Yin Syndromes of Bian Que and Yin Syndromes of Zhong Jing.

Yin Syndromes of Bian Que and Yin Syndromes of Zhong Jing. 
 ✵扁鹊(Biǎn Què): also known as 秦越人(Qín Yuèrén), a famous ancient herbalist physician, the famous ancient works Nan Jing(the Difficult Classic) was ascribed to him.

 ✵In the Yin Syndromes of Bian Que and Zhong Jing, herbalist Wáng Hǎogǔ concluded and classified the fogs, dews, rains, dampness, clouds and mists in the mountains as clear pathogens.

Clear Pathogens from Bian Que and Zhong Jing.
Clear Pathogens from Bian Que and Zhong Jing. 
 ✦The Clear Pathogens from Bian Que and Zhong Jing is introduced as:

 ✧Bian Que: one exhale four arrives(of pulse), one inhale four arrives(of pulse), the conditions turn severe, (the case whose pulse is) large and bounding suffer from dysphoria, (the case whose pulse is) sinking and fine suffer from pain in abdomen,(the case whose pulse is) slippery is hurt by heat, (the case whose pulse is) uneven is affected by fogs and dews.

 ✧Zhong Jing: after the Frost's Descent(the 18th solar term), and before the Spring Equinox (the 4th solar term), in conditions in spite of the frost and dews, affected by cold pathogen and sick, are all cold-induced disease.

 ✧Conclusion from herbalist 王好古(Wáng Hǎogǔ): frost, dews, fogs and dews, clear dampness Qi after a long rain, clouds and mists in the mountains, miasma are all clear pathogens. There are cases affected by exogenous pathogens with thin clothes, there are cases affected by endogenous pathogens on an empty stomach, there are cases affected by endogenous and exogenous pathogens with thin clothes and on an empty stomach, the mild or severe difference, is from the deficiency of excess of the Primordial Qi of the person! Not only those who are affected by endogenous cold and drink cold, mistake herbs with cool nature, and get affected by Yin syndromes? The severe case which could not be treated, for the deficient person has hidden Yin endogenously and affected by cold exogenously, affected endogenously and exogenously, so could not be treated yet.

Yin Syndromes of Zhong Jing.
Yin Syndromes of Zhong Jing. 
 ✦The Yin Syndromes of Zhong Jing are introduced as:

 ✧Cunkou pulse Yin and Yang both tight, is the condition that clear pathogen affects the Upper Energizer, the turbid pathogen affect the Lower Energizer. The clear pathogen affects the upper, is known as Jie(clean); the turbid pathogen affects the lower, is known as Hun(turbid). The Yin phase is affected by pathogen, surely endogenous trembling, the exterior Qi slight and weak, the interior Qi could not hold, as a result, pathogen affect the Yin phase; the Yang phase is affected by pathogen, surely fever with headache, stiff and spasm of the neck, pain in the low back and ache in the shank, is the case affected by pathogen of fogs and dews. Thus clear pathogens affect the upper, turbid pathogens affect the lower. The Yin pathogen lead to trembling, cold in feet and knees, stool and urine pass out randomly, the exterior Qi slight and deficient, the interior Qi slight and urgent, the triple Energizers mixed together, obstacles the interior and the exterior, depression in the upper energizer, the Qi of Zang-viscera fumigate each other, the mouth rotten and erosion. The middle energizer not in regulation, the stomach Qi rising up, the spleen Qi not transporting, the turbid stagnant in the stomach, the Ying and Wei system are blocked, blood coagulate and do not flow. In the condition of the Chong Qi(adversely ascending qi of thoroughfare vessel) flow out at the front, urine red or bloody, stool bloody yellow(or red yellow), combat with heat, and driven by heat, flow to meridian and collaterals, flow in and out Zang and Fu-viscera, where the heat is blocked, turned to carbuncle and pus. In the condition of the Yin Qi flow out at the front, Yang Qi turn weak, Yin has no drive, the exogenous Qi enter inside, sneeze and drive it out, sounds turbid and throat blocked, cold syncope follows, driven by heat, involuntary blood(diarrhea) passing down, shape similar as pig liver, adverseness of both Yin and Yang, the spleen Qi is in a state of solitude and weakness, five liquids flows downward, the lower energizer does not close, clear urine pass heavily, result lead to constipation, pain in belly button and abdomen, life is difficult to recover.

 ✧Case take grains(diet) and desire to vomit, belong to Yang Ming,...Take decoction and turn severe, belong to the upper energizer, should treat the upper energizer. Shao Yin vomit and diarrhea, cold limbs(cold in hands and feet), vexation restless and desire to die,...Jue Yin dry retch, spit saliva and foams, extreme pain in the head(severe cephalea)...

