Spitting everywhere will harm others.


 Introduction of Spitting everywhere will harm others. Introduction: Spit everywhere is very unwholesome, but spit is, however, a kind of normal physiology reaction of people suffering from phlegm syndrome, could expel out the waste in the respiratory tract and the bacterium that mix among them, and the dirt. Take some napkins with you, spit out phlegm is the right habit.

 Spitting everywhere will harm others. There is a record of "not spitting everywhere" in the ancient works Qian Jing Fang by ancient herbalist Sun Simiao in Tang Dynasty, which urges people not to spit everywhere. Tang minister Wei expropriated otter skin to make a small bag, lined with oil paper, sewn in the sleeve when there is phlegm quietly spit into the bag, other ministers scrambled to follow, temporarily became a "minister style".

Spitting everywhere will harm others.

 Spitting everywhere 03 Actually, a healthy person does not have phlegm commonly, have phlegm is a symptom that the respiratory system is infected by the pathogenic microorganism. Sputum contains a lot of bacteria, if swallowed, a few bacteria may be killed by gastric juice, but most of the bacteria are still alive, they can enter the intestinal tract and cause intestinal diseases, an open TB patient, in every milliliter of sputum, there are tens of thousands of tuberculosis bacteria. So many bacteria swallow into the stomach, no small harm to the human body. So spit everywhere should be prohibited, better should not swallow phlegm.

 ✵How to handle if there is phlegm could not come out:

 ake some napkins with you, you can use napkins to wrap sputum when you want to spit. Not only timely remove phlegm turbid, and good for environmental health. There are also many times when we feel sputum in the throat can not spit out, feel the respiratory tract is blocked. What should I do now? Introduce everybody two phlegm tips:(1).it is ok to undertake canter, canter at the same time have rhythm cooperate breath (better be abdominal type breath), breathed with nose quickly 1 ~ 2, shrink lip to exhale, not in a short while the phlegm inside your oral cavity is ready to come out; (2).it is to can use balm essence, get balm essence to suck forcibly before nose and suck it, inhale nasal cavity of the cool and refreshing gas, suck until feeling phlegm fluid is about to come out immediately, spit phlegm finally. These methods are very good for the stuffy nose caused by phlegm!

 About the treatment of phlegm syndrome, can use herbs which prompt phlegm medicine for applications, can make phlegm quickly and readily out of the body, could get a quick effect in the treatment of cough, asthma.

Timely sputum helps the body to remove phlegm.

 Spitting everywhere 04 ✵1. Eliminate toxin: phlegm is the mucus secreted by the respiratory tract, which plays a role in cleaning the respiratory tract and catching bacteria, dust, and other particles. It is a key protection line to prevent lung infection. Although a mouthful of sputum contains no more bacteria than a casual piece of land on the road, and the ability of sputum to spread diseases is no bigger than a sneeze, sputum is indeed the waste product discharged from our respiratory tract, with numerous bacteria, dust particles, mites, etc., a small mouthful of sputum, tens of millions of bacteria. Timely elimination of sputum is the timely elimination of these bacteria.

 ✵2. Prevention of disease: swallow phlegm into the stomach, too many bacteria, virus, will cause chronic gastritis, enteritis, patients will appear nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other symptoms. Some may be infected by tuberculosis bacilli and cause primary intestinal tuberculosis, fever, night sweat, diarrhea or constipation, and other symptoms. These bacteria may also spread through the blood to the liver, kidneys, meninges and other areas and cause disease in these areas. Even in those with intestinal ascariasis, many are caused by the sputum of the pharynx. At the same time, the study of traditional Chinese medicine found that phlegm syndrome has sudden onset, changes, hidden, unusual performance, are difficult to diagnose according to Chinese medicine Zang-Fu syndrome, Qi and blood syndrome, six channels syndrome and Ying-Wei syndrome and Qi-blood syndrome, with expectorant and get miracle effect, so the ancient saying "phlegm brings strange syndrome". Many difficult and miscellaneous diseases are attributed pathogenic reasons to phlegm, excrete phlegm in time conduce to the body expectorant.

 ✵Tips: snoring patients generally belong to the phlegm-dampness body-constitution of traditional Chinese medicine, which removing phlegm and dampness method could be used to clear the airway. Snoring can be stopped naturally.


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