Acupoints:Meridian Points of small intestine meridian.

Acupuncture Icon 01 ✵The basic terms of points of small intestine meridian are introduced:points of small intestine meridian(SI), shaoze(SI1), qiangu(SI2), houxi(SI3),wangu(SI4), yanggu(SI5), yanglao(SI6),zhizheng(SI7), xiaohai(SI8), jianzhen(SI9),naoshu(SI10), tianzong(SI11), bingfeng(SI12),quyuan(SI13), jianwaishu(SI14), jianzhongshu(SI15),tianchuang(SI16), tianrong(SI17), quanliao(SI18),tinggong(SI19).With an introduction of the meridian points of heart meridian.

Meridian Points of heart meridian.

 ancient portrait of heart meridian The Basics: The basic terms of points of heart meridian are introduced:points of heart meridian(HT), jiquan(HT1),qingling(HT2), shaohai(HT3), lingdao(HT4),tongli(HT5),yinxi(HT6), shenmen(HT7), shaofu(HT8),shaochong(HT9).

 ✵points of heart meridian(HT): acupuncture-moxibustion points distributed on the heart meridian(HT).

 portrait of HT1 to HT3: ✵jiquan(HT1): point at the apex of the axillary fossa, where the pulsation of the axillary artery is palpable.Jiquan locates in the axilla, in the centre of the axillary fossa, over the axillary artery.

 ✵qingling(HT2): point on the medial side of the arm, 3 cun above the cubital crease, in the groove medial to the biceps muscle.Qingling locates on the medial aspect of the arm, just medial to the biceps brachii muscle, 3 B-cun superior to the cubital crease.

 ✵shaohai(HT3): point at the midpoint of the line connecting the medial end of the cubital crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus when the elbow is flexed.Shaohai locates on the anteromedial aspect of the elbow, just anterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus, at the same level as the cubital crease.

 portrait of HT4 to HT9: ✵lingdao(HT4): point on the palmar side of the forearm and on the radial side of the tendon of the ulnar flexor muscle of the wrist, 1.5 cun proximal to the crease of the wrist.Lingdao locates on the anteromedial aspect of the forearm, just radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, 1.5 B-cun proximal to the palmar wrist crease.

 ✵tongli(HT5): point on the palmar side of the forearm and on the radial side of the tendon of the ulnar flexor muscle of the wrist, 1 cun proximal to the crease of the wrist.Tongli locates on the anteromedial aspect of the forearm, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, 1 B-cun proximal to the palmar wrist crease.

 ✵yinxi(HT6): point on the palmar side of the forearm and on the radial side of the tendon of the ulnar flexor muscle of the wrist, 0.5 cun proximal to the crease of the wrist.Yinxi locates on the anteromedial aspect of the forearm, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, 0.5 B-cun proximal to the palmar wrist crease.

 ✵shenmen(HT7): point on the wrist, at the ulnar end of the crease of the wrist, in the depression of the radial side of the tendon of the ulnar flexor muscle of the wrist.Shenmen locates on the anteromedial aspect of the wrist, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, on the palmar wrist crease.

 ✵shaofu(HT8): point in the palm, between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, at the part of the palm touching the tip of the little finger when a fist is made.Shaofu locates on the palm of the hand, in the depression between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones,proximal to the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint.

 ✵shaochong(HT9): point on the radial side of the distal segment of the little finger, 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail.Shaochong locates on the little finger, radial to the distal phalanx, 0.1 F-cun proximal-lateral to the radial corner of the little fingernail, at the intersection of the vertical line of the radial border of the nail and horizontal line of the base of the little fingernail.

Meridian Points of small intestine meridian.

 ancient portrait of small intestine meridian The Basics: The basic terms of points of small intestine meridian are introduced:points of small intestine meridian(SI), shaoze(SI1), qiangu(SI2), houxi(SI3),wangu(SI4), yanggu(SI5), yanglao(SI6),zhizheng(SI7), xiaohai(SI8), jianzhen(SI9),naoshu(SI10), tianzong(SI11), bingfeng(SI12),quyuan(SI13), jianwaishu(SI14), jianzhongshu(SI15),tianchuang(SI16), tianrong(SI17), quanliao(SI18),tinggong(SI19).

 ✵points of small intestine meridian(SI): acupuncture-moxibustion points distributed on the small intestine meridian(SI).

 portrait of SI1 to SI8: ✵shaoze(SI1): point on the ulnar side of the distal segment of the little finger,0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail.Shaoze locates on the little finger,ulnar to the distal phalanx, 0.1 F-cun proximal-medial to the ulnar corner of the little fingernail, at the intersection of the vertical line of ulnar border of the nail and the horizontal line of the base of the little fingernail.

