Introduction of Rhodiola rosea:Roseroot or Rosewort.

Popular Herbs. ✵The article gives records of the herb Rhodiola rosea, its English name, Latin name, common names, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Rhodiola Rosea L., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant species, the features of the herb Rhodiola rosea, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Rhodiola rosea(Roseroot).

many brownish dried root segments of Rhodiola rosea are piled together English Name: Rhodiola rosea.
 Latin Name: Rhodiola rosea L.
 Common Names: Roseroot, Roseroot Stonecrop, Rosewort, Arctic root, Aaron’s rod, Rhodaxon, lignum rhodium, orpin rose, etc.
 Property and flavor: fresh root has a roselike aroma, tastes bitter puckery.

 Brief introduction: Rhodiola Rosea is a popular plant in traditional medical systems in Eastern Europe and Asia with a reputation for stimulating the nervous system, decreasing depression, enhancing work performance, eliminating fatigue, and preventing high altitude sickness, it was categorized as an adaptogen due to its observed ability to increase resistance to a variety of chemical, biological, and physical stressors.

 Botanical source: Common herbal classics defined the herb Rhodiola Rosea as the dried root of the species (1). Rhodiola Rosea L. It is a plant species of the Rhodiola genus, the Crassulaceae family (orpine family, stonecrop family). The dried root is used medicinally. This commonly used species is introduced:

(1).Rhodiola Rosea L.

 plants of Rhodiola Rosea with small yellow flowers grow on hillside Botanical description: Rhodiola Rosea is a perennial plant that grows up to about 30~76 cm tall. The plant has a thick rhizome, fragrant when cut. The plant has several stems growing from a short, scaly rootstock. The stems grow from thick rhizomes that smell like roses when sliced and are white, pink, or pale yellow on the inside. Leaves are blue-green, succulent, and are arranged alternately along the stem.

 Flowers have 4 sepals and 4 petals, flowers are fragrant, yellow to greenish-yellow, sometimes tipped with red, about 1~3.5 mm long, and blooming in summer. The flowering period is from May to August. The plant is dioecious, the male flowers wither after flowering, and the female flowers develop orange or red seed capsules.

 plants of Rhodiola Rosea with green leaves and small flowers grow in rocks Ecological environment: Rhodiola Rosea grows in sandy soil at high altitudes in the arctic areas and mountain regions of Europe and Asia, eastern Siberia, and America. The plant is found growing in harsh, dry, barren, rocky conditions, mostly in high-altitude alpine environments.

 Growth characteristics: The plant prefers deep soils, loam or sandy loam soils are suitable, and it grows well under moderately rich and well-drained soils, which are neutral to slightly acidic in nature.

 Characters of herbs: The freshly cut root has a roselike aroma, the underground parts, its rhizomes and roots are used, because the plant grows slow, it can take up to a decade before the raw roots are suitable for medicinal use.

 molecular formula and structure of salidroside,Rhodiola Rosea component Pharmacological actions: ①.adaptogenic actions and anti-stress; ②.aid muscle recovery and increase physical work capacity; ③.enhances memorisation and relieve neurodegenerative diseases; ④.immune system protection; ⑤.relieve depression; ⑥.cardioprotective effect and relieve cardiac problems; ⑦.anti-carcinogenic effect and prevent cancer; ⑧.antioxidant activity. ⑨.antibacterial effects, ⑩.other activities and findings.

 molecular formula and structure of rosin,Rhodiola Rosea component Adaptogenic actions and anti-stress: Rhodiola rosea has long been known as a potent adaptogen. Adaptogens increase the body's non-specific resistance and normalize the functions of the body, consuming adaptogens generates a degree of generalized adaptation or non-specific resistance that allows our physiology to handle the stressful situation in a more resourceful manner, adaptogens work by increasing the ability of cells to manufacture and use cell fuel more efficiently. Some common claimed adaptogenic properties of Rhodiola rosea are to relieve asthenic conditions including a decline in work performance, sleep disturbances, poor appetite, irritability, hypertension, headaches, and fatigue, developing subsequent to intense physical or intellectual strain, influenza, other viral exposures, and other ailments.

 molecular formula and structure of rosavin,Rhodiola Rosea component Aid muscle recovery:Rhodiola rosea could shorten recovery time after prolonged workouts, it stimulates muscle energy status, glycogen synthesis in muscles and liver, muscle protein synthesis and anabolic activity.

 Increase physical work capacity:Rhodiola rosea increased physical work capacity and dramatically shortened the recovery time between bouts of high-intensity exercise. Endurance is the capacity to maintain work despite fatigue.

 molecular formula and structure of rosarin,Rhodiola Rosea component Relieve depression: Rhodiola could enhance the transport of serotonin precursors into the brain, the herb has been used to boost one's mental state. Rhodiola rosea alleviated fatigue, irritability, distractibility, headache, weakness, and other vegetative symptoms.

 molecular formula and structure of tyrosol,Rhodiola Rosea component Antioxidant activity: Rhodiola rosea protect the nervous system from oxidative damage by free radicals. Studies attribute its antioxidant activity to phenolic compounds, polysaccharide, and oligomeric proanthocyanidins.

 Antibacterial effects: studies found that dried Rhodiola rosea root has strong antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus strains.

 Medicinal efficacy: Traditional folk medicine used Rhodiola rosea as an adaptogen to increase physical endurance, increase the resistance to different stress conditions, enhance work performance and productivity, and longevity, prevent high altitude sickness, stimulate the nervous system, relieve fatigue, and as an antidepressant to relieve depression, headaches, anemia and sleep difficulties, impotence, gastrointestinal ailments, infections, and nervous system disorders, extenuate anxiety, cognitive dysfunction, etc.

 Except for the traditional uses, according to modern findings, Rhodiola rosea, and its preparations could be used to prevent cancer and protects the immune system, protects the heart from harmful blood lipids, eliminate heart disease risk factors including raised blood pressure, cholesterol level and potassium level; its phenolic components (salidroside, rosavins, and p-tyrosol) can be used for neuroprotection to prevent and relieve neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease, used to enhance learning and memory function including memorization and concentration ability, protect skin keratinocytes, its oligomeric proanthocyanidins could be used to prevent atherosclerosis, its ethanol or water extracts and phenolic contents can be used for hypertension and type II diabetes, to relieve pain and inflammation, etc.

 Administration of Rhodiola rosea (Roseroot): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Rhodiola rosea (Roseroot)
Herbal classic books: Dosage: 50~200 mg per day is recommended for effectiveness. As an adaptogen, Rhodiola rosea preparations are recommended at different doses depending on their concentration, Rhodiola rosea extract standardized for one-percent rosavin is recommended at a dose of approximately 360~600 mg daily, and the two-percent grade is recommended at a dose of 180~300 mg daily, the three to four percent grade is recommended at a dose of 100~170 mg daily. Rhodiola rosea can be used for periods ranging from as little as one day (for acute administration) up to four months. The recommended dosage for acute purposes (e.g. an exam or athletic competition) is three times the dose used for chronic supplementation (e.g. as an adaptogen).
 Contraindications, Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Rhodiola rosea has activating, antidepressant effects, it should not be used in individuals with bipolar disorder who are vulnerable to becoming manic when given antidepressants or stimulants. Rhodiola should not be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, risks have not been adequately studied. Taken Rhodiola preparation with rosavin content might cause some individuals to experience an increase in irritability and insomnia within several days. Rhodiola rosea has a very low level of toxicity, it is safe to use at the recommended dosage.




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