Qi Tonics,Herbs for Replenishing Qi.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) herbalism is also known as pharmaceutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Chinese pharmaceutics, is the branch of health science dealing with the preparation, dispensing, and proper utilization of Chinese herbs. It is majorly composed of Introduction of Chinese Medicinals, Classification of Chinese Herbs, Formulas, and Patent medicines.

Classifications of Herbs:Qi Tonics,Herbs for Replenishing Qi.

 TCM Herbs Icon14 Introduction: Qi Tonics,Herbs for Replenishing Qi: also known as Qi-tonifying herbs, an agent or substance that tonifies Qi, used in treating Qi deficiency.

 Tonic herbs have functions of strengthening or supplementing what is insufficient or weakened in the body, also known as tonifying and nourishing herbs, used in the treatment of various deficiency syndromes. According to the difference of its functions, tonic herbs are classified into several kinds:Qi tonic, blood tonic, Yang tonic, Yin tonic, etc.

 Qi tonic is also known as Qi-tonifying herbs, an agent or substance that tonifies Qi, used in treating Qi deficiency. Qi-tonifying herbs mostly have functions tonifying lung Qi and replenish spleen Qi, are mainly used for syndromes of lung Qi deficiency, spleen Qi deficiency, and blood deficiency, etc. Representative herbs of this kind are Radix Ginseng (Rén Shēn), Radix Astragali (Huánɡ Qí), Radix Codonopsis (Dǎnɡ Shēn), Radix Glycyrrhizae (Gān Cǎo), Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata(Zhì Gān Cǎo), Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (Bái Shù), and other herbs including Radix Panacis Quinquefolii (Huā Qí Shēn), Radix Pseudostellariae (Tài Zǐ Shēn), Fructus Jujubae (Dà Zǎo), Radix Hedysari (Hónɡ Qí), Rhizoma Dioscoreae (Shān Yɑo), Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi (Cì Wǔ Jiā), Semen Lablab Album (Bái Biǎn Dòu), Extractum Malti (Yí Tánɡ), Mel (Fēnɡ Mì), Rhodiola Herb (Hóng Jǐng Tiān), etc. Among above herbs, Rhodiola Herb (Hóng Jǐng Tiān) is introduced in Popular Herbs.

Classifications of Herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 14 Introduction: The Qi Tonics,Herbs for Replenishing Qi are known including:,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [15] kinds of common TCM herbs, [23] kinds of related plant species, [2] kinds of related insect species, are recorded in this category. These Qi tonics, herbs for replenishing Qi are briefly introduced separately:

Radix Ginseng (Ginseng).

 Radix Ginseng Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Ginseng is the dried root of Panax ginseng C.A. Mey (family Araliaceae), used (1).to powerfully replenish Qi and to promote fluid production for the treatment of prostration, general weakness, diabetes mellitus, impotence or frigidity, heart failure and cardiogenic shock, (2).to tonify the spleen and lung for the treatment of anorexia, cough and shortness of breath, and (3).as a tranquilizer for treating cardiac palpitation and insomnia. The herb is commonly known as Radix Ginseng, Ginseng, Rén Shēn.more
Radix Astragali (Milkvetch Root).

 Radix Astragali Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Astragali is the dried root of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge.var. mongholicus (Bunge.) P.K.Hsiao., or Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge (family Legumonisae), used (1).to replenish Qi for the treatment of general weakness, anorexia and loose stools, prolapse of the uterus or anus, spontaneous sweating, and chronic nephritis with edema and proteinuria, and (2).to dispel pus and accelerate the healing of chronic ulcers. The herb is commonly known as Radix Astragali, Milkvetch Root, Huánɡ Qí.more
Radix Codonopsis (Tangshen).

 Radix Codonopsis Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Codonopsis is the dried root of Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf.(Dang Shen), Codonopsis pilosula (Frach.) Nannf.Var.modesta(Nannf.)L.T.Shen.(Su Hua Dang Shen), Codonopsis tangshen Oliv.(Chuan Dang Shen), and other three usable plant species, used to replenish Qi, promote fluid production and nourish blood for treating (1).deficiency of the middle Qi with general debility, anorexia, lassitude, and loose stools, and (2).deficiency of both Qi and Yin, with shortness of breath, pallor, dizziness and palpitations. The herb is commonly known as Radix Codonopsis, Tangshen, Dǎnɡ Shēn.more
Radix Glycyrrhizae (Licorice Root).

 Radix Glycyrrhizae Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Glycyrrhizae is the dried root and rhizome of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., Glycyrrhiza glabra L., or Glycyrrhiza inflata Batal (family Leguminosae), used (1).to replenish Qi and tonify the heart for treating arrythmia in cases of heart Qi deficiency, (2).to tonify the spleen for treating lassitude, anorexia and loose bowels in cases of spleen insufficiency, (3).to relieve epigastric colic and spastic pain of the limbs, (4).to dispel phlegm and stop cough, (5).to clear heat and counteract toxins for treating sore throat, boils, sores and herbs overdose, and (6).most frequently for modulating the ingredients in a prescription. The herb is commonly known as Radix Glycyrrhizae, Licorice Root, Gān Cǎo.more
Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata (Prepared Licorice Root).

 Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata is the processed Radix Glycyrrhizae, Licorice Root by stir-baking with honey, used to tonify the spleen and heart, and particularly used for treating arrhythmia. It is commonly known as Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata, Prepared Licorice Root, Zhì Gān Cǎo.more
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome).

 Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae Brief Introduction: The Herb Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae is the dried rhizome of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz (family Compositae), used (1).to replenish Qi, invigorate the spleen for the treatment of general weakness, anorexia, dyspepsia, and chronic diarrhea, (2).to stop excessive sweating, and (3).to calm the fetus when treating threatened abortion. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, Bái Shù.more
Radix Panacis Quinquefolii (American Ginseng).

 Radix Panacis Quinquefolii Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Panacis Quinquefolii is the dried root of Panax quinquefolium L (family Araliaceae), used to replenish Qi, nourish Yin, reduce the internal heat and promote fluid production, for treating (1). Yin deficiency with exuberant fire with cough and blood-streaked sputum, and (2).impairment of both Qi and Yin in cases of febrile diseases with fidgetiness and thirst. The herb is commonly known as Radix Panacis Quinquefolii, American Ginseng, Xī Yánɡ Shēn.more
Radix Pseudostellariae (Hterophylly Flasestarwort Root).

 Radix Pseudostellariae Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Pseudostellariae is the dried tuberous root of Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.) Pax ex Pax et Hoffm (family Caryophyllaceae), used in a similar way to Radix Codonopsis, Tangshen, less active as a tonic, but more active in promoting the production of body fluids. The herb is commonly known as Radix Pseudostellariae, Hterophylly Flasestarwort Root, Tài Zǐ Shēn.more
Fructus Jujubae (Jujube,Chinese Date).

 Fructus Jujubae Brief Introduction: The Herb Fructus Jujubae is the dried ripe fruit of Ziziphus jujuba Mill.var.inermis (Bunge) Rehd., and one varietas Ziziphus jujuba var. inermis (Bunge) Rehder (family Rhamnaceae), used to replenish the middle Qi, nourish the blood and induce tranquilization, and also used to moderate herb medicine actions. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Jujubae, Jujube, Chinese Date, Dà Zǎo.more
Radix Hedysari (Sweetvetch Root).

 Radix Hedysari Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Hedysari is the dried root of Hedysarum polybotrys Hand.-Mazz (family Leguminosae), used as a substitute for Radix Astragali, Milkvetch Root. The herb is commonly known as Radix Hedysari, Sweetvetch Root, Hónɡ Qí.more
Rhizoma Dioscoreae (Common Yam Rhizome).

 Rhizoma Dioscoreae Brief Introduction: The Herb Rhizoma Dioscoreae is the dried rhizome of Dioscorea opposita Thunb (family Dioscoreaceae), used (1).to replenish Qi and Yin, tonify the spleen, lung, and kidney for the treatment of (1).weakness of the spleen and stomach with poor appetite and chronic diarrhea, (2).lung insufficiency with chronic cough, (3).insecurity of the kidney with nocturnal emission, polyuria and leukorrhagia, and (4).Yin deficiency in cases of diabetes. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Common Yam Rhizome, Shān Yɑo.more
Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi (Thorny Acanthopanax Root).

 Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi is the dried root and rhizome of Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr.et Maxim.) Harms (family Aralicaceae), used to replenish Qi, strengthen the spleen, tonify the kidney, and induce tranquilization for the treatment of general weakness, anorexia, aching back and knees, and insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep. The herb is commonly known as Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi, Thorny Acanthopanax Root, Siberian Ginseng, Cì Wǔ Jiā.more
Semen Lablab Album (White Hyacinth Bean).

 Semen Lablab Album Brief Introduction: The Herb Semen Lablab Album is the dried ripe seed of Dolichos lablab L (family Leguminosae), used to strengthen the spleen and resolve dampness for the treatment of (1).weakness of the spleen and stomach with anorexia, loose stools, and leukorrhagia, and (2).vomiting and diarrhea due to summer dampness. The herb is commonly known as Semen Lablab Album, White Hyacinth Bean, Bái Biǎn Dòu.more
Extractum Malti (Malt Extract).

 Extractum Malti Brief Introduction: The Herb Extractum Malti is the amber or yellowish brown, viscous liquid, with an agreeable odor and a sweet taste, prepared from malted grains of barley, Hordeum vulgare L., or malted grains of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., used as a tonic to replenish the middle Qi for treating general debility, also used as an antitussive for treating chronic cough. The herb is commonly known as Saccharum Granorum, Saccharum Granorum, Glucidtemns, Malt Sugar, Yí Tánɡ.more
Mel (Honey).

 Honey Brief Introduction: The herb Mel is a saccharine fluid made by the hive-bee, Apis cerana Fabr., or Apis mellifera L (family Apidae), used as an antitussive for dry cough, and as an aperient for constipation in the aged. The herb is commonly known as Mel, Honey, Fēnɡ Mì.more

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