Introduction of Zi Bei:Purple Cowry Shell or Concha Mauritiae.
✵The article gives records of the herb Purple Cowry Shell, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its source one animal species, ①.Mauritia arabica (Linnaeus.), with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this animal species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this animal species, the features of the herb Purple Cowry Shell, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Concha Mauritiae (Purple Cowry Shell).
Pin Yin Name: Zǐ Bèi Chǐ, or Zǐ Bèi.
English Name: Purple Cowry Shell.
Latin Name: Concha Mauritiae.
Property and flavor: neutral in nature, tastes salty.
Brief introduction: The herb Concha Mauritiae is the dried shell of Mauritia (L.), used as a settling tranquilizer for treating palpitations and infantile convulsion. The herb is commonly known as Concha Mauritiae, Purple Cowry Shell, Zǐ Bèi Chǐ.
Source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Concha Mauritiae (purple cowry shell) as the concha shell of the shellfish species (1). Mauritia arabica (Linnaeus.). It is a shellfish of the Cypraeidae family (gastropod family) of the Mesogastropoda order. This commonly original shellfish species is introduced:
Shellfish description: It is commonly known as Mauritia arabica (Linnaeus.), ē Wén Shòu Bèi, or Zǐ Bèi (means purple shellfish). The shell is long oval, chitin is firm and solid, generally 75 mm long, 42 mm wide, and 34 mm high; the large shell reaches 80 mm long. Shell towers and spires are almost completely covered by enamel. The back is rounded, the lower part of both sides is gradually contracted, and the margin is slightly thick. The shell surface is luculent and smooth, brown or light brown, and has crisscrossed, not very regular tan (chocolate brown) intermittent stripes, and many astroid patterns. The topline is conspicuous, without markings, and the back is dimly marked with brown or bice (stone blue or grayish-blue) horizontal bands, which are clear enough in the young shellfish. Two lateral margins are taupe (dust-color), with puce (purple brown) spots on the margins, and extending to the base. The shell aperture is long and narrow, slightly curved, and the front end is slightly wide, with about 32 labial teeth on each lip, puce (purple brown). The shell's inner surface is mauve (lilac). The front and rear siphonal canals are short.
Ecological Environment: Mauritia arabica (Linnaeus.) is mainly distributed in southeast coastal areas, main big islands and Nansha Islands of China.
Life habit: Mauritia arabica (Linnaeus.) lives under rocks in low tidal regions or caves in coral reefs, is nocturnal, hides by day, and comes out at night. It is dioecious, and the spawning season (egg laying period) on Hainan Island is from April to June.
Characters of herbs: The shell is long oval, the ventral surface is flat, the front end is slightly wider, the front and rear ends invaginate (fold inwards) and are mouth-like, and there are many fine teeth around the lips of the shell mouth. The shell is about 7 cm long, 4 cm wide, and 3.5 cm high. The shell surface is nearly completely covered with enamel and has luter, the back surface is brown or hazel (pale brown), with tan (chocolate brown) crisscrossed intermittent stripes, both lateral margins are taupe (dust-color), has visible puce (purple brown) spots. The lips have puce (purple brown) teeth, the texture of the shell is firm and hard, it has no odor and it is tasteless. The herb of a better grade is purple, and the shell is thick, complete, and clean.
Medicinal efficacy: Clear heat, calm the nerves (relieve uneasiness of mind and body tranquilization), calm the liver, improving eyesight (improving acuity of vision). It is indicated for heat toxin and nebula, infantile macula affecting the eyes, infantile convulsion with high fever, frightened and insomnia, dizziness and dazzled, palpitation and upset, insomnia and dreaminess, red eyes and swelling pain, heat toxin and nebula, etc.
Administration of Concha Mauritiae (Zǐ Bèi Chǐ):
Administration Guide of Concha Mauritiae (Zǐ Bèi Chǐ)
TCM Books:
①.Internally:water decoction, 2~5 qian (about 6~15 grams); or prepare to finely ground herb powder. Externally:prepare to finely ground herb powder while adding water, putting drops in eyes; ②.Internally:water decoction, 10~15 grams, cracked and decoct earlier. Externally:proper amount, prepare to finely ground herb powder while adding water, putting drops in eyes.
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1.Introduction of Zi Bei:Purple Cowry Shell or Concha Mauritiae.