Introduction of Hai Piao Shao:Cuttlebone,Endoconcha Sepiae or Os Sepiae.
✵The article gives records of the herb Cuttlebone, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its herbal classic book defined source two shellfish species, ①.Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune, ②.Sepia esculenta Hoyle., and other four usable shellfish species, ③.Sepia andreana Steenstrup., ④.Sepia latimanus Quoy et Gaimard., ⑤.Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg., ⑥.Sepia lycidas Gray., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these four plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these four plant species, the features of the herb Cuttlebone, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Os Sepiae(Cuttlebone).
Pin Yin Name: Hǎi Piāo Shāo.
English Name: Cuttlebone.
Latin Name: Os Sepiae, Endoconcha Sepiae.
Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes salty, puckery.
Brief introduction: The Herb Os Sepiae is the dried internal shell of Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune or Sepia esculenta Hoyle, used as a hemostatic and antacid agent for the treatment of hematemesis, bloody stool, menorrhagia, acid regurgitation and leukorrhagia. The herb is commonly known as Os Sepiae, Cuttlebone, Endoconcha Sepiae, Hǎi Piāo Shāo.
Source: Herbal classical book defined the herb Os Sepiae(Cuttlebone) as the dried internal shell of the small cuttle fish species (1). Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune , or (2). Sepia esculenta Hoyle. Other famous herbal classical books defined the herb Os Sepiae(Cuttlebone) as the dried internal shell of the small cuttle fish species (1). Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune., or (2). Sepia esculenta Hoyle., or (3). Sepia andreana Steenstrup., or (4). Sepia latimanus Quoy et Gaimard., or (5). Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg., or (6). Sepia lycidas Gray. They are species of the Sepia, Sepiella, or Metasepia genus, the Sepiidae family (Sepiadae family) of the Decapoda order. These 2 commonly used species and other 4 species are introduced:
(1).Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune.
Animal Description: The inkfish, Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune is commonly known as Wú Zhēn Wū Zéi (means inermous or needle-less cuttlefish). It is a cuttlefish species belonging to the Sepiella genus, the Sepiidae family of the Decapoda order. The soft body is medium-sized, the dorsum and abdomen are flat, and the metastomium is oval (egg-shaped), generally, about 157 mm long, about 2 times the width. The head is about 29 mm long, the eyes are big, there is an oval rhinarium sensory pit behind the eyes, there is a mouth in the center of the head, there are 4 pairs of the brachium around the mouth and 1 pair of lobus tentacularis. The length of each brachium is similar, and the order is 4>, 1>, 3>, 2>, and there are 4 rows of suckers on the inner side. The sizes of the suckers are similar. The parietal cuticular ring has subulate toothlets on the exterior margin;
However, the fourth hectocotylus (hectocotylized arm) of the male Sepiella turns to a hectocotylizedarms, characterized by a very small sucker at the base accounting for about 1/3 of the whole hectocotylus, and the sucker at the middle and top is normal. The lobus tentacularis is generally longer than the midsection, while the tentacular club is narrow, and about 40 cm long, there are 20 lines of suckers (osculum) on it, and the sizes of suckers are similar, its cuticular ring has rectangular-circular denticulation (toothlets) on the out edges.
There is a funnel organ on the ventral side of the head, and the lower part of the funnel tube connects with the ink sac in the body, and black liquid can be expelled from the funnel organ to resist an enemy. During life, there is obvious white variegation on the body back, the male one had a bigger variegation and the female one had a smaller variegation. Fins are found on both sides of the midsection, entire, narrower at the front end, gradually wider backward (at the rear end), and the left and right fins are separated at the end. There is a gland hole at the posterior ventral end of the midsection, reddish-brown liquid often flows out when it is captured. The inner shell on the back of the mantie cavity (palliai chamber) is oblong oval, length is about 3 times the width, corneous edges are developed, and forms horny lamina (horny plate) at the end, the striated area is in a waveform, the end does not have a spicula (spiculum or osseous pin).
