✵The article gives records of the herb Lingzhi mushroom other cultivated species, (6).Ganoderma tenue, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these cultivated fungus species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these cultivated fungus species, the features of these cultivated fungus species, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
There are about 250 kinds of Fungus of the Ganoderma genus, in China, there are almost 98~100 species of fungus found to belong to the 4 Ganoderma genera, and Ganodermataceae family, they grow and spread from south to north.
Pin Yin Name: Mì Wén Báo Zhī.
English Name: Dense Thin Ganoderma.
Latin Name: Ganoderma tenue.
Property and flavor: warm nature, tastes slightly bitter.
Botanical description: Ganoderma tenue is a fungus of the Ganodermataceae or Polyporaceae family and Ganoderma genus, it is commonly known as Dense Thin Ganoderma, or Mi Wen Bo Zhi. The basidiocarp (fruiting body) is annual, petiolate, or sessile, and is suberinite. The pileus (cap) is semicircle (semicircular) or nearly fan-shaped, bases often connected with each other, size is 5.5–7.5 × 3.5–6 cm, diameter is 3.5–7.5 cm, thickness is 2–4 mm, the surface is puce (purple-brown) to nearly dark brown (black brown), the part near edges is light in color, russet (reddish-brown), has lacquer-like luster and distinctive rotate markings, and rotate markings are denser near to the edges, vertical wrinkles at the base is conspicuous; edges are thin and sharp, mostly involute (rolled inward), sometimes are undulated (wavy); the context is whitish (pale white) to wood color, and the thickness of context is 1–2 mm, there are many globular or subsphaeroidal gasterospores grow in context, the diameter of gasterospore reaches 10–14 μm, its surface is coarse and rough, hazel (pale brown) to brown; fungus tube is 1–1.5 mm long, hazel (pale brown); pore surface is stained white (dirty white) to stained yellow; tube orifice is round or orbicular (subrotund), 5–6 per mm. The prosthecae (stipe) is cylindrical, of various diameters or slightly flat, sometimes torose (nearly bead-like), pleurogenous or dorsiferous, the part connected with pileus is protuberant (raised), same color as pileus or darker, likewise, with lacquer luster.
The husk structure is sporiferous layer type, and slightly brownish, compositive hyphae are clavate, and the apical enlarged part is 4.5–9 μm wide, 20–25 μm long.
The mycelial system is three-body type: generative hypha are transparent, leptodermous (thin wall), 3–5 μm in diameter; skeletal hyphae are hazel (pale brown), pachypleurous (thick wall) to farctate, dendritic branching, the skeletal part is 4–6 μm in dry diameter, flagelliform colorless binding hypha is formed at the end tip of branches; binding hypha is colorless, pachypleurous (thick wall), 1.5–2 μm in diameter.
The basidiospores are oval (egg-shaped), the tip sometimes is truncated, double wall, the outer wall is colorless and transparent, smooth, the inner wall is hazel (pale brown) to brown, has no spinule, or spinules are inconspicuous, 9–11 × 6–7.3 μm; gasterospores are subsphaeroidal (torulose), hazel (pale brown), its surface is rough and has irregular markings, many, 12–13.5 × 10.5–12 μm.
Ecological Environment: Ganoderma tenue grows on stumps or is cultivated on wood. This species is mainly distributed in China's provinces.
Characters of herbs: The pileus (cap) is semicircular, 5.5–7.5 cm in long diameter, 3.5–6 cm in short diameter, and 2–4 mm thick, the surface is puce (purplish-brown) or light dark brown, and the edge is slightly russet (reddish-brown); there is a lacquer luster, there are conspicuous wheel lines, denser at the area near the edge; the edge is thin, undulated, and involute. The surface of the tube orifice is stained white or stained yellow, and the tube orifice is circular (rounded), 5–6 per 1 mm. In the vertical section, the tubes are visible and are about 1.5 mm long, and hazel (pale brown). The prosthecae is cylindrical, varying in thickness, often similar to the torose (torulose or near bead-like), and the same color as the pileus (cap), with luster. Suberinite or ligneous. The smell is light, and the taste is mild.
Medicinal efficacy: Peace the heart and calm the nerves (relieve uneasiness of mind and body tranquilization), detoxification, protect liver. This species has functions to soothe the nerves; detoxify the liver. It is indicated for neurasthenia (neurosism, panasthenia), palpitation, insomnia (agrypnia, lose sleep), oxyhepatitis (acute hepatitis), chronic hepatitis, etc.
Administration of Ganoderma tenue (Mì Wén Báo Zhī):
Administration Guide of Ganoderma tenue (Mì Wén Báo Zhī)
TCM Books:
Internally:water decoction, 3~9 grams; or prepare to ground herb powder, take after mixing it with water or wine.
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1.Introduction of Ling Zhi:Lucid Ganoderma or Ganoderma Lucidium.