Price FAQs:Frequently Asked Questions of Service Price.

Price Questions:Where can I find the prices of consulting services?

Price Questions Answer: Our client can find the prices of the available consulting services, easily, on the Consulting Service page accordingly.

FAQs Icon No Hidden Fees The prices are updated to the latest, and you can easily know the latest price.

 The price is transparent, that means No any hidden fees, and you do not need to worry about any hidden fees.

Price Questions:Will I pay the same price for a long period?

Price Questions Answer: The price offer is stable enough. The price that you pay now will be the same in a very long period. We will try all available conveniences to make the service price affordable, stable, and good for our clients.

 FAQs Icon price affordable We do update our pricing structures at a time when it is necessary. When there is promotions or coupons, it will be updated too.

Price Questions:Do I get a discount for a combination of services?

Price Questions Answer: Yes. When you need a combination of services suitable for a longer period, you can either choose an available combination of consulting services, or define a combination of available services suitable for your own need.

 Coupons If the combination of your choice are reasonable and proper for your condition, you will get combination offer with some discount! Or, if not very reasonable, herbalist will help you to modify it with a proper combination.

Price Questions:Where can I find a coupon of

Price Questions Answer: A coupon could be used as a discount when you need to check out your bill.

 Coupons Our client could find a coupon code, the available coupon code could be found in the Festival Coupons page.

 Coupon direct from herbalist For certain kinds of available consulting services, our client might get a coupon directly from herbalist, with his or her own personal characters(or personality, virtue, and nature) we got to know from the interaction, since we understand that those who get help from our service might have its causality related to us too, herbalist also would like to let those who worthy it, get a better price for certain kinds of available consulting services.

  Thank you for visiting our website.

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