✵The article gives records of the herb Chives, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Allium schoenoprasum L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Chives, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Chives(Cive Garlic).
English Name: Chives.
Latin Name: Allium schoenoprasum L.
Common Names: Cive Garlic, Civet, Chive.
Property and flavor: warm in nature, tastes pungent.
Brief introduction: Chives are native to Asia and enjoy popularity as a winter kitchen herb. It is a perennial plant and belongs to the lily family, which also includes leeks, garlic, onion, and shallots, it is used for its oniony flavor as a seasoning.
Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Chives as the above-ground parts of the species (1).Allium schoenoprasum L. It is a plant species of the Allium genus, the Liliaceae family (lily family). The dried above-ground parts are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Allium schoenoprasum L.
Botanical description: Allium schoenoprasum is a perennial plant, it grows up to 15 to 30 cm high, and the base is branched with numerous upright, closely packed leaves. Thin sheaths form incomplete, oblong bulbs. Bulbs are aggregated with constant pieces, ovate-cylindrical, 0.5~1 cm thick; Bulb outer skin is grayish brown or yellowish, or white, and splits when mature, the skin is chartaceous (papery), striped, and sometimes the tip is fibrous. 1~2 leaves, smooth, tubular, hollow, slightly shorter than scape, 2~6 mm thick. The scape is cylindrical, hollow, smooth, 10~40 cm high, 2~4 mm thick, and one-third to half part is covered by a smooth leaf sheath.
The cyme has numerous florets. The sheath of the inflorescence has 2 or 3 flaps. The involucre is purplish red, 2-lobed, and persistent; the umbrella is nearly spherical, with many dense flowers. Pedicles are often unequal in length, and shorter than perianth lobes. The inner layer is longer than the outer layer, sometimes nearly as long as the perianth lobes, and the base has no bracteoles. Flowers are purple-red to reddish, with luster; Perianth lobes are equal length, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or oblong, acute or pointed, the apex is short or acuminate, 7~11 mm long and 3~4 mm wide, bluish or white to yellowish, and have a dark middle stripe; The filaments are one-third to half the length of perianth lobes, the lower part is 1~1.5 mm connate and attached to the perianth lobes, and the base of the filaments in the inner wheel is narrow and triangular, which is 1.5 times wider than the base of the outer wheel; Ovary is nearly globose, with small honey holes at the base of abdominal suture; Style does not protrude out of perianth. The perianth surrounds the capsule and looks like a balloon. The flowering period is from July to September.
Ecological environment: Allium schoenoprasum grows in wet grasslands, valleys, hillsides, or meadows. It grows wild in the temperate regions of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, west of China, Siberia, and North America.
Growth characteristics: Allium schoenoprasum is suitable for moist and fertile soil and sunny or semi-sunny environment. It can be planted by hydroponics (also called aquaculture, nutriculture, soilless culture, or tank farming, the cultivation of plants in nutrient-enriched water, with or without the mechanical support of an inert medium such as sand, gravel, or perlite.), or it can be planted indoors if there is enough sunshine.
Characters of herbs: Chives are the complete above-ground parts of Allium schoenoprasum, which are harvested before flowering.
Pharmacological actions: ①.boost appetite; ②.boost iron intake; etc.
Studies do not find evidence to support the traditional declaration of chives for appetite stimulation, garlic is better than chives to help improve digestion. Chives contain iron, but their concentration level is not high enough for relieving iron-deficiency anemia (anemia that develops due to a lack of the mineral iron, the main function of which is in the formation of hemoglobin, the blood pigment that carries oxygen from the blood to the tissues.), but chives could be used as one food source to boost iron intake.
Medicinal efficacy: Traditionally chives were used for stimulating the appetite, and aiding digestion, particularly in fatty foods, it is used for its oniony flavor as a seasoning, and some people used plentiful amounts of chives in the diet to relieve iron-deficiency anemia.
Administration of Chives (Cive Garlic):
Administration Guide of Chives (Cive Garlic)
Herbal classic books:
The fresh, chopped herb is commonly used in cooking. Chives are used fresh or dried.
Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: There are no reports of significant adverse reactions have been associated with the use of chives. The intake of large quantities can lead to stomach irritation.