Introduction of Wu Bei Zi:Chinese Gall or Galla Chinensis.
✵The article gives records of the herb Chinese Gall, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source three plant species, ①.Rhus chinensis Mill., ②.Rhus potaninii Maxim., ③.Rhus punjabensis Stewart.var.sinica (Diels) Wils., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these three plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these three plant species, the features of the herb Chinese Gall, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Galla Chinensis(Chinese Gall).
Pin Yin Name: Wǔ Bèi Zǐ.
English Name: Chinese Gall.
Latin Name: Galla Chinensis.
Property and flavor: cold nature, tastes sour, puckery.
Brief introduction: The Herb Galla Chinensis is the gall produced mainly by aphides of Melaphis chinensis (Bell) Baker on the leaf of various Sumac, Rhus chinensis Mill., Rhus potaninii Maxim., Rhus punjabensis Stewart.var.sinica (Diels) Wils., used as an astringent agent for the treatment of persistent cough, night sweats, chronic diarrhea, bloody stool, and enuresis, and used externally for treating burns, traumatic bleeding, hemorrhoids, and oral ulcers. The herb is commonly known as Galla Chinensis, Chinese Gall, Wǔ Bèi Zǐ.
Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Galla Chinensis (Chinese Gall) as the gall produced mainly by aphides of Melaphis chinensis (Bell) Baker on the leaf of various Sumac species: (1). Rhus chinensis Mill., (2). Rhus potaninii Maxim., (3).Rhus punjabensis Stewart.var.sinica (Diels) Wils. They are plants of the Rhus genus of the Anacardiaceae family (Julianiaceae, cashew, huachalata, mango, sumac family) of the Sapindales order. These 3 commonly hosted plant species are introduced:
(1).Rhus chinensis Mill.
Botanical description: The plant, Rhus chinensis Mill is also known as Schinus indicus Burm., Rhus semialata Murr.,R.javanica Thunb., commonly known as Yán Fū Zǐ. A deciduous small tree or shrub, the plant grows up to 2–10 meters high. Branchlets are tan (chocolate brown), covered with rust-colored pilose, and have circular small lenticels. Odd-pinnate compound leaves (imparipinnate leaves) are alternate, rachis and petioles often have wings; 5–13 lobules (leaflets), lobules are sessile; lobules are chartaceous (papery), polymorphic, often are oval (egg-shaped) or elliptic-ovate or oblong, 6–12 cm long, 3~7 cm wide. The apex is sharp pointed, the base is circular (rounded), the margin is coarsely serrated or crenated, the surface of the leaves is dark green, the back surface is pinkish green, and glaucous, leaves are covered with sparse pilose along the mid-vein or glabrate, the back surface of the leaf is covered with rust-colored pilose.
Panicles are wide and big, apical, many-branched, male inflorescences are 30~40 cm long, female inflorescences are shorter, densely covered with rust-colored pilose; Flowers are small, miscellaneous, yellow-white; Calyx lobes of male flowers are ovate-oblong, about 1 mm long, flower petals are obovate-oblong, about 2 mm long, revolute (rolled outward) in flowering period, stamens stretch, filaments are linear, anthers are oval (egg-shaped); calyx lobes of female flowers are shorter, about 0.6 mm long, flower petals are elliptic ovate, about 1.6 mm long; floral disc (flower disc) is glabrous; the ovary is oval, about 1 mm long, densely white puberulose (puberulent); 3 styles, stigma is capitate.
Drupes (drupe fruits) are globular (spherical shape), slightly flattened, about 4~5 mm in diameter, covered with nodiferous pilose and glandular hairs, and turn red at maturity, stones (nuts) are 3~4 mm in diameter. Its flowering period is from August to September, and the fruiting period is in October.
Ecological environment: The small tree grows in the bush and open forest of a lime mountain, in areas at altitudes of 350–2,300 meters above sea level. It is distributed throughout China, except in Xinjiang, and Qinghai.
(2).Rhus potaninii Maxim.