Ecological environment: It is perching at the bottom of the sea, every spring, summer, migrate from the depths of owerwintering to the shallow water near the island. The suitable temperature for oviposition is 16~19 °C (Celsius, or 60.8~66.2 degrees Fahrenheit), and eggs are laid in the seaweed clumps, covered with black adhesive film, grape-like, the major diameter is 6~7 mm, and hatched over a month, the young Sepiella has obvious dorsal markings and strong activity. It is carnivorous, feeding on crustaceans and small fish. It is mainly distributed in the northern and southern coastal areas of China, and is produced mainly in eastern coastal provinces.
Characters of herbs: The inner shell is oblong oval and flat, with thin edges and a thick middle part, 9~14 cm long, 2.5~3.5 cm wide, and 1.2~1.5 cm thick. There are magnetic white ridges on the back, slightly reddish on both sides, and tiny wart spots-like protrusions are visible faintly, forming a nearly parallel semicircular texture; The ventral surface is white, with fine undulated (wavy) transverse striation from the tail end to the middle; The cuticular edge is translucent, the tail is wider and flat, and there is no spicule. The shell is light, its texture is loose and easy to break, the fracture surface is mealy (powdery), and there are loose layer lines. The shell has a slightly fishy smell, it tastes slightly salty. The herb of a better grade is dry and big, white and complete.
(2).Sepia esculenta Hoyle.
Animal Description: The inkfish, Sepia esculenta Hoyle is commonly known as Jīn Wū Zéi (means Gold cuttlefish). It is a cuttlefish species belonging to the Sepia genus, the Sepiidae family of the Decapoda order. The body of the inkfish is medium size, the midsection is ovoid, usually about 200 mm long, about 1.5 times the width, the head part is about 30 mm long, the sequence of brachium is 4 >, 1 >,3 >, 2, suckers (osculum) are in four lines, its cuticular ring has irregular blunt denticulation (toothlets) on the outer edges, the 4th hectocotylus of the male one turns to hectocotylizedarms, its characters are the suckers on the 7th and 8th line on the base are normal, the suckers from the 9th to 15th lines suddenly turn small, suckers upward turn normal again. The lobus tentacularis is slightly longer than the midsection, and the tentacular club is semi-lune (half-moon shape), about 1/5 length of the lobus tentacularis.
The suckers are small and dense, in about 10 rows, sizes are similar. During life, the body surface is yellowish-brown, and the back of the midsection has fine markings in the alternation of brown-purple and cream-white, while the back of the male midsection has golden wavy transverse striation. However, several irregular aquamarine blue (cyan) transverse striation are often shown in the reproductive season, and the abdomen changes from cream-white to aeneus (golden-green), which is very bright. The inner shell is oblong oval, its length is about 2.5 times the width, convex on the dorsum, has firm and hard calcareous granular protrusions, the ventral surface is calcareous and soft, with a vertical groove in the center, and the striated area has transverse striation of circular growth. The end spiculum is thick and strong.
Ecological environment: Its ecological condition is similar to the Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune, only the eggs are ash gray (grayish white), pyriform (pear-shaped), 11~12 mm in diameter, and the incubation period takes about 1 month. The young Sepiella has yellow-brown backs with purple pigment similar to the adults, but their activity is relatively weak, and they often lurk at the bottom of the sea. It can grow to adults in the same year, and begin to spawn (lay eggs) in the following spring, and most adult Sepiella die after spawning. It is mainly distributed in the northern coastal areas, the production in the southern coastal area is larger.
Characters of herbs: The inner shell is larger than the inner shell of Sepiella maindroni de Rochebrune, 13~23 cm long, and width is up to about 6.5 cm, and the thickest part is located in the anterior half part, thickness is 0.8~1.2 cm. The wart spots on the back are distinct and slightly arranged in layers; The ventral surface has undulated (wavy) transverse striations, accounting for most of the whole body, with longitudinal shallow grooves in the middle; The cuticular edge of the tail is gradually widening, and it is tilted to the ventral surface. There is a spiculum at the end, most of which are broken and fall off. The herb of a better grade is dry and big, white and complete.
