Introduction of Jewelweed:Balsam weed or silverweed.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Jewelweed, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Impatiens biflora Walt., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Jewelweed, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Jewelweed(Balsam weed).

flowering plant of Impatiens with pink flower spikes and green leaves grow in woods English Name: Jewelweed.
 Latin Name: Impatiens biflora Walt., Impatiens pallida Nutt., Impatiens capensis Meerb., and occasionally one of the other numerous Impatiens species.
 Common Names: Balsam weed, garden balsam, jewel balsam weed, speckled jewels, spotted touch-me-not, slipperweed, silverweed, speckled jewels, touch-me-not, wild balsam, wild celandine, wild lady's slipper, yellow jewelweed.
 Property and flavor: characteristics.

 Brief introduction: The Impatiens species referred to as jewelweed are typically found growing wild in wet and shady soils along the East Coast of North America, or cultivated as bedding or houseplants. The flowers are pendant like with red spots. The oval leaves and stem juice have been used medicinally.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Jewelweed as the leaves of the species (1). Impatiens biflora Walt. It is a plant species of the Impatiens genus, the Balsaminaceae family (balsam family). The leaves and stem juice are used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Impatiens biflora Walt.

 flowering plant of Impatiens biflora Walt with orange-colored flowers grow in sunny field Botanical description: The plant impatiens biflora is a glabrous, succulent annual 20 to 180 cm high. The stems are simple or branched and have swollen nodes. The leaves are thin, ovate, with 5 to 12 teeth on each side, and are often undulated. They are rich green.

 The axillary flowers are orange-yellow with large reddish-brown spots. They have an irregular form. The sepal sac abruptly contracts to a spur of about 5 to 9 mm. The spur is bent 180 degrees to lie parallel with the sac. The fruit is an oblong capsule which, when mature, bursts open at the slightest touch and spread the seeds over large distances.

 Ecological environment: Impatiens are common in the temperate regions and in South Africa, but it grows mostly in the mountainous, tropical regions of Asia and Africa.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.antifungal property; ②.controversial itching relieving property;etc.

 The component in impatiens balsamina named 2-methoxynaphthoquinone was found to have antifungal properties, and glycosides identified in impatiens biflora, explain its reputation for treating ringworm. The herb's relieving property with poison ivy dermatitis is controversial or unclear. Jewelweed has a digestive, appetite stimulant, and diuretic action.

 Medicinal efficacy: Jewelweed is used traditionally by common folks and Native Americans to prevent and treat poison ivy dermatitis, its poultice of crushed leaves was used for alleviating other skin irritations including bruises, burns, infections, ringworm, hemorrhoids, sores, and warts, but this use for skin irritations is not widespread. It is recommended occasionally by modern herbalists for mild constipation, and liver disorders and as a diuretic for fluid retention. In folk medicine, the fresh plant is used as an ointment for hemorrhoids and the juice is used for removing warts.

 Administration of Jewelweed (Balsam weed): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Jewelweed (Balsam weed)
Herbal classic books: The sap of the stem is applied externally. The herb is administrated as a ground herb and as an infusion.
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: The herb jewelweed external and topical application does not cause any harm to the skin, but whether it is safe to take internally is less clear.




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  • 1.Introduction of Jewelweed:Balsam weed or silverweed.

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