Botanical description: The plant, Rhus potaninii Maxim is also known as Schinus indicus Burm., is commonly known as Qīng Fū Yáng. A deciduous tree, the tree grows up to 5~8 meters high. The bark is taupe (grayish brown), and branchlets are glabrous. Odd-pinnate compound leaves (imparipinnate leaves) have 3–5 pairs of lobules, rhachis is wingless, puberulose (puberulent); lobules are ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 5~10 cm long, 2~4 cm wide, apex is acuminate, base is somewhat deflective, orbicular (subrotund), entire, both surfaces are puberulent or glabrate along the midvein, lobules are short stipitate.
Panicles are apical, 10~20 cm long, puberulent; Bracts are subulate, about 1 mm long, puberulent; Flowers are white, 2.5~3 mm in diameter; Pedicels are about 1 mm long, puberulent; Calyx is puberulent outside, lobes are oval, about 1 mm long, both surfaces are puberulent, the margin has fine cilia; flower petals are oval or ovate-oblong, 1.5-2 mm long, about 1 mm wide, both surfaces are puberulose, the margin has fine cilia, the front end is revolute in flowering period; filaments are linear (filate), about 2 mm long, shorted in female flowers, anthers are oval; floral disc (flower disc) is thick, glabrous; ovary is spherical (globular shape), about 0.7 mm in diameter, densely covered with white fluff.
Drupes (drupe fruits) are subsphaeroidal (near-spherical), slightly flattened, about 3~4 mm in diameter, covered with nodiferous pilose and glandular hairs, turn red at maturity, and contain 1 seed.
Ecological environment: The tree grows in the open forest or bushes on the mountain slopes, in areas at altitudes of 900–2,500 meters above sea level. It is distributed in the northwest, southwest, and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the middle reaches of the Yellow River.
Botanical description: The plant, Rhus punjabensis Stewart.var.sinica (Diels) Wils is commonly known as Hóng Fū Yáng. A deciduous tree or small tree, the plant grows up to 7–12 meters high. Branchlets are covered with pubescence. The bark is taupe (grayish brown). Odd-pinnate compound leaves (imparipinnate leaves), 7–11 lobules, up to 17 lobules, the upper part of the rachis has narrow wings or the whole rachis has wings in seedling period; lobules are sessile, lobelets are ovate-oblong-oval to oblong oval, 7–12 cm long, frond end is acuminate, the base is circular (rounded) or subcordate (nearly cordate), entire, the veins on the under surface are pubescent.
Panicles are apical, 11~20 cm long, have explanate branches, densely tomentose; Flowers are small, white, about 3 mm in diameter; pedicels are short, about 1 mm long; the calyx is sparsely puberulose outside, lobes are narrowly triangular, about 1 mm long, width is about 0.5 mm, edges have fine cilia, flower petals are oblong, about 2 mm long, about 1 mm wide, both surfaces are puberulent, edges have fine cilia, the front end is revolute in flowering period; filaments are linear (filate), about 2 mm long, the middle and lower parts are puberulent, shorter in female flowers, about 1 mm long, anther is oval; floral disc (flower disc) is thick, violet red, glabrous; the ovary is globular (spherical shape), densely covered with white pilose, about 1 mm in diameter, male flowers have infertile ovary.
Drupes (drupe fruits) are subsphaeroidal, slightly flattened, about 4 mm in diameter, turn dark violet red at maturity, and are covered with nodiferous pilose and glandular hairs. The seeds are small. Its flowering period is in May, and the fruiting period is from September to October.
Ecological environment: The tree grows in the bushes or dense forest on lime mountains, in areas at altitudes of 460–3,000 meters above sea level. It is distributed in the northwest, southwest, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and other areas of China.
Collect: collect in autumn and select the Galla no craze. Dry it in the sun directly; normally, boil it in water till its appearance turns gray or translucent, pick it out, and dry in the sun or in the air.
The medicinal parts are in rhombus shape, nubble heave, and angle branch shapes, 2.5–9 cm in length. Gray-brown to ash gray, feels velvety, thickness is no more than 2 mm, easily broken, cut section blare, smoothness, horn shape, with aphis ashes and egesta residue stuck. It smells strange and tastes acidic. Choose the bigger, complete, grey-brown, and no branch is better.