Pharmacological actions: ①.systemic hemostatic; ②.preventive effect on acute radiation sickness; ③.anti-virus effect. ④.Promoting effect of bone defect repair, etc.
Medicinal efficacy: Astringents and hemostasis, stop seminal emission and relieve leukorrhea, relieving gastric hyperacidity to alleviate stomachache, eliminating dampness and astringing sores. It is indicated for hematemesis (spitting blood), melanemesis (vomiting of blood or black vomit), hemafecia (hematochezia, passing blood in stool), hemorrhinia or epistaxis (nose bleeding or bleeding from five aperture or subcutaneous tissue), wound bleeding, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, morbid leukorrhea, amenorrhea due to blood depletion (menischesis due to blood exhaustion), spermatorrhea(nocturnal emission), night emission, nocturnal emission and night emission of kidney deficiency, abdominal pain and abdominal mass, asthenia malaria with diarrhea and dysentery, gastralgia and gastric upset (stomachache or stomach pain, gastric upset), gastralgia and acid regurgitation, belching and acid regurgitation; Externally for bleeding due to trauma, eczema and wet sore, eczema and ulcer, unhealing ulcer, erosion of vulva and rotten sores, etc.
Administration of Os Sepiae (Hǎi Piāo Shāo):
Administration Guide of Os Sepiae (Hǎi Piāo Shāo)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 5~10 grams. Externally:proper amount, prepare to finely ground herb powder, apply stick at affected area; ②.Internally:water decoction, 1.5~3 qian (about 4.5~9 grams);or prepare to pill, powder. Externally:prepare to finely ground herb powder, apply stick; ③.or water decoction, 1.5~6 grams, big dosage could be 15~30 grams; prepare to finely ground herb powder and prepared to pill, powder.
Contraindications,Precautions and Adverse Reactions: the herb Os Sepiae should not be combined with Radix Ampelopsis, Rhizoma Bletillae, Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata. Take the herb Os Sepiae for long time easily lead to constipation.
(3).Sepia andreana Steenstrup.
Animal Description: The inkfish, Sepia andreana Steenstrup is commonly known as Zhēn Wū Zéi (which means acicular cuttlefish). It is a cuttlefish species belonging to the Sepia genus, the Sepiidae family of the Decapoda order. Its body is smaller, the midsection is narrow and thin, the rear end is sharp and thin (tapering), generally, about 90 mm long, its length is about 2 times the width, its fins are narrow, and its head is about 12 mm long. The sexual dimorphism of the inkfish is distinct, the midsection of the male one is thin and long, and in a conical shape, and the sequence of brachium is 2>, 4>, 1 >3, and the length of the second pair of brachium is more than 2 times the length of other brachium, and extremely stout (thick and strong), the tip is round, with purple ring lines on the outside, the 2/3 part on the under surface of brachium has 4 lines of suckers, another part has 2 lines. The midsection of female inkfish is slightly short and fat, and the sequence of brachium is 2>, 1>, 4>,3, and the 2nd pair and the 3rd pair of brachium are similar, the 3/5 part on the undersurface of brachium has 4 lines of suckers, other part has 2 lines. The 1st pair and 3rd pairs brachium of both sex have 4 lines of suckers, the suckers on the apical end are in 2 lines; the 4th pair branchium of both sex have 4 lines of suckers, and the suckers of both sex basically have no teeth on the out edge of the cuticular ring, only the apical small sucker slightly has square toothlet. The left 4th branchium of male inkfish hectocotylized, apical suckers are tiny. The lobus tentacularis is thin and long, longer than the midsection, the tentacular club is short and small, account about 1/10 of the complete brachium, suckers are in 7 to 8 lines, greatly different in size, and the central 4 lines are the biggest. In life, the dorsal part has very thin yellow spots. The length of the inner shell of male inkfish is 6 times the width; the length of the female inner shell is 4 times the width, the cuticular edge is very narrow, and the dorsal protrusion is tiny, there is a vertical rib in the center, the spiculum at the end is pointed.
