The benefits of fever.


 Introduction of The benefits of fever. Introduction: The human body will have the way of self-protection in the face of disease, such as a fever is a defense mechanism of the human body, this time you better not abuse medicine to suppress a fever, learn to fever to help its heat, could help dispel the pathogens out of the body.

  There is no "cold" in Traditional Chinese Medicine because in TCM the cold and fever is just a phenomenon or a symptom, not a disease. The ancient classical works Shang Han Lun(the Treatise on Febrile Diseases) is a classic cure for all colds. Cold is divided into wind-affection, cold-affection, summer heat-affection, dampness, and heat and so on exterior syndromes, it recorded: "cold pathogen bundled externally, Yang could not penetrate out, so depressed and turn into heat."

The benefits of fever.

 The benefits of fever 03 It is known from the ancient works Shang Han Lun(the Treatise on Febrile Diseases) that colds and fever only exist on the skin area, and fever is the body's defensive response caused by various diseases. So no matter use any cold medicine to "reduce fever" is a wrong way, although sometimes "fever" is reduced temporarily. Because inside viscera and cerebrum did not fall ill, however, the anti-inflammatory medicine will hurt heart and kidney, however, or drip fluid, ice pillow, ice bag will direct the heat and dampness and cold pathogen into the internal viscera. Whether the dripping fluid is a nutrient needle or an "urge needle"?

  Most of the time, the most developed countries such as the USA do not use antibiotics to treat colds and fevers. Antibiotics are more tightly regulated in America than guns. Not to mention how many years before the emergence of a new antibiotic, not to mention how easy it is for human bacteria to produce resistance to antibiotics! Instead, they found that antibiotics were no longer ineffective against new viral colds and had side effects.

 The benefits of fever 04 The cold that affect in summer because of heat dampness dryness fire that has a fever, might be identified as a cold fever caused by winter typhoid fever by mistake, go treating with sweating, anti-inflammation method, the result, the external pathogenic wind-heat wet dryness cold could be directed into the heart and kidney however, the result lead to encephalitis, meningitis. In the Traditional Chinese medicine the encephalitis, meningitis is known as firm spasmodic, gentle spasmodic or acute and slow convulsion, from disease name we can see this is not the problem that the brain burns out.

 Want to compare in the same place, same meridian, same hour, measures the correct difference of temperature, to diagnose whether have a fever. Do not be fooled by the number of a thermometer, some diseases only have a fever in the afternoon but not in the morning, it has special explains and understanding in TCM either.

 The benefits of fever. Cold accounts for the majority of general fever, sweat out and will be relieved. Fever patients not thirsty, can take hot porridge with ginger and sugar, or after hot milk, reoccupy big quilt cover, to promote skin pores open to perspire, don't need to go to a hospital, with a fever when thirsty then drink some water, not thirsty that the body do not need water, not need to drink more boiled water. If you want to drink cold water, you should drink more water to help reduce your body temperature.

Benefits of fever.

 The benefits of fever 05 ✵1. Restore balance: the cold symptom is a product of bringing our body back to a certain balance, giving it a leg up that can better help our health.

 ✵2. Stimulate immunity: do not use medicine to suppress our body's good protective response, can exercise our immune capacity. Babies who have multiple fevers will grow up to be more resistant, and if the child's immune system doesn't fight infection early enough, an allergic reaction can occur later.

 The benefits of fever 06 ✵3. Protect the body: because do not understand the cause of cold and fever, and lead to mistreatment, the wrong use of intravenous drip, ice pillow, and other things, brings more external substance and also might bring pathogens into the body. Not abusing antibiotics is taking responsibility for your own body. Antibiotics may be needed to control inflammation during some acute operations and severe infections, but the body's protective response to fevers it is not necessarily needed.

 ✵4. Reduce complications: if a cold and fever are properly handled in the early stage, complications after a cold and fever will not always follow, such as otitis media, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, but even if complications occur, still do not abuse antibiotics, identify the cause, and then treat the disease.


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