Introduction of Couch grass:Triticum or Dog grass.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Couch grass, its English name, Latin name, common names, synonyms, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Agropyron repens., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Couch grass, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Couch grass(Triticum).

plants of Agropyron repens with thin leaves grow in a cluster in field English Name: Couch grass.
 Latin Name: Agropyron repens(L.)Beauv., sometimes referred to as Elymus repens(L) Gould or Triticum repens L.
 Common Names: Cutch, Dog grass, Durfa grass, quack grass, Quitch grass, Scotch Quelch, wheat grass, witchgrass, Quitch grass, Triticum, etc.
 Synonyms: Triticum infestum, Triticum repens, Zeia repens, Braconotia officinarum, Agropyron repens, Agropyron junceum var. repens
 Property and flavor: The plant is odorless, the taste is sweetish.

 Brief introduction: Couch grass is the rhizome, roots, and stems of Agropyron repens, its nutritious underground stems were consumed by cattle, and were used by humans as a coffee or flour substitute in times of famine.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Couch grass as the rhizome, roots, and short stems of the species (1).Agropyron repens. It is a plant species of the Elytrigia genus, the Gramineae family (Poaceae, grass family). The rhizome, roots, and short stems are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Agropyron repens.

 Botanical description: Agropyron repens is a perennial, with transverse rhizomes, the rhizome has long white runners, is segmented, and is hollow. Culms are upright, smooth, and glabrous, green or glaucous, with 3-5 nodes, it grows up to 40~80 cm high. The leaf sheath is smooth and glabrous, while the basal tillering leaf sheath is downpilose; The paraphyll is short, about 0.5 mm long; The auricle is membranous and small; The leaves are flat, thin, grass-green or gray-green, rough or sparsely pilose on the upper surface, smooth on the back surface, 10~20 cm long and 5~10 mm wide.

 Spikes are erect, 10~18 cm long, and 8~15 mm wide; The internodes of rachis are 10~15 mm long, and the basal ones are 30 mm long, smooth and only have short bristles at the edges; Spikelets contain 5~7 florets, 10~18 mm long and 6~10 mm wide; Spikelet internodes is 1.5 mm long, glabrous; Glumes is lanceolate, with 5-7 veins, smooth and glabrous, sometimes rough between veins, the margin is membranous, 10~15 mm long; Lemma is oblong-lanceolate, with 5-7 veins, the apex is tapering, mucronate, awn is about 2 mm long, the baseplate is obtuse, the first lemma is about 12 mm long; Palea is slightly shorter than lemma, with 2 ridges with short spines; Anthers are yellow, about 5 mm long. Its flowering and fruiting period is from June to August.

 Ecological environment: Agropyron repens is native to Southern Europe and Asia Minor. It is widely distributed in nature, including Central Asia, Siberia, China, Iran, and Europe. Agropyron repens was introduced and cultivated in north temperate countries such as USA (the United States of America) and Canada in the 1930s, and it was widely planted in western North America. It was also introduced to Greenland, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

 Growth characteristics: Agropyron repens grows in low-lying areas of plains, floodplains, lakesides, and ravines, and there are often dominant populations beside canals, ridges, and abandoned lands in plains and oases. It prefers a warm climate and moist, sulfur-loose, and fertile soil, drought-tolerant, salt-alkali-tolerant, and cold-tolerant. The requirements for soil are not strict, and it is best to use deep loamy black meadow soil, which can also grow on lightly salinized soil.

 Characters of herbs: Couch grass rhizome is the rhizome, roots, and short stems of Agropyron repens, harvested in spring before the blade develops, as well as its preparations. The rhizomes are collected after the fields are harrowed. They are cleaned, washed, and dried at approximately 35 °C (Celsius, or 95 degrees Fahrenheit).

 Pharmacological actions: ①.a source of mucilage; ②.diuretic action; etc.

 Related studies found the herb cough grass is a source of mucilage, mucilage swells when it comes into contact with liquid, creating a gooey mass that coats and protects the lining of the delicate mucous membranes that can get so raw and inflamed with a cough or bronchial irritation. Cough grass infusions and drinks exert a mild but pronounced diuretic action, slightly increasing the output of urine.

 Medicinal efficacy: Couch grass was traditionally used as a diuretic for urinary tract problems including cystitis, prostate inflammation, and kidney and bladder stones. As a cough remedy and bronchial decongestant, occasionally for skin conditions, gout, and rheumatic disorders. Its underground stems were taken by cattle and were used as a coffee or flour substitute in times of famine. In Europe, the herb is approved for infections of the urinary tract, kidney and bladder stones, used as an irrigation therapy, for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, and for the prevention of kidney gravel. Its folk medicine uses are for cystitis, kidney stones, gout, rheumatic pain, and chronic skin disorders, it is used as a soothing cough remedy due to the high mucilage content, and the infusion is used for constipation, also used as a fructose-containing additive for diabetics. In homeopathy, it is used to treat urinary tract infections.

 Administration of Couch grass (Triticum): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Couch grass (Triticum)
TCM Books: A decoction is made using 2 to 3 teaspoons of finely chopped root and is drunk up to four times per day. The average single dose is 3~10 grams of the herb in 1 cup of boiling water, the average daily dose is 6~9 grams of herb. 12~24 grams of fresh tea several times a day, for tincture, 5~15 ml 3 times daily. The herb must be kept in sealed containers, protected from light and moisture.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: There is not much about the potential toxicity of cough grass was reported, although its history as a cattle fodder and famine food point to a relative safety profile. Extract fluids should be taken while on a diuretic such as this, such diuretics should not be used in cases of edema caused by heart or kidney insufficiency.




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