Acupoints:Meridian Points of large intestine meridian.

Acupuncture Icon 01 ✵The basic terms of points of large intestine meridian are introduced:points of large intestine meridian(LI), shangyang(LI1),erjian(LI2), sanjian(LI3), hegu(LI4), yangxi(LI5), pianli(LI6),wenliu(LI7), xialian(LI8), shanglian(LI9), shousanli(LI10), quchi(LI11),zhouliao(LI12), shouwuli(LI13), binao(LI14), jianyu(LI15), jugu(LI16),tianding(LI17), futu(LI18), kouheliao(LI19), heliao(LI19), yingxiang(LI20).With an introduction of the meridian points of lung meridian.

Meridian Points of lung meridian.

 ancient portrait of lung meridian The Basics: The basic terms of points of lung meridian are introduced:points of lung meridian(LU), zhongfu(LU1), yunmen(LU2), tianfu(LU3),xiabai(LU4), chize(LU5), kongzui(LU6), lieque(LU7), jingqu(LU8),taiyuan(LU9), yuji(LU10), shaoshang(LU11).

 ✵points of lung meridian(LU): acupuncture-moxibustion points distributed on the lung meridian(LU)

 portrait of LU1 to LU4:zhongfu,yunmen,tianfu,xiabai. ✵zhongfu(LU1): point in the superior lateral part of the anterior thoracic wall, on the level of the 1st intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Zhongfu locates on the anterior thoracic region, at the same level as the first intercostal space, lateral to the infraclavicular fossa, 6 B-cun lateral to the anterior midline.

 ✵yunmen(LU2): point in the depression of the infraclavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Yunmen locates on the anterior thoracic region, in the depression of the infraclavicular fossa, medial to the coracoid process of the scapula, 6 B-cun lateral to the anterior midline.

 ✵tianfu(LU3): point on the medial side of the upper arm, 3 cun below the anterior end of the axillary fold. Tianfu locates on the anterolateral aspect of the arm, just lateral to the border of the biceps brachii muscle, 3 B-cun inferior to the anterior axillary fold.

 ✵xiabai(LU4): point on the medial side of the upper arm, 4 cun below the anterior end of the axillary fold. Xiabai locates on the anterolateral aspect of the arm, just lateral to the border of the biceps brachii muscle, 4 B-cun inferior to the anterior axillary fold.

 portrait of LU5 to LU11:chize,kongzui,lieque,jingqu,taiyuan,yuji,shaoshang. ✵chize(LU5): point in the cubital crease, in the depression of the radial side of the tendon of the biceps muscle of the arm. Chize locates on the anterior aspect of the elbow, at the cubital crease, in the depression lateral to the biceps brachii tendon.

 ✵kongzui(LU6): point on the radial side of the palmar surface of the forearm, 7 cun above the cubital crease. Kongzui locates on the anterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LU5 with LU9, 7 B-cun superior to the palmar wrist crease.

 ✵lieque(LU7): point on the radial side of the forearm, proximal to the styloid process of the radius, 1.5 cun above the crease of the wrist.Lieque locates on the radial aspect of the forearm, between the tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis brevis muscles, in the groove for the abductor pollicis longus tendon, 1.5 B-cun superior to the palmar wrist crease.

 ✵jingqu(LU8): point on the radial side of the palmar surface of the forearm, 1 cun above the crease of the wrist.Jingqu locates on the anterolateral aspect of the forearm, between the radial styloid process and the radial artery, 1 B-cun superior to the palmar wrist crease.

 ✵taiyuan(LU9): point at the radial end of the crease of the wrist, where the pulsation of the radial artery is palpable.Taiyuan locates on the anterolateral aspect of the wrist, between the radial styloid process and the scaphoid bone, in the depression ulnar to the abductor pollicis longus tendon.

 ✵yuji(LU10): point on the radial side of the midpoint of the 1st metacarpal bone, and on the junction of the red and white skin.Yuji locates on the palm, radial to the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone, at the border between the red and white flesh.

 ✵shaoshang(LU11): point on the radial side of the distal segment of the tumb, 0.1 cun from the corner of the fingernail. Shaoshang locates on the thumb, radial to the distal phalanx, 0.1 F-cun proximal-lateral to the radial corner of the thumb nail, at the intersection of the vertical line of the radial border and the horizontal line of the base of the thumb nail.

Meridian Points of large intestine meridian.

 ancient portrait of large intestine meridian The Basics: The basic terms of points of large intestine meridian are introduced:points of large intestine meridian(LI), shangyang(LI1),erjian(LI2), sanjian(LI3), hegu(LI4), yangxi(LI5), pianli(LI6),wenliu(LI7), xialian(LI8), shanglian(LI9), shousanli(LI10), quchi(LI11),zhouliao(LI12), shouwuli(LI13), binao(LI14), jianyu(LI15), jugu(LI16),tianding(LI17), futu(LI18), kouheliao(LI19), heliao(LI19), yingxiang(LI20).

