Introduction of Bei Sha Shen:Coastal Glehia Root or Radix Glehniae.
✵The article gives records of the herb Coastal Glehia Root, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Glehnia littoralis F.Schmidt ex Miq., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Coastal Glehia Root, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Radix Glehniae(Coastal Glehia Root).
Pin Yin Name: Běi Shā Shēn.
English Name: Coastal Glehia Root.
Latin Name: Radix Glehniae.
Property and flavor: cool in nature, tastes sweet, bitter, tasteless.
Brief introduction: The herb Radix Glehniae is the dried root of Glehnia littoralis Fr.Schmidt ex Miq., used to replenish Yin of the lung and stomach and promote fluid production for the treatment of dipsosis, dry throat, and dry cough. The herb is commonly known as Radix Glehniae, Coastal Glehia Root, Běi Shā Shēn.
Botanical source: Common herbal classics and other famous herbal classics defined the herb Radix Glehniae (Bei Sha Cen) as the root of the plant species (1). Glehnia littoralis F. Schmidtex Miq. It is a plant of the Glehnia Genus, the Apiaceae family (Umbelliferae, parsley family) of the Apiales order. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Glehnia littoralis F.Schmidt ex Miq.
Botanical description: The plant, Glehnia littoralis F.Schmidt ex Miq is a plant of the Apiaceae family (Umbelliferae, parsley family) and Glehnia genus, it is commonly known as Běi Shā Shēn. A perennial herb, it grows up to 5~20 cm high. The whole plant is covered with white pubescence. The taproot (main root) is thin and long, cylindrical, 30~40 cm long, 0.5~1.5 cm in diameter, dense, rarely branched, the cortex is yellow-white, the fibrous root is small and inserted on the main root, lateral roots are few.
The part of the stem above ground is shorter, the underground part is elongated. Basal leaves are thick, and have long petioles; petioles are 5-15 cm long, the base is wide sheath-shaped, edge is membranous; the outline of leaf blades are oval (egg-shaped) to triangular-ovate, ternate, or ternate bipinnatifid, terminal lobes are obovate to oval (egg-shaped), 1-6 cm long, 1-4 cm wide, apical tip is circular to acuminate, base is cuneate to truncate, edge is incised-serrate, tip edge is white cartilaginous; petioles and leaf veins have fine and tiny hirsute; cauline leaves and basal leaves are similar in shape, the base of petioles is gradually enlarged to sheath-shape.
Composite umbels (compound umbels) are apical, densely covered with taupe long pilose, 3~6 cm in diameter, peduncles are 2~6 cm long; Umbrella spokes are 8~16, unequal length, 1~3 cm long; no involucre bracts; bractlets (bracteoles) are a few, linear-lanceolate, edge and back surface are densely pubescent; umbellule(umbellet) has 15~20 flowers; 5 calyx teeth, narrow triangular-lanceolate, has sparse coarse hairs; flower petals are white; stylopodium is short conical.
The cremocarp (mericarp) is spherical (globular) or elliptic, length is 6~13 mm, width is 6~10 mm, densely covered with brown pilose and fluff, fruit ribs have corky wings, the transverse cross-section of mericarp is oblate elliptic, has 5 edges and corners, commissure is flat, vittae (oil duct) are many, connect to a circle, the ventral surface of endosperm is slightly sunken. Its flowering period is from May to July, the fruiting period is from June to August.
Ecological Environment: Glehnia littoralis F.Schmidt ex Miq grows in the coastal sand, or beach, or is cultivated in fertile loose sandy loam. Geographical distribution: This species is mainly distributed in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Zhujiang River area, the northern area, the southeastern area, east big island, and other areas of China.
Growth characteristics: The plant Glehnia littoralis prefers a warm and moist climate, it is tolerant to coldness, and drought, avoids waterlogging, and avoids continuous cropping and peanut stubble. It is appropriate to choose a field with deep soil layers, loose and fertile, well-drained oil sand soil, sandy loam, and alluvial sandy loam for cultivation, it is not appropriate to choose clay, and low-lying waterlogged land for planting.
Characters of herbs: The herb root is thin and long cylindrical, occasionally has branches, 15~45 cm long, the diameter is 0.2~1.5 cm or 0.4~1.2 cm. The surface is yellowish-white, slightly coarse and rough, and occasionally has residual cortex; The surface with bark is yellowish-brown, has irregular vertical grooves and fissuring, and has yellowish-brown elongated lenticels, and more punctate protuberant radicula marks (marks of radicel or fine root). The root head is attenuated and has a residual stem base. The texture of the herb is firm and crisp, easily broken, the cortex of the fracture surface is light yellowish white, the cambium ring is bistre (seal brown), and the xylem (wood part) is yellow, with radial lines. The herb has a slight fragrance, it tastes slightly sweet. The herb of a better grade has a well-proportioned diameter, lengths are uniform, and cork bark is cleaned, yellowish-white.
Pharmacological actions: ①.enhance in vitro toad heart contraction; ②.increase blood pressure; ③.antipyretic and analgesic action; ④.inhibit delayed-type hypersensitivity; ⑤.inhibition on cellular immune function and T and B cell proliferation, etc.
Medicinal efficacy: Nourishing Yin and clear lung-fire, replenish stomach and generate body fluid, reduce phlegm and relieve cough. It is indicated for lung heat and dry cough, pulmonary dryness and dry cough, over-strained cough and phlegm blood, consumptive disease and chronic cough, consumptive disease and coughing blood, deficiency of stomach Yin, febrile disease and injury of body fluid, injury of fluid and dry mouth, Yin injury and dry pharynx, dry pharynx and thirst.
Administration of Radix Glehniae (Běi Shā Shēn):
Administration Guide of Radix Glehniae (Běi Shā Shēn)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 5~12 grams; ②.Internally:water decoction, 3~5 qian (about 9~15 grams);or prepare an ointment, or prepare to pill; ③.Internally:water decoction, 5~10 grams, or prepare an ointment, or prepare to pill, powder.
Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions: The herb Radix Glehniae should not be combined with Black False Hellebore, Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae.Should avoid using the herb Radix Glehniae in conditions cough of wind cold affection, deficiency cold of lung and stomach.
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1.Introduction of Bei Sha Shen:Coastal Glehia Root or Radix Glehniae.