Introduction of Qing Feng Teng:Orientvine Stem or Caulis Sinomenii.
✵The article gives records of the herb Orientvine Stem, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source two plant species, ①.Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Wils., ②.Sinomenium acutum var.cinereum Wils., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these two plant species, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these two plant species, the features of the herb Orientvine Stem, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Caulis Sinomenii(Orientvine Stem).
Pin Yin Name: Qīnɡ Fēnɡ Ténɡ.
English Name: Orientvine Stem.
Latin Name: Caulis Sinomenii.
Property and flavor: warm, pungent, bitter.
Brief introduction: The herb Caulis Sinomenii is the dried lianoid stem of Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Wils., or Sinomenium acutum var.cinereum Wils., used to dispel wind-damp and alleviate pain in cases of rheumatic arthritis, articular swelling and pain. The herb is commonly known as Caulis Sinomenii, Orientvine Stem, Qīnɡ Fēnɡ Ténɡ.
Botanical source: Herbal classic book defined the herb Caulis Sinomenii (Orientvine Stem) as the dried lianoid stem of (1).Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Wils., or (2). Sinomenium acutum var.cinereum Wils. They are plants of the Menispermaceae family (moonseed family), Ranales order. These 2 commonly used species are introduced:
(1).Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Wils.
Botanical description: The plant, Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Wils is also known as Menispermum acutum Thunb., is commonly known as Qīng Téng. Woody big lianas, the plant grows up to 20 meters long. The stem is taupe (dust color, or grayish brown), and has irregular cracks; branchlets are terete, have linear veins, and are pubescent or glabrate. Leaves are chartaceous (papery) to coriaceous, cordate circular or ovoid, 7~15 cm long, 5~10 cm wide, the apex is acuminate or sharp-pointed, the base is cordate or subtruncate, entire or 3~7 angular lobed, the upper surface is green, the undersurface is celadon (sage green or grayish green), young leaves are tomentose, old leaves are glabrous, or only the undersurface is pubescent, usually has 5 palmate veins; petioles are 5~15 cm long.
Panicles are axillary, large, piliferous; flowers are small, light yellowish green, separate flowers are dioecious; 6 sepals, arranged in 2 whorls, the back surface is pubescent; 6 flower petals, 0.7-1 mm long; male flowers have 9~12 stamens; sterile stamens of female flowers are filamentous; 3 carpels.
Drupes(drupe fruits) are oblate, slightly askew, 5~8 mm in diameter, red to kermesinus (darkish red). Its flowering period is in summer, and the fruiting period is in autumn.
Ecological environment: The plant grows in forests, forest edges, ditch sides or bushes, climbing on trees or stone mountains. The plant is distributed in the southern region of the Yangtze River, and the southern areas of China.
Growth characteristics: The plant Sinomenium acutum prefers a cool and humid climate. Under the conditions of abundant rainfall, fog, and high soil humidity and air humidity, the plants grow vigorously. It is advisable to choose sandy loam with abundant and fertile humus for cultivation.
Characters of herbs: The stem is cylindrical and slightly curved, and the thin stems are curved into bundles, 0.5~2 cm in diameter. The surface is brownish-green to taupe brown (grayish brown), with longitudinal wrinkles, fine transverse cracks, and lenticels, and the nodes are slightly enlarged and have protruding branch traces or leaf marks. The thin stem is crisp and slightly hard, easy to break, and the xylem (wood part) of the fracture surface is taupe brown (grayish brown) and splintery; the thick stem is hard, the fracture surface is brown, the xylem (wood part) has radial texture, commonly known as wheel patterns, and many small pores are visible, with a tiny pith in the center, yellowish-white. The herb has a slight odor, and it tastes slight bitter. The herb of a better grade has even strips.
Medicinal efficacy: Dispelling wind and remove dampness through diuresis, activate blood circulation and detoxify. It is indicated for rheumatism arthralgia, arthroncus of the knee, edema, beriberi, traumatic injury of fall, fracture, deep abscess, osteomyelitis, suppurative arthritis, spondylitis, swelling ulcer and swollen poison, itchy skin, etc.
Administration of Caulis Sinomenii (Qīnɡ Fēnɡ Ténɡ):
Administration Guide of Caulis Sinomenii (Qīnɡ Fēnɡ Ténɡ)
TCM Books:
①.Internally:water decoction,9~15 grams, big dosage could be 30~60 grams, or infusing in wine.Externally:proper amount,fresh herb mashed and apply stick,or fumigation wash with water decoction.
(2).Sinomenium acutum var.cinereum Wils.
Botanical description: Sinomenium acutum var.cinereum Wils., or Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Wils.var. cinereum (Diels) Wlis., is commonly known as Máo Qīng Téng. This variety is very similar to the Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Wils. The main differences are: the leaf surface has short fluff, the under surface is ash gray (grayish-white), fluff is denser; Inflorescences and young stems also have short fluff.
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1.Introduction of Qing Feng Teng:Orientvine Stem or Caulis Sinomenii.