Listen to music after dinner.


 Introduction of Listen to music after dinner. Introduction: Sit still half an hour once finish eat meal, listen to pure and fresh music, close your eyes to rest your mind, not only can relax the mood, still have benefit from digestion, it is a good habit that lets a person enjoy music and enjoy health.

 Ancient and modern gleanings:Sun Simiao, a great medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty, once put forward the idea of keeping healthy after meals: "after each meal, rub the face with your hand and your belly to make the body fluid flow. After eating, hesitate to walk... With hand rub belly hundreds of times, chewing your tooth 36 times, ...then the food is easy for digestion and greatly benefit people, people can eat, without all diseases...... Eat and sleep... Food could not be digested will lead to disease, makes you sick."

Listen to music after dinner.

 Listen to music after dinner 03 Ancient works Shou Shi Bao Yuan(Longevity and Health Preservation) said: "the spleen is fond og music, smell the sound and grinding food.". Ancient works Yi Fang Lei Ju(Medical Prescriptions in Categories) recorded: "the spleen fond of music, just heard the playing of silk and bamboo, the spleen is grinding." Taoism also has the saying that "the spleen can smell music and then grind the food." And in life we also often use "refreshing" to describe pleasant to hear music, music and spleen have a close relationship.

 In the traditional culture of east and west, music is closely related to medicine. For example, the ancient Greek god of healing was the image of holding a harp, and the sun god Apollo was both the god of music and the god of healing.

 Listen to music after dinner. In ancient China, music was regarded as one of the recreational therapies to cultivate one's morality and improve one's health and prolong one's life. As far back as the spring and autumn annals of Lv Shi Chun Qiu in the Qin dynasty, music was put forward to be able to "harmonize the mind" and "fit the movement" of medical aesthetics. Chinese medicine says: "the sky has five tones, people have five Zang-viscera, the sky has six rhythms, people have six Fu-viscera." In ancient works Huangdi Neijing(the Yellow Emperor Inner Canon), the five sounds of gong, shang, jiao, zheng and yu are attributed to the spleen, lung, liver, heart and kidney, and it is pointed out that the five sounds can regulate the rise and fall of human Qi, the growth of Zang and Fu-viscera and the cultivation of consciousness. Generations of health care scholars such as Zhuang zi, Ji kang and so on all have the understanding of the rules of musics.

 Listen to music after dinner 04 Heart is fire and spleen is earth. Music feeling in the heart, and then according to the five elements of the law of generating, namely "fire can produce soil", so the heart can affect the spleen and stomach. So the ancient works the Book of Jin point out: "so hear the palace voice, make a person gentle and lenient." Listen to soft and fresh music, can cooperate with eating. And enjoy music after dinner, can edify temperament, make primordial Qi return, joy and forget worry.

 After a meal, you should not immediately take a shower, go to bed, read a book, work at a desk, sing karaoke, also should not drive. Rinse your mouth after meals and don't brush your teeth to avoid damaging the soft enamel. Drink water if you're thirsty or choking, but don't drink tea, smoke, eat fruit, or drink cold. All of these can interfere with digestion. Also do not loosen pants belt, can have the danger of gastric sag! Right now should sit down comfortably, with palm heart stick abdomen, with navel as the center, slowly and gently along clockwise and counterclockwise direction massage 20 turns. Then while massage, close your eyes and listen to some music. Music better thick and deep, slow in rhythm, infectious. The volume, audio and timbre should be harmonious. Unfavorable choice percussion, rock and roll, because its rhythm is lively, sonorous and powerful, can make the person heartbeat quickens, mood is excited, can affect appetite, hinder digestion. Also avoid sad emotional music.

The benefits of listening to music after meals.

 Listen to music after dinner 05 ✵1. Promote digestion: from the perspective of modern medicine, the wonderful music is introduced into the human body through the auditory and generates subtle harmonious resonance. At the same time, downy and light, beautiful music is a kind of good stimulation, it can play through central nervous system to regulate blood flow, promote blood circulation, strengthen heart and brain liver and kidney function, increase gastric bowel wriggle and digestive gland secretion, strengthen the metabolism.

 ✵2. Therapeutic fitness: in 1972, the Polish government established the first "music therapeutic research institute" on the recommendation of several pathologists and music scientists, which proved to be very effective. The "medicine" that the doctor gives a patient is the music record of Bach, specific method is 3 times daily, listen after meal, the patients suffer from nerve gastritis many years enjoys music and heal on time. Soon, some hospitals in other countries also followed the music treatment method: listen to music 3 times a day, can treat nerve gastritis; Hypertensive patients listening to lyric music can reduce blood pressure; Listening to soft, relaxing music to a frightened person can quiet the patient and eventually restore normalcy.

 ✵3. Reduce weight and keep slim: study shows to listen to light music can reduce the appetite of about 20%. Since soft and slow music can slow down the pace of relaxation, the speed of eating will also slow down, and the first food you eat has already been digested in the body, causing the blood sugar to rise, before you have time to eat a lot of food, the brain center will tell you that you are full.

 ✵Tips: After meal listen to music, but not suit to watch TV however, otherwise can affect digestion.


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