 ✵points of large intestine meridian(LI): acupuncture-moxibustion points distributed on the large intestine meridian(LI).

 portrait of LI1 to LI10:shangyang,erjian,sanjian,hegu,yangxi,pianli,wenliu,xialian,shanglian,shousanli. ✵shangyang(LI1): point on the radial side of the distal segment of the index finger, 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail. Shangyang locates on the index finger, radial to the distal phalanx, 0.1 F-cun proximal-lateral to the radial corner of the index fingernail, at the intersection of the vertical line of the radial border of the fingernail and the horizontal line of the base of the index fingernail.

 ✵erjian(LI2): point in the depression on the radial side, distal to the 2nd metacarpophalangeal joint.Erjian locates on the index finger, in the depression distal to the radial side of the second metacarpophalangeal joint, at the border between the red and white flesh.

 ✵sanjian(LI3): point in the depression on the radial side, proximal to the 2nd metacarpophalangeal joint. Sanjian locates on the dorsum of the hand, in the depression radial and proximal to the second metacarpophalangeal joint.

 ✵hegu(LI4): point on the dorsum of the hand,between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, and on the radial side of the midpoint of the 2nd metacarpal bone.Hegu locates on the dorsum of the hand, radial to the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone.

 ✵yangxi(LI5): point at the radial end of the crease of the wrist, in the depression between the tendons of the short extensor and long extensor muscles of the thumb when the thumb is titled upward.Yangxi locates on the posterolateral aspect of the wrist, at the radial side of the dorsal wrist crease, distal to the radial styloid process, in the depression of the anatomical snuffbox.

 ✵pianli(LI6): point on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the forearm, 3 cun above the crease of the wrist.Pianli locates on the posterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 3 B-cun superior to the dorsal wrist crease.

 ✵wenliu(LI7): point on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the forearm, 5 cun above the crease of the wrist.Wenliu locates on the posterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 5 B-cun superior to the dorsal wrist crease.

 ✵xialian(LI8): point on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the forearm, 4 cun below the cubital crease. Xialian locates on the posterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 4 B-cun inferior to the cubital crease.

 ✵shanglian(LI9): point on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the forearm, 3 cun below the cubital crease.Shanglian locates on the posterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 3 B-cun inferior to the cubital crease.

 ✵shousanli(LI10): point on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the forearm,2 cun below the cubital crease.Shousanli locates on the posterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 2 B-cun inferior to the cubital crease.

 portrait of LI11 to LI16:quchi,zhouliao,shouwuli,binao,jianyu,jugu. ✵quchi(LI11): point at the lateral end of the cubital crease with the elbow flexed. Quchi locates on the lateral aspect of the elbow, at the midpoint of the line connecting LU5 with the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

 ✵zhouliao(LI12): point on the lateral side of the upper arm, 1 cun above quchi(LI11) with the elbow flexed, on the border of the humerus.Zhouliao locates on the posterolateral aspect of the elbow, superior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, anterior to the lateral supraepicondylar ridge.

 ✵shouwuli(LI13): point on the lateral side of the upper arm, 3 cun above quchi.Shouwuli locates on the lateral aspect of the arm, on the line connecting LI11 with LI15, 3 B-cun superior to the cubital crease.

 ✵binao(LI14): point on the lateral side of the arm, 7 cun above quchi.Binao locates on the lateral aspect of the arm, just anterior to the border of the deltoid muscle, 7 B-cun superior to LI11.

 ✵jianyu(LI15): point on the shoulder, in the depression anterior and inferior to the acromion when the arm is abducted.Jianyu locates on the shoulder girdle, in the depression between the anterior end of lateral border of the acromion and the greater tubercle of the humerus.

 ✵jugu(LI16): point on the shoulder, in the depression between the acromial extremity of the clavicle and scapular spine.Jugu locates on the shoulder girdle, in the depression between the acromial end of the clavicle and the spine of the scapula.

 portrait of LI17 to LI20:tianding,futu,kouheliao,yingxiang. ✵tianding(LI17): point on the lateral side of the neck, at the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle beside the laryngeal protuberance.Tianding locates on the anterior aspect of the neck, at the same level as the cricoid cartilage, just posterior to the border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

 ✵futu(LI18): point on the lateral side of the neck, beside the laryngeal protuberance, between the anterior and posterior borders of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.Futu locates on the anterior aspect of the neck, at the same level as the superior border of the thyroid cartilage, between the anterior and posterior borders of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

 ✵kouheliao(LI19): point on the upper lip, directly below the lateral border of the nostril, on the level of shuigou(GV26).Kouheliao locates on the face, at the same level as the midpoint of the philtrum, inferior to the lateral margin of the nostril.

 ✵heliao(LI19): same as kouheliao.

 ✵yingxiang(LI20): point in the nasolabial groove, beside the midpoint of the lateral border of the nasal ala.Yingxiang locates on the face, in the nasolabial sulcus, at the same level as the midpoint of the lateral border of the ala of the nose.

Acupoints:Meridian Points.

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  • 1.Meridian Points of large intestine meridian.

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