Pungent-Warm Exterior-releasing Herbs.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) herbalism is also known as pharmaceutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Chinese pharmaceutics, is the branch of health science dealing with the preparation, dispensing, and proper utilization of Chinese herbs. It is majorly composed of Introduction of Chinese Medicinals, Classification of Chinese Herbs, Formulas, and Patent medicines.

Classifications of Herbs:Pungent-Warm Exterior-releasing Herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon01 Introduction: Pungent-Warm Exterior-releasing Herbs: an agent or substance herbs pungent in flavor and warm in property, which is usually used for treating a wind-cold exterior syndrome. Exterior-releasing herbs mostly are pungent in flavor and have dispersing functions, and could dispel exogenous pathogens from perspiration thus the exogenous syndromes are relieved, according to its differences on flavor and functions, Exterior-releasing herbs are mainly classified into two kinds, pungent-warm exterior-releasing herbs and pungent-cool exterior-releasing herbs.

 Pungent-warm exterior-releasing herbs mostly are warm in property, pungent in flavor, have functions dispelling wind and cold pathogens, etc., and these herbs are mainly used for various syndromes due to exogenous wind and cold pathogens. Representative herbs of this kind are Ramulus Cinnamoni (Guì Zhī), Radix Saposhnikoviae (Fánɡ Fēnɡ), and other herbs including Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens (Shēnɡ Jiānɡ), Folium Perillae (Zǐ Sū Yè), Herba Elshotziae (Xiānɡ Rú), Herba Schizonepetae (Jīnɡ Jiè), Radix Angelicae Dahuricae (Bái Zhǐ), Rhizoma Ligustici (Gǎo Běn), Flos Magnoliae (Xīn Yí), Fructus Xanthii (Cānɡ ěr Zǐ), Notopterygium Rhizome (Qiānɡ Huó), Herba Centipedae (é Bù Shí Cǎo), Bulbus Allii Fistulosi (Cōng Bái), etc.

Pungent-Warm Exterior-releasing Herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 02 Introduction: The Pungent-Warm Exterior-releasing Herbs are known including:, , ,, , , , , , , , , , .

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are Totally [14] kinds of common TCM herbs, [26] kinds of related plant species, are recorded in this category. These Pungent-Warm Exterior-releasing Herbs are briefly introduced separately:

Ramulus Cinnamoni (Cassia Twig).

 Cassia Twig Brief Introduction: The herb Ramulus Cinnamoni is the dried young stems of Cinnamomum cassia Presl., used (1).to induce sweating for releasing the muscles in cases of wind-cold affliction, (2).to warm and unblock the meridians to relieve various pains due to cold and congealing blood, and (3).to stimulate menstrual discharge for treating amenorrhea. The herb is commonly known as Ramulus Cinnamoni, Cassia Twig, Guì Zhī.more introduction of Ramulus Cinnamoni
Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens (Fresh Ginger).

 Fresh Ginger Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens is the fresh rhizome of Zingiber officinale (Willd.) Rosc., used (1).to induce sweating for releasing the superficies in cases of wind-cold affliction, (2).to warm the middle for stopping vomiting. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens, Fresh Ginger, Shēnɡ Jiānɡ.more introduction of Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens

Radix Saposhnikoviae (Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root).

 Saposhnikovia divaricata Brief Introduction: The herb Radix Saposhnikoviae is the dried root of Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk.(family Umbelliferae), used (1).to release the superficies for exterior syndromes, (2).to dispel wind in cases of urticaria, (3).to dispel wind-damp and alleviate pain in cases of rheumatalgia, and (4).to relieve spasm in cases of tetanus. The herb is commonly known as Radix Saposhnikoviae, Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root, Fánɡ Fēnɡ.more introduction of Radix Saposhnikoviae
Radix Angelicae Dahuricae (Dahurian Angelica Root).

 Dahurian Angelica Root Brief Introduction: The Radix Angelicae Dahuricae is the dried root of Angelica dahurica(Fisch.ex Hoffm.) Benth. et Hook.f. or Angelica dahurica(Fisch.ex Hoffm.) Benth.et Hook.f. var.formosana(Boiss.)Shan et Yuan, used (1).to release the superficies, disperse wind and alleviate pain in cases of frontal headache and stuffy nose in colds, rheumatalgia, and toothache, (2).to eliminate dampness for checking leukorrhagia, and (3).to discharge pus and reduce swelling for the treatment of boils, sores, abscesses, rhinitis, and nasosinusitis. The herb is commonly known as Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Dahurian Angelica Root, Bái Zhǐ.more introduction of Radix Angelicae Dahuricae
Herba Schizonepetae (Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb).

 Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb Brief Introduction: The Herba Schizonepetae is the dried aerial part of Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.(family Labiatae), used (1).to release the superficies and disperse wind in cases of wind-cold affliction, (2).to promote eruption for treating measles, and (3).to dispel wind for urticaria. The herb is commonly known as Herba Schizonepetae, Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb, Jīnɡ Jiè.more introduction of Herba Schizonepetae

Spica Schizonepetae (Fineleaf Schizonepeta Spike).

 Fineleaf Schizonepeta Spike Brief Introduction: The Spica Schizonepetae is the seed-bearing part of schizonepeta used in a similar way to Herba Schizonepetae, fineleaf schizonepeta herb, with stronger actions. The herb is commonly known as Jīnɡ Jiè Suì.more introduction of Spica Schizonepetae

Herba Schizonepetae Carbonisata (Carbonized Fineleaf Schizonepeta).

 Carbonized Fineleaf Schizonepeta Brief Introduction: The Herba Schizonepetae Carbonisata is the carbonized schizonepeta used as a hemostatic for treating functional uterine bleeding and hematochezia. The herb is commonly known as Jīnɡ Jiè Tàn.more introduction of Herba Schizonepetae Carbonisata

Folium Perillae (Perilla Leaf).

 Perilla Leaf Brief Introduction: The herb Folium Perillae is the dried leaf of Perilla frutescens(L.) Britt., used (1).to induce sweating for treating wind-cold affliction, (2).to stop vomiting, and (3).as an antidote for fish and crab poisoning. The herb is commonly known as Perilla Leaf, Purple Perilla Leaf, Zǐ Sū Yè.more introduction of Folium Perillae

Herba Elshotziae (Elsholtzia Herb).

 Elsholtzia Herb Brief Introduction: The herb Herba Elshotziae is the dried aerial part of Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angru., used (1).to induce sweating and resolve dampness in cases of a summer cold, (2).to cause diuresis for relieving edema. The herb is commonly known as Herba Elshotziae, Elsholtzia Herb, Xiānɡ Rú.more introduction of Herba Elshotziae

Rhizoma Ligustici (Chinese Lovage).

 Ligustrum sinense Oliv Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma Ligustici is the dried rhizome and root of Ligustrum sinense Oliver, or Ligusticum jeholense (Nakai et Kitag.) Nakai et Kitag., used to relieve pain in the vertex of the head in cases of wind-cold affliction, and rheumatic arthralgia. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Ligustici, Chinese Lovage, Gǎo Běn.more introduction of Rhizoma Ligustici

Flos Magnoliae (Biond Magnolia Flower).

 Biond Magnolia Flower Brief Introduction: The herb Flos Magnoliae is the dried flower bud of Magnolia biondii Pamp., Magnolia denudata Desr., or Magnolia sprengeri Pamp., used for treating stuffy nose and nasal discharge in cases of rhinitis and nasosinusitis. The herb is commonly known as Flos Magnoliae, Biond Magnolia Flower, Xīn Yí.more introduction of Flos Magnoliae

Fructus Xanthii (Siberian Cocklebur Fruit).

 Siberian Cocklebur Fruit Brief Introduction: The Fructus Xanthii is the dried ripe fruit of Xanthium sibiricum Patrin.ex Widder.(family Compositae), used to disperse wind, eliminate damp, relieve nasal congestion and alleviate pain for the treatment of wind-cold affliction of a stuffy nose, rhinitis, nasosinusitis, urticaria with pruritus, and rheumatism. The herb is commonly known as Fruit of Siberian Cocklebur, Fructus Xanthii, or Cānɡ ěr Zǐ.more introduction of Fructus Xanthii

Herba Centipedae (Small Centipeda Herb).

 Small Centipeda Herb Brief Introduction: The herb Herba Centipedae is the dried entire plant of Centipeda minima (L.) A.Braum et Aschers, used (1).to disperse cold and relieve nasal congestion for the treatment of colds with an acute rhinitis, and (2).to stop cough. The herb is commonly known as Small Centipeda Herb, Herba Centipedae, or é Bù Shí Cǎo.more introduction of Herba Centipedae

Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii (Notopterygium Rhizome or Root).

 Notopterygium Rhizome Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii is the dried rhizome or root of Notopterygium incisum Ting ex H.T.Chang., or Notopterygium forbesii de Boiss(family Umbelliferae), used to dispel wind, cold and damp for the treatment of wind-cold affliction, and wind-cold-damp(rheumatic or rheumatoid) arthralgia, especially that of the upper part of the body. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii, Notopterygium Rhizome or Root, Qiānɡ Huó.more

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