Characters of herbs: Some literature notes that Gut Galla is the Galla from the gall aphis on leaves of Rhus potaninii Maxim. And or Rhus punjabensis Stew.var.sinica (Diels) Wils, these two kinds of Galls are known as Gut Galla. The Galla from the gall aphis of the Rhus chinensis Mill is known as Horn Galla.
1. Horn Galla: The herb is a rhombus-shaped, oval, fusiform (spindle-shaped) capsularfruit, 2.5–9 cm long, and 1.5~4 cm in diameter, or 2–5 cm in diameter, and has irregular angular branches. The surface is sallow (grayish yellow) or light yellowish-brown, covered with an ash gray soft, and smooth pubescence. The texture of the herb is hard and crisp, easy to break, and hollow when it is broken, the fracture surface is keratoid, and glossy, the thickness of the wall is 1-2 mm, or 2-3 mm, the inner wall is smooth, there are many black brown dead aphids, black powdery aphis ovum, and excrement are attached on the inner wall, and sometimes has 1–2 pairs of separate white fiber rows, and many dead bodies of aphis on the surface of the fiber rows, the inner wall has a white powdery and creamy or crystal raceous substance. The herb has a special odor, and it tastes puckery. The herb of a better grade is big, complete, gray-brown, and has no branches.
2. Gut Galla: The herb is oblong or fusiform (spindle-shaped), slightly flattened, has no angular branches, the surface is dark gray and yellowish green, has many shallow vertical veins, has few pilose, and the thickness of the wall is about 3 mm.
Pharmacological actions: ①.anti-diarrhea; ②.detoxification; ③.antibacterial effect: in vitro test the herb show obvious antibacterial or bactericidal effect on Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, pneumococcus and Bacillus typhi, Bacillus paratyphosus, Shigella dysenteriae, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus diphtheriae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 100% water decoction with a flat hole method, show inhibition effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella dysenteriae, Bacillus proteus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus typhi, Bacillus enteritidis, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus diphtheriae, Staphylococcus aureus, beta streptococcus, and pneumococcus, its bacteriostatic action is not because of tannic acid, but because of its coagulation action on protein, etc.
Medicinal efficacy: Astringe the lung and downbearing fire (stop persistent cough, eliminate heat), astringent intestine and relieving diarrhea, controlling nocturnal emission, stop sweating, antiperspirant action, hemostasis(stanch bleeding), astringing dampness and astringent sores, detoxification as antidote. It is indicated for chronic cough of lung deficiency, phlegm cough of lung heat, chronic diarrhea, protracted dysentery, archoptosis (anal prolapse), night sweat (perspire during sleep), spontaneous perspiration (spontaneous sweating), wasting thirst (consumptive thirst), spermatorrhea (seminal emission), white turbidity, hemafecia (hematochezia, passing blood in stool), hemorrhoids, epistaxis (nose bleeding or bleeding from five aperture or subcutaneous tissue), metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, various bleeding conditions, bleeding wound, carbuncle swelling, sore and furuncle, pyogenic infections, skin damp rotten, back-roll of eyelashes, etc.
Administration of Galla Chinensis (Wǔ Bèi Zǐ):
Administration Guide of Galla Chinensis (Wǔ Bèi Zǐ)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 3~6 grams. Externally:proper amount; ②.Internally:prepare to finely ground herb powder, 0.5~2 qian (about 1.5~6 grams);or prepare to pill, powder. Externally:fumigation wash with water decoction, prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle apply, or apply stick; ③.Internally:water decoction, 3~10 grams;prepare to finely ground herb powder,1.5~6 grams;prepared to pill, powder. Externally:proper amount, fumigation wash with water decoction;prepare to finely ground herb powder, sprinkle apply, or apply stick.
Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions: the herb Galla Chinensis should avoid using in conditions cough due to exogenous wind cold affection or excessive heat in lung, diarrhea and dysentery due to stagnation not cleared.
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1.Introduction of Wu Bei Zi:Chinese Gall or Galla Chinensis.