Introduction: As the tonic laws in the health preservation, has a long history in China, as the saying goes "tonic food is better than tonic medicine", in the spring season all things are sprouting, it is a good time to take care of the body.
The tonic method is the use of herbs or food with a tonic effect, through nourishing Qi and blood, Yin and Yang, to support the healthy Qi, eliminate weakness and deficiency. Tonic food, as its name suggests, is a way of eating food, to achieve the effect of strengthening physical conditions.
Through the reasonable supplement, it not only could supplement the essential nutrients of the human body, regulate and improve the physiological function of the human body, but also it enhances the ability of the body to resist diseases, make people healthy and live a long life.
Principles for Tonics.
Introduction: There are principles for tonics:
✵★.In the condition of deficiency, the tonics could be used. According to the ancient works Huangdi Neijing, people in their 40s begin to show symptoms of kidney Qi weakening. In this sense, people can take tonics as long as they are over 40 years old.
✵★.Differentiation according to the syndrome, use tonics according to syndromes. There is no such thing as an all-purpose tonic, so it is necessary to make clear differentiation of syndromes before using the tonics, and better distinguish between Yang deficiency and Yin deficiency, Qi deficiency or Blood deficiency, deficiency on pathology or deficiency on physiology.
✵★.Differentiation according to persons. Modern medical science has found that people have different blood types and personalities, as a result, their tolerance and mode of the disease are also different, so the way to choose tonic should also be different.
Step out of the wrong zone of tonic food.
People are no strangers to tonic food, but it does not mean simply adding red jujube fruit or sea cucumbers in your food. The focus of tonic food is how to achieve a balanced diet in the nutrient. When ordinary and normal old people are undertaking tonic food, should notice the following aspects: the protein that absorbs every day should be around 50 grams, below 70 grams, not over too much, or will aggravate the burden of the kidney, intestines, and stomach. The fat intake should be about 50 grams. Old people over 60 years should control the sweet food, old people over 70 years better abstain from sugar. Average old people, daily meal quantity maintains at around 300 grams. At the same time, at least 2000 ml of water should be drunk every day to achieve the balance, so healthy elderly people need about 6 cups of water per day (150 to 200 ml per cup) , and the rest can be obtained from the diet. If you don't have enough vitamins in your diet, take multivitamin supplements.
✵ In addition, the problem of zinc deficiency in elderly people cannot be ignored, because zinc is an important material to maintain the normal sexual function of the human body. So how do you know if you're zinc deficient? There is a simple new test method: dissolve 1 gram of zinc sulfate(available in stores) in 1,000 ml of distilled water, taste 5 to 10 ml of it and hold it in your mouth for 10 seconds. If you feel "dry", "metallic", "fur taste" or "sweet taste", it indicates that zinc supplement can work for you. If the taste is not very comfortable, or even very uncomfortable(such as loss of appetite, nausea, etc.) , the body is not deficient in zinc. Common foods which are rich in zinc are known to include sesame, fish, oyster meat, lean meat, black fungus, as well as Chinese medicine ligustrum lucidum, Chinese wolfberry, solomon-seal rhizome, asparagus officinalis rhizome, Rehmannia root, white chrysanthemum flower, and so on, old people could take them.