 grams, as water decoction; mashed to juice and take. Externally:proper amount, mashed and apply stick, or mashed and stuff it into nose, or mashed and apply.
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1.Introduction of e Bu Shi Cao:Herba Centipedae or Small Centipeda Herb.