Introduction of Xi He Liu:Cacumen Tamaricis or Chinese Tamarisk Twig.
✵The article gives records of the herb Chinese Tamarisk Twig, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source one plant species, ①.Tamarix chinensis Lour., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of this plant, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of this plant, the features of the herb Chinese Tamarisk Twig, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Cacumen Tamaricis(Chinese Tamarisk Twig).
Pin Yin Name: Xī Hé Liǔ.
English Name: Chinese Tamarisk Twig.
Latin Name: Cacumen Tamaricis.
Property and flavor: neutral in nature, pungent, sweet.
Brief introduction: The herb Cacumen Tamaricis is the dried young green twig of Tamarix chinensis Lour., used for measles to promote eruption, and also for rheumatism to relieve arthralgia. The herb is commonly known as Cacumen Tamaricis, Chinese Tamarisk Twig, Xī Hé Liǔ.
Botanical source: The herb Cacumen Tamaricis (Chinese Tamarisk Twig) is the dried young green twig and leaves of Tamarix chinensis Lour., it is a plant of the Tamarix L. genus, the Tamaricaceae family (Tamarix, tamarisk family) of the Parietales order. It is also known as Chinese Tamarisk Twig.
Herbal classic book defined the herb Cacumen Tamaricis(Chinese Tamarisk Twig) as the dried young green twig and leaves of:(1). Tamarix chinensis Lour. This commonly used species is introduced:
(1).Tamarix chinensis Lour.
Botanical description: Tamarix chinensis Lour is also known as Tamarix juniperina Bunge, it is commonly known as Tamarisk willow, or Xī Hé Liǔ (means West River Willow). Deciduous shrubs or small trees, grow up to 3~6 meters high. Young branches are soft and weak, stretching and pendulous, reddish violet or modena (dark purple). Leaves are scaly, subulate or ovate-lanceolate, 1~3 mm long, semiconnate, the back surface has tropis (keel pelals). It blooms 2~3 times annually; Lateral raceme grows on last year's leaflets in spring, and flowers are slightly bigger and sparse; In summer and autumn, racemes on the end of same year young branch form terminal large panicle, usually reflexed downward, and flowers are slightly small and dense, every flower has 1 linear subulate green bractlet; 5 flowers, pink red; sepals are oval; petals are ellipsoid obovoid, about 2 mm long; stamens insert in the flower disc lobes, longer than flower petals; the ovary is ellipsoid doleiform, 3 styles, clavate. Capsularfruit is about 3.5 mm long, and 3-lobed. Its flowering period is from April to September, and the fruiting period is from June to October.
Growth characteristics: The tree grows in riverbank alluvial land, seashore, beachhead, humid alkaline lands, and sandy wasteland. It mainly grows wildly in the north, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, lower reaches of the Yangtze river, and is cultivated in the east and southwest area of China.
The tree has a strong adaptability, it has no strict requirements on climate, or soil, tolerant to alkaline, and drought. It can grow in clay loam, sandy loam, and alluvial soil at the riversides, usually planted along the riversides, roadsides, ditch sides, yard, etc.
Characters of herbs: The stems and branches of the herb are thin and cylindrical, 0.5~1.5 mm in diameter. The surface is yellow-green, nodes are dense, leaves are scaly, subulate or ovate-lanceolate, 1~3 mm long, and the under surface has tropis (keel pelals). The texture of the herb is crisp and easily broken. The fracture surface is yellow-white, and there is a pith in the center. The herb has a slight smell, and tastes mild or tasteless. The herb of a better grade has thin and fresh branches and leaves, green.
The young fresh branch tip is collected before flowering, and then dried in shade.
Medicinal efficacy: Dispel wind, detoxification, promoting eruption, indicated for measles without adequate eruption, rheumatism, and numbness pain.
Administration of Cacumen Tamaricis (Xī Hé Liǔ):
Administration Guide of Cacumen Tamaricis (Xī Hé Liǔ)
TCM Books:
①.Internally: 3~6 grams, water decoction. Externally:proper amount, scrub and wash with water decoction.
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1.Introduction of Xi He Liu:Cacumen Tamaricis or Chinese Tamarisk Twig.