Introduction of Hua Rui Shi:Ophicalcite or Ophicalcitum.
✵The article gives records of the herb Ophicalcite, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its mineral source onbe mineral, ①.serpentine marble., with a detailed introduction of this mineral, the features of the herb Ophicalcite, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Pin Yin Name: Huā Ruǐ Shí.
English Name: Ophicalcite.
Latin Name: Ophicalcitum.
Property and flavor: neutral in nature, sour, puckery.
Brief introduction: The herb Ophicalcitum is the marble containing green serpentine, used as an astringent hemostatic for treating hemoptysis and hematemesis, and externally for treating incised wounds. It is commonly known as Ophicalcitum, Ophicalcite, Huā Ruǐ Shí.
Mineral source: Common herbal classics and other famous herbal classics defined the herb Ophicalcitum (Ophicalcite) as the marble containing green serpentine. This commonly used mineral is introduced:
(1).Serpentine marble.
Mineral description: Serpentine marble is mainly composed of marble and serpentine formed by the mineral calcite. The crystal structure belongs to the monoclinic system. Individual crystals are lamellar and needle-like, but they are rare. It is often plate-shaped, scale-shaped, or granular aggregates. Dispersed in calcite grains as fibrous or speckled masses. It is generally green, varying in depth, there is a white, light yellow, gray, blue-green, brown-black, fibrous, or scaly silk luster. The hardness value (HRC, or degree of hardness) is 2.5–3.5, relative density is 2.5–3.6, smooth when touched.
The mineral was formed by the metamorphism of limestone. It is mainly produced in the northern area, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and other areas of China.
Characters of herbs: The herb or mineral is a granular and dense block aggregate, which is an irregular block of different sizes. The surface is coarse and rough, angular but not sharp. It is white or pale grayish-white and has a shining star-like luster to the light. Among them, there are dotted or striped patterns (ophiolite), yellowish-green and waxy luster, which is commonly called "halo of many colors". The herb is heavy, the texture of the herb is hard, the fracture surface is coarse and rough after it is smashed, and marks can be carved on it with a knife. The herb is odorless, it is tasteless. The herb of a better grade has neat blocks with yellowish-green markings.
Medicinal efficacy: Dissolving accumulated stasis of blood, hemostasis (stanch bleeding). It is indicated for emptysis, hememesis (spitting blood), epistaxis (nose bleeding or bleeding from five aperture or subcutaneous tissue), hemafecia (pass blood in stool), uterine bleeding, stillborn foetus, anemic fainting, bleeding from trauma, detention of the afterbirth, bleeding from incised (metal-inflicted) wound, hurt and pain from falling and hurting.
Administration of Ophicalcitum (Huā Ruǐ Shí):
Administration Guide of Ophicalcitum (Huā Ruǐ Shí)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 4.5~9 grams, prepare to ground herb powder and take. Externally:proper amount; ②.Internally:prepare to powder, 1~3 qian (about 3~9 grams), Externally:prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle apply; ③.Internally:prepare to powder, 1~3 qian (about 3~9 grams), Externally:prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle apply.
Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions:the herb Ophicalcitum should forbidden using during pregnancy.
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1.Introduction of Hua Rui Shi:Ophicalcite or Ophicalcitum.