 ✵qiangu(SI2): a point at the junction of the red and white skin along the ulnar border of the hand, at the ulnar end of the crease of the 5th metacarpophalangeal joint when a loose fist is made.Qiangu locates on the little finger, in the depression distal to the ulnar side of the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint, at the border between the red and white flesh.

 ✵houxi(SI3): a point at the junction of the red and white skin along the ulnar border of the hand, at the ulnar end of the distal palmar crease, proximal to the 5th metacarpophalangeal joint when a loose fist is made.Houxi locates on the dorsum of the hand, in the depression proximal to the ulnar side of the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint, at the border between the red and white flesh.

 ✵wangu(SI4): a point on the ulnar border of the hand, in the depression between the proximal end of the 5th metacarpal bone and hamate bone,and at the junction of the red and white skin.Wangu locates on the posteromedial aspect of the wrist, in the depression between the base of the fifth metacarpal bone and the triquetrum bone, at the border between the red and white flesh.

 ✵yanggu(SI5): a point on the ulnar border of the wrist, in the depression between the styloid process of the ulna and triangular bone.Yanggu locates on the posteromedial aspect of the wrist, in the depression between the triquetrum bone and the ulnar styloid process.

 ✵yanglao(SI6): a point on the ulnar side of the posterior surface of the forearm, in the depression proximal to and on the radial side of the head of the ulna.Yanglao locates on the posteromedial aspect of the forearm, in the depression radial to the head of the ulnar bone, 1 B-cun proximal to the dorsal wrist crease.

 ✵zhizheng(SI7): a point on the ulnar side of the posterior surface of the forearm, 5 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist.Zhizheng locates on the posteromedial aspect of the forearm, between the medial border of the ulnar bone and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, 5 B-cun proximal to the dorsal wrist crease.

 ✵xiaohai(SI8): a point on the medial side of the elbow, in the depression between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.Xiaohai locates on the posteromedial aspect of the elbow, in the depression between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle of the humerus bone.

 portrait of SI9 to SI19: ✵jianzhen(SI9): a point posterior and inferior to the shoulder joint, 1 cun above the posterior end of the axillary fold with the arm adducted.Jianzhen locates on the shoulder girdle, posteroinferior to the shoulder joint, 1 B-cun superior to the posterior end of the axillary fold.

 ✵naoshu(SI10): a point on the shoulder, above the posterior end of the axillary fold, in the depression below the lower border of the scapular spine.Naoshu locates on the shoulder girdle, superior to the posterior end of the axillary fold, in the depression inferior to the spine of the scapula.

 ✵tianzong(SI11): a point on the scapula, in the depression of the center of the subscapular fossa, and on the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra.Tianzong locates in the scapular region, in the depression between the upper one third and lower two thirds of the line connecting the midpoint of the spine of the scapula with the inferior angle of the scapula.

 ✵bingfeng(SI12): a point on the scapula, at the center of the suprascapular fossa, in the depression found when the arm is raised.Bingfeng locates in the scapular region, in the supraspinous fossa, superior to the midpoint of the spine of the scapula.

 ✵quyuan(SI13): a point on the scapula, at the medial end of the suprascapular fossa, at the midpoint of the line connecting naoshu(SI10) and the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra.Quyuan locates in the scapular region, in the depression superior to the medial end of the spine of the scapula.

 ✵jianwaishu(SI14): a point on the back, below the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra, 3 cun lateral to the posterior midline.Jianwaishu locates in the upper back region, at the same level as the inferior border of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra(T1),3 B-cun lateral to the posterior median line.

 ✵jianzhongshu(SI15): a point on the back, below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra, 2 cun lateral to the posterior midline.Jianzhongshu locates in the upper back region, at the same level as the inferior border of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra(C7),2 B-cun lateral to the posterior median line.

 ✵tianchuang(SI16): a point on the lateral side of the neck, posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and futu(LI18), on the level of the laryngeal protuberance.Tianchuang locates in the anterior region of the neck, posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the same level as the superior border of the thyroid cartilage.

 ✵tianrong(SI17): a point on the lateral side of the neck, posterior to the mandibular angle, in the depression of the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.Tianrong locates in the anterior region of the neck, posterior to the angle of the mandible,in the depression anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

 ✵quanliao(SI18): a point on the face, directly below the outer canthus, in the depression below the zygomatic bone.Quanliao locates on the face, inferior to the zygomatic bone, in the depression directly inferior to the outer canthus of the eye.

 ✵tinggong(SI19): a point on the face, anterior to the tragus and posterior to the mandibular condyloid process, in the depression found when the mouth is open.Tinggong locates on the face, in the depression between the anterior border of the centre of the tragus and the posterior border of the condylar process of the mandible.

Acupoints:Meridian Points.

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  • 1.Meridian Points of small intestine meridian.

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