A glass of water in the morning.


 Introduction of A glass of water in the morning. Introduction: Wash your face early in the morning after brushing one's teeth, drink a cup of water 15 ~ 30 minutes before breakfast, supply water and dilute blood concentration, can prevent disease, beautify your appearance, it is the good habit that prolonging life.

 Ancient and modern gleanings: There is an old saying in China, "you need water when you get up in the morning, you need water before you go to bed. " Drink water early in the morning, wash your feet before going to bed, drink water early in the morning and wash your feet before going to bed is a good way of health care, this has been the healthy life habit that medical science acknowledges.

A glass of water in the morning.

 A glass of water in the morning 03 Water is one of the seven important nutrients in human body. The motherland medicine TCM thinks, water conduce Yang Qi, free the channels and collaterals. Modern medicine science suggests, water is the main component that forms human body tissue, adult body weight 60% is water. Body metabolism needs water to participate in order to complete its procedure, it can be said that water is the spring of life. Drink enough water every day, can help the body to transport nutrients; Also can lubricate the whole body, regulate body temperature; Help digestion and absorption, waste discharge and maintain the body fluid acid-base balance. Especially in the early morning after getting up, drink the right amount of water, there are many health benefits.

 A glass of water in the morning. The first cup of water in the morning, you should drink it on an empty stomach, 15 ~ 30 minutes before breakfast for the better effect. Otherwise, the effect such as promoting blood circulation and flushing gastrointestinal tract cannot be achieved. Drink slowly and take small sips. About 300 milliliters is optimal. Do not choose juice, cola, soda, coffee, milk and other beverages, even in hot summer it is unfavorable to take salt boiled water as your first cup. Fresh boiled water is a good choice, drink warm water in winter, in other seasons you can drink boiled water cooling to 20℃ ~ 25℃ naturally, so can play the role of gastrointestinal stimulation.

 Better alternatives are honey water and lemon water. Honey water can supply moisture, can supply some nutrition, still conduce to treat constipation at the same time, but it is not suitable for the person that has a gastric disease. And in the morning drink a cup hot boiled water added fresh lemon slice on an empty stomach, not only can neutralize the acid and alkali inside the body, still can clear old stools, eliminate toxin, fresh breath. People with a cold body can choose ginger brown sugar water to boost Yang Qi.

The benefits of a glass of water in the morning.

 A glass of water in the morning 04 ✵1. Prompt diuresis: drinking water on an empty stomach early in the morning can prompt diuresis, and discharge the metabolic toxins and decomposition from the previous day out of the body. Those who is taking medicine should follow this habit, drink this glass of water, timely micturition can reduce the side effects of medicine. At the same time also let gastrointestinal get a timely cleaning, stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, wet intestinal tract, soften stool, promote intestinal endotoxin discharge, prevention and treatment of constipation.

 ✵2. Beauty and weight loss: drinking water in the morning is especially easy to be absorbed by the body and transported to the whole body, which helps blood purification and circulation, moistens the skin and makes the skin look tender and watery; At the same time timely supply water, raised basic metabolization rate, adipose could also be in combustion, conduce to reduce weight.

 ✵3. Refreshing and mind alert: since the water drunk after getting up will be quickly absorbed into the blood by intestinal mucosa, it can effectively increase the blood volume, dilute the blood, reduce the blood consistency, promote blood circulation, make the brain quickly return to the state of wakefulness, and activate you in the morning.

 A glass of water in the morning 05 ✵4. Hydration and disease prevention: the first cup of water in the morning supplies the water lost by human metabolism at night, which can be quickly absorbed by the empty gastrointestinal tract, and is conducive to the dilution of blood, urine, gastric juice, bile and so on. It can prevent and cure cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis and angina. Still, it can prevent and cure cholecystitis, gastroenteritis, urological stone and infection.

 ✵Tips: the thirst sensation in old people cerebrum center is slow, a lot of old people are not sensitive to thirst, so old people should drink water actively, drink water when feel thirst actually means already lose water, make the skin becomes dry, furrow increases.


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