 ✧Case urine uninhibited and not thirst, belongs to Tai Yin, for Zang-viscera is cold...Tai Yin hands and feet involuntary warm, pulse floating,...Case pulse floating and slow(retarded), heat exterior and cold interior, pass indigested food in diarrhea...Shao Yin syndrome and vomit out when taking food, warm in the heart and desire to throw up, could not vomit, in the initial stage, cold in hands and feet, pulse string-like and slow, is the case excess in the chest, could not use purgation method, should induce vomit. In case cold retention above the diaphragm, dry retch, should not induce emesis, should use a warm method. Shao Yin syndrome, case pulse sinking, should warm it urgently. Case great perspiration diarrhea and cold limbs, should use...Profuse sweating, heat not relieved, contraction internally, pain in limbs, diarrhea cold limbs and aversion to cold, should use...Case diarrhea and abdominal distension and fullness, body pain, should warm the interior first, then treat the exterior. Case vomit and pulse weak, urine uninhibited, slight heat of body with cold limbs, difficult to treat, belong to Jue Yin. Case vomit and diarrhea with perspiration, fever and aversion to cold, spasm in limbs(spasm in hands and feet), cold limbs(cold in hands and feet), should use...Case vomit diarrhea uninhibited urine and profuse sweating, diarrhea with indigested grains(indigested food), cold interior and heat exterior, pulse weak and will collapse, should use...Case fever with cephalea(headache), pain and ache of body, should save interior, and better use...

 ✧Shao Yin syndrome, diarrhea with indigested grains, interior cold and exterior heat, cold limbs, pulse weak and will collapse, on the contrary not aversion to cold, complexion bloody, or pain in abdomen, or dry retch, or pharyngalgia(pain in throat), or diarrhea relieved and pulse not, should use...Case diarrhea with indigested grains, interior cold and exterior heat, perspiration and cold limbs, should use...This belongs to Jue Yin.

 ✧Case cold limbs(cold hands and feet), pulse fine and will collapse, should use...

 ✧Case Shao Yin syndrome, diarrhea and pulse weak, should use...

 ✧Case Shao Yin syndrome, diarrhea and pulse weak...diarrhea not relieved, cold limbs and no pulse, dry retch and vexed, should use...Take decoction, case pulse explosive will die, case pulse weak and continuous will survive.

 ✧Tai Yang syndrome, induce perspiration, sweating and not relieved, still fever, palpitation below the heart, dizziness, trembling and shaking and fall on the ground, use...Shao Yin syndrome, not relieved in two to three days, till four to five days, pain in abdomen, difficulty in urination, heavy in limbs and pains(heaviness and pains in legs arms hands and feet), involuntary diarrhea, is the case with water pathogen, or cough, or uninhibited urination, or diarrhea, or vomit, should use...

 ✧Cold-induced disease, Yang pulse uneven, Yin pulse string-like, should observe acute pain in abdomen, better use...firstly. Cold-induced syndrome, two to three days, case palpitation in the heart and vexed, should use...

 ✧Chest impediment, epigastric oppression(oppression below the heart), Qi stagnant and fullness in chest, rising Qi below the hypochondriac region and affect the heart, should use...To treat the splenic and gastric incoordination, middle cold rising upward, fullness in chest, pain in heart and abdomen, phlegm rising and nausea, or vomit timely, oppression and deficient below the heart, blocking and obstacles, reduced appetite, short of breath and emaciation, should warm the middle and dispel water, relieve perspiration and eliminate dampness. Also, case cold and dampness in stomach and intestines, diarrhea(loose bowels), water and grains could not be separated, thunder in abdomen, and affected by cold or seasonal pathogens, and interior cold exterior heat, acute gastroenteritis and vomit diarrhea, cold limbs, chest impediment and pain in heart, rising of Qi, all could be treated. In the case of cold...In the case of chest impediment and oppression at lower.

 ✧Acute gastroenteritis, headache and fever, much heat and desire to drink water, should use...In case much cold and not use water, should use...Recover from a serious illness, like to spit, could not be relieved after a long period, cold in the chest, should warm it with pills, better use...

 ✧Cold-induced disease, eight to nine days, combat of wind and dampness, pain in the body, could not turn around, not vomit and not thirst, pulse floating feeble and uneven, better use...

 ✧Shao Yin syndrome, one to two days, normal sense of the mouth(normal taste of mouth), aversion to cold on the back, should use moxibustion, also could use...Shao Yin syndrome, body pain, cold in hands and feet, pain in joints, pulse sinking, could use...

 ✧Cold-induced disease, eight to nine days, combat of wind and dampness, vexation pain of the body, could not turn around involuntarily, not vomit and not thirst, pulse floating feeble and uneven, could use...In case stool is hard, urine is un-inhibited, should use...

 ✧In case used purgation method, induce perspiration again, vexation and restless in day time could not sleep, quiet at night, not vomit and not thirst, no exterior syndrome, pulse sinking and weak, no big heat on the body, should use...In case of spontaneous sweating, use...in case of no sweating, use...

 ✧Induced perspiration and purgation method, syndrome still not relieved, vexation and restless, use...

  • 1.Yin Syndromes of Bian Que and Yin Syndromes of Zhong Jing.
  • 2.Nan Jing:the Difficult Classic.By 扁鹊(Biǎn Què).
  • 3.Shang Han Za Bing Lun:the Treatise on Cold-induced and Miscellaneous Diseases.By 张仲景(Zhāng Zhòngjǐng).
  • 4.Yin Zheng Lue Li(the Sketchy Cases of Yin Syndromes).By 王好古(Wáng Hǎogǔ).

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