Introduction of Mo Han Lian:Eclipta, Yerbadetajo Herb or Herba Ecliptae.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Eclipta,Yerbadetajo Herb, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Eclipta prostrata L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Eclipta,Yerbadetajo Herb, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Herba Ecliptae(Eclipta,Yerbadetajo Herb).

dried herb segments and pieces of Herba Ecliptae Pin Yin Name: Mò Hàn Lián.
 English Name: Eclipta,Yerbadetajo Herb.
 Latin Name: Herba Ecliptae.
 Property and flavor: cold, sour, sweet.

 Brief introduction: The herb Herba Ecliptae is the aerial part of Eclipta prostrata L., used (1).as a blood-cooling hemostatic for various hemorrhages due to excessive heat in the blood, and (2).as a tonic to nourish the liver and kidney for the treatment of dizziness, tinnitus, premature graying of hair, and aching and weakness in the back and legs. The herb is commonly known as Herba Ecliptae, Eclipta, Yerbadetajo Herb, Mò Hàn Lián.

 flowering plants of Eclipta prostrata L. with small white flowers grow in a cluster Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Herba Ecliptae (Mo Han Lian), or Yerbadetajo Herb as the dry aerial part (above-ground part), or dry whole herb of the Composite family plant species (1). Eclipta prostrata L. It is a plant of the Eclipta genus, the Asteraceae family (Compositae, aster, daisy family) of the Campanulales order. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Eclipta prostrata L.

 flowering branche of Eclipta prostrata L. with small white flowers Botanical description: Eclipta prostrata (L.) L is a plant of the Composite family and Eclipta genus, it is also known as Eclipta alba (L.) Haask., or Verbesina prostrata L., it is commonly known as Eclipta prostrata, Yerbadetajo Herb, or Lǐ Cháng. An annual herb, the plant grows up to 10~60 cm high. The whole plant is covered with white coarse hairs, when it is broken, the saps flow out turns picine (blue-black) in several minutes. Stems are upright, or the base is obliquely ascending or procumbent, touch the ground and grow out roots, green or reddish brown. Leaves are opposite; leaf blades are linear oval to lanceolate, sessile or shortly stipitate, 3~10 cm long, 0.5~2.5 cm wide, entire or slightly with fine teeth, and both surfaces are covered with white coarse hairs.

 a flowering plant of Eclipta prostrata L. with a small white flower Capitula (flower heads) are apical or axillary, general involucre is campanulate (bell-shaped), 5~6 involucre bracts (phyllary), the receptacle is flat, a few ligulate flowers and many tubular flowers insert on receptacle; ligulate flowers are male flowers, the corolla is white, developed or sterile; tubular flowers are hermaphroditic, yellowish green, developed.

 Achenes are yellow-and-black, about 3 mm long, has no pappus. Its flowering period is from July to September, the fruiting period is from September to October.

 flowering branches of Eclipta prostrata L. with three white flowers Ecological Environment: Eclipta prostrata L grows in fields, roadsides, banks of streams, and wetlands. This species is mainly distributed in regions across China, and is also widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

 Eclipta prostrata L., is found in wet places, on the roadside, on the edge of fields, on the edge of the pond, and on the banks of the river. It is also found in wet paddy fields or abandoned paddy fields, and often grows with Portulaca oleracea, Hedyoftisdiffusa, Leptochloa chinensis, etc. The plant has a strong resistance to shade, it can grow well on wet ground. Intolerant to drought, in a slightly dry place, the plants are short and grow poorly. In the wild state, Eclipta prostrata blooms from May to August, the seeds mature after 20~30 days of flowering, and the whole plant decays and disappears on its own. In the case of artificial cultivation, seedlings grow for 1~2 months, flowering in 20~30 days, fruiting needs 15~20 days, and the flowering period is extended to about 1 month. Then the whole plant withered.

 a flowering plant of Eclipta prostrata L.with one white flower grow in field Growth characteristics: The plant Eclipta prostrata prefers a warm and moist climate, resistant to shade and dampness. It is appropriate to choose moist, loose and fertile, humus-rich sandy loam or loam soil for cultivation.

 dried pale green brownish herb segments and pieces of Eclipta,Yerbadetajo Herb Characters of herbs: The whole herb, with or without roots, is covered with white coarse hairs. The root is fibrous, 5~10 cm long. The stem is cylindrical, many-branched, 2~7 mm in diameter, the surface is celadon (sage green, or grayish green) or slightly purplish, with longitudinal ridges, the texture of the herb is crisp and easy to break, the fracture surface is yellow-white, there is white loose pith part in the center, and sometimes are hollow. The leaves are opposite, mostly curled or broken, green-black, and the intact leaves are lanceolate when they are flattened, 3~10 cm long, and 0.5~2.5 cm wide, entire or slightly serrulate, subsessile. Capitula (flower heads) are solitary and grow on the end of branches, 6~11 mm in diameter, the peduncle is thin and long, 5~6 involucral bracts, yellow-green or tan (chocolate brown), and the corolla mostly falls off. Achenes are oblate elliptic, brown, with tubercular protrusions on the surface. The herb has a slight fragrance, it has a mild taste, and is slightly salty, and puckery. The herb of a better grade is dark green (greenish black), and foliose (leafy).

 Pharmacological actions: ①.hemostasis (stanching bleeding); ②.cardiovascular effect; ③.effect on central nervous system; ④.antibacterial effect.

 Medicinal efficacy: Nourish liver and kidney, nourish Yin, cool blood, and hemostasis (stanching bleeding). It is indicated for the deficiency of liver and kidney, loosening of the tooth, premature graying hair, dizziness and dazzled, vertigo and tinnitus, ache and pain of waist and knee, Yin deficiency and blood-heat, hematemesis (vomiting blood), haemoptysis (coughing blood), epistaxis (nose bleeding or bleeding from five aperture or subcutaneous tissue), hematuria (blood in urine), hemafecia (pass blood in stool), blood dysentery, uterine bleeding, diphtheria, stranguria with turbid discharge, morbid leukorrhea, pudendum wet and itching, traumatic bleeding, bleeding from knife wounds.

 Administration of Herba Ecliptae (Mò Hàn Lián): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Herba Ecliptae (Mò Hàn Lián)
TCM Books: ①.Internally:6~12 grams. Externally:fresh herb, proper amount; ②.Internally:water decoction, 0.3~1 liang (about 9~30 grams);prepare paste, extract juice or prepare to pill, powder. Externally:mashed and apply stick, prepare to ground herb powder and sprinkle, or stuff nose; ③.Internally:water decoction, 9~30 grams;or prepare to paste, or extract juice, or prepare to pill, powder. Externally:proper amount, mashed and apply stick;or stuff nose, or prepare to finely ground herb powder and apply stick.




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