Ecological environment: The inkfish lives offshore, has gregariousness (sociability), its swimming ability is strong. It breeds in April of every year. In China, it is mainly distributed in the Zhoushan islands and northern coastal areas.
Characters of herbs: The inner shell of the inkfish is thin and long, the inner shell length of the male inkfish is 6 times the width, the inner shell length of the female inkfish is 4 times the width, and the spiculum at the rear end of the inner shell is sharp and protuberant.
(4).Sepia latimanus Quoy et Gaimard.
Animal Description: The inkfish, Sepia latimanus Quoy et Gaimard is commonly known as Bái Bān Wū Zéi (means white patch cuttlefish or white-pied cuttlefish). It is a cuttlefish species belonging to the Sepia genus, the Sepiidae family of the Decapoda order. The body is bigger, and the midsection is ovoid, in general, its length is about 300 mm, about 1.8 times the width, and the biggest width of fins is less than 1/4 width of the midsection, located on both sides, entire, and the end part is departed. The sequence of brachium is 4>3>2>1, the suckers are in 4 lines, partial suckers on the base have dense blunt denticulations (toothlets) on the exterior edges of the cuticular ring; some of the apical suckers have separate toothlets.
In life, the back of the midsection turns tawny (yellow brown), and has fine white spots. The inner shell is thick and big, oblong oval, length is about 2.5 times the width, the dorsal granula are thick and big, the ventral surface is convex at the anterior part and concave at the rear end, there is a shallow groove in the center of the striated area, the spiculum at the end is stout (thick and strong).
Ecological environment: The inkfish lives in the mid-sea area (open sea). It is mainly distributed in the southeast coastal areas of China.
Characters of herbs: The inner shell of the inkfish is thick and big, oblong oval (long elliptic). The length is about 2.5 times the width, the back is protuberant, and has coarse and big granula, and the ventral surface is convex at the anterior part and concave at the rear part. There is a thick spiculum at the back end, and a shallow groove in the center of the striated area.
(5).Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg.
Animal Description: The inkfish, Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg., is commonly known as Hǔ Bān Wū Zéi (means tiger patch cuttlefish, or tiger-striped cuttlefish). It is a cuttlefish species belonging to the Sepia genus, the Sepiidae family of the Decapoda order. The inkfish is big, similar to the white-pied cuttlefish. The main differences are: the suckers of brachium at the base are smooth and toothless on the outer edge of the cuticular ring, but have many fine lines.
The suckers on the apical tip have dense and blunt toothlets. In life, the body is tawny (yellow brown), and the dorsum of the midsection has brown undulated (wavy) markings, similar to tiger spots. The junction between the fins and the dorsum of the midsection is encircled by a circle of cerulean-blue embroider.
Ecological environment: The inkfish, Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg., is a tropical marine species. It is mainly distributed in the eastsouth coastal areas of China.
Characters of herbs: The inner shell of Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg., is similar to the inner shell of Sepia latimanus Quoy et Gaimard.
(6).Sepia lycidas Gray.
Animal Description: The inkfish, Sepia lycidas Gray is commonly known as Nǐ Mù Wū Zéi. It is a cuttlefish species belonging to the Sepia genus, the Sepiidae family of the Decapoda order. The inkfish is bigger, similar to the Sepia latimanus Quoy et Gaimard., and the main differences are that the sequence of brachium is 4>, 1>, 3>, 2. During life, the dorsum of the midsection is tawny (yellow-brown), and has distinct orculiform (eyelike) white markings. The lobus tentacularis is long, longer than the total length of the head and midsection. The striated area of the inner shell is shorter.
Ecological environment: The inkfish is a tropical marine species. It is mainly distributed in coastal areas of Guangdong, China.
Characters of herbs: The inner shell of Sepia lycidas Gray., is similar to the inner shell of Sepia esculenta Hoyle., but the striated area is shorter.
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1.Introduction of Hai Piao Shao:Cuttlebone,Endoconcha Sepiae or Os Sepiae.