The advantage of abdominal breath method.


 Introduction of The advantage of abdominal breath method. Introduction: Each breath carries the energy of life. Abdominal breathing can absorb more oxygen. Regular practice can strengthen the body, eliminate the disease. It is the "breath exercise" to strengthen the body.

 Ancient Chinese herbalists have long recognized that abdominal breathing can dispel diseases and prolong life, and created "tuna", "turtle breath", and other fitness methods. Ancient herbalist Sun Simiao also holds abdominal breathing in particular in high esteem. Every day between dawn and noon, he practiced the method of regulating the breath, "taking air from the nose to the abdomen and breathing it until to a full state."

The advantage of abdominal breath method.

 The advantage of abdominal breath method 03 The average lung is about the size of two footballs, but most people use only a third of that capacity in their lifetime. Most people breathe so short that they exhale quickly, often before the fresh air they breathe in reaches the lower lobes of the lungs. Why do turtles and snakes live so long? It is because turtles breathe on their bellies and snakes walk on their bellies. Now, most people reply on chest breathing, so the abdominal movement is weakened, resulting in waste things easy to accumulate, blood flow is easy to stagnate, serious because the abdominal blood flow narrowed and also affect the brain blood supply.

 The advantage of abdominal breath method. ✵How to do abdominal breathing:  Belly deep breathing could be practiced when you stand, sit, lie on the bed, at any time feasible, to lie on the bed is better. Must be carried out in fresh air for not less than 20 minutes per day for at least 100 days. First, the simple method of abdominal breathing is introduced. After you relax and concentrate, breathe in slowly through your nose. Your lungs and abdomen will fill with air and bulge. Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Suggest inspiratory, hold breath, exhale 3 times scale is in 1:1:2, if cannot hold breath so long, 2:1:4. In general, exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation. Inversal type abdominal breath is just opposite when an inspiratory abdominal muscle is contracted, abdominal wall retracts show concave shape, contract anus at the same time, when an expiratory abdominal muscle is loosened, abdomen rises, loosen anus slowly at the same time. The ratio of breathing time is similar to abdominal breathing, good health, breath-holding time can be extended, breathing rhythm as slow as possible to deepen. The person with poor health can not hold your breath, but a breath to absorb enough oxygen. Inverse abdominal breathing is suitable for those with splanchtosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, but not for the elderly, hypertension, heart disease patients and pregnant women.

Benefits of abdominal breathing.

 The advantage of abdominal breath method 04 ✵1. Benefit to the lungs: abdominal breathing can maximize the expansion of the chest, expand the alveoli in the lower part of the lungs, allow more oxygen to enter the lungs, expand the lung capacity, improve the cardiopulmonary function, and reduce lung infection, especially less pneumonia. Increase the ability to cough, expectoration, and relieve dyspnea.

 ✵2. Change the tone: belly breathing changes the way you sound. So actor, singer practice abdominal type breath more. A lack of breath can lead to a muffled or indistinct voice, and one leading English trainer has even suggested that belly breathing can help you speak better English.

 ✵3. Good exercise: instead of having your ribs drop due to gravity when you breathe, you need belly breathing to get the air out of your alveoli. Using belly breathing on your bike will allow you to ride longer and easier. Abdominal breathing can enhance our athletic ability.

 ✵4. Regulate blood and Qi: abdominal breathing "prompt blood and Qi circulation, nourish Yin and Yang", do abdominal breathing, the male body will produce a kind of prostaglandin substance, it will infiltrate into the blood vessels and lymphatics from the cell to remove the toxin of reactive oxygen, expand blood vessels, promote blood circulation. It can improve the function of spleen and stomach, benefit the liver and bile, and promote bile secretion. Abdominal breathing can lower blood pressure by lowering abdominal pressure, which is very good for patients with hypertension.

 The advantage of abdominal breath method 05 ✵5. Calm the spirit and calm the Qi: abdominal breathing can stimulate the internal viscera in the abdomen cavity, make the brain wave become the most comfortable alpha state, reduce the tension of nerves and blood vessels, and reduce the fatigue of the viscera. The person of insomnia can try to do 500 times abdominal type breath before sleeping, cooperate contemplative imagination, can circulate the air inside the body, make cerebra oxygen supplying sufficient, can calm spirit and benefits intelligence, fall asleep easily.

 ✵6. Massage viscera: abdominal breathing can fully contract and relax abdominal muscles, accelerate blood circulation, and eliminate the congestion of abdominal cavity and mesentery. The benefit to gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance the abdominal wall muscle contraction function, increase the bladder, prostate massage, stimulate the sensitivity of the nerve regulation, thus have an obvious effect on the treatment of hypertension, chronic stomach disease, insomnia, constipation, urinary frequency, and other diseases.

 ✵ Tips: When ordinary walk and stand, reduce abdomen forcibly, cooperate abdominal type breath, the abdominal muscle can become compact, achieve the effect of weight loss.


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