TCM Herbalism:Herbs and Classifications.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The TCM herbalism is also known as pharmaceutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Chinese pharmaceutics, is the branch of health science dealing with the preparation, dispensing, and proper utilization of Chinese herbs. It is majorly composed of Introduction of Chinese Medicinals, Classification of Chinese Herbs, Formulas, and Patent medicines.

 ✵There are totally [414] kinds of common TCM herbs, [606] kinds of related plant species, [71] kinds of related fungus species, [19] kinds of related insect species, [36] kinds of related animal species, [19] kinds of related minerals, [1] processed inorganic substance, are recorded and introduced, till the date March 19th, 2020.

 new update iconUpdate:new update icon There are totally [400] kinds of common TCM herbs, [584] kinds of related plant species, [71] kinds of related fungus species, [19] kinds of related insect species, [36] kinds of related animal species, [16] kinds of related minerals, [1] processed inorganic substance, are recorded and introduced, till January 1st, 2024.

TCM Herbalism:Introduction of Medicinals.
Introduction of TCM Herbs  TCM Herbalism:the TCM herbalism is also known as pharmaceutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Chinese pharmaceutics, is the branch of health science dealing with the preparation, dispensing, and proper utilization of Chinese herbs.more

TCM Herbalism:Classifications of Herbs.
Classifications of Herbs  Classifications of Herbs:introduction of common classifications of TCM, exterior-releasing herb, exterior-effusing herbs, wind-cold dispersing herbs, wind-heat dispersing herbs, Antitussives, Expectorants,Antiasthmatics,Herbs Clearing Heat and Purging Fire,Dispelling Wind-Damp Herbs,Fragrant Odor for Resolving Dampness Herbs,Diuretics and Hydragogues Herbs,Herbs Regulating the Flow of Qi,Herbs Hemostatics,Herbs Activating Blood and Resolving Stasis,Herb Tonics,etc.more

Introduction of reference books.
Introduction of reference books  Introduction of reference books: a brief introduction about the references sources of the different parts of herbal articles, including related professional TCM books, and other references for different herbs: plants, mushrooms and fungus, animals, insects, shellfish, mineral, and inorganic substances, etc.more

Exterior-releasing Herbs:Pungent-Warm Exterior-releasing Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon01  Pungent-Warm Exterior-releasing Herbs:an agent or substance herbs pungent in flavor and warm in property, which is usually used for treating a wind-cold exterior syndrome.more

Exterior-releasing Herbs:Pungent-cool Exterior-releasing Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon01  Pungent-cool Exterior-releasing Herbs:an agent or substance herbs pungent in flavor and cool in property, which is usually used for treating a wind-heat exterior syndrome.more

Heat-clearing herbs:Herbs Clearing Heat and Purging Fire.
TCM Herbs Icon05  Herbs Clearing Heat and Purging Fire:an agent or substance that has the effect of clearing heat from the Qi system, with high fever, dire thirst, dry yellow tongue coating and rapid surging pulse, or purging fire from the internal viscera, such as heart fire, liver fire, etc.more

Heat-clearing herbs:Herbs Clearing Heat and Drying Dampness.
TCM Herbs Icon05  Herbs Clearing Heat and Drying Dampness:an agent or substance bitter in taste and cold in property that is effective for eliminating heat and dampness, usually used in the treatment of diseases caused by damp-heat, such as acute jaundice, acute dysentery, urinary infection, eczema, boils and abscesses.more

Heat-clearing herbs:Herbs Clearing Heat and Counteracting Toxins.
TCM Herbs Icon05  Herbs Clearing Heat and Counteracting Toxins:an agent or substance herbs that counteracts heat toxins or fire toxins, mainly indicated in the treatment of boils, sores, abscess, erysipelas, epidemic infectious diseases, mumps, dysentery, insect or snake bite, and burns.more

Heat-clearing herbs:Herbs Clearing Heat and Cooling the Blood.
TCM Herbs Icon05  Herbs Clearing Heat and Cooling the Blood:an agent or substance herbs that has the effect of eliminating pathological heat from the nutrient and blood systems in cases of warm diseases marked by fever accompanied by delirium, eruptions and bleeding symptoms, and also in other diseases with bleeding due to heat in the blood.more

Heat-clearing herbs:Asthenic heat-clearing herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon05  Asthenic heat-clearing herbs:an agent or substance herbs that clears heat from deficiency conditions, often indicated in the treatment of heat due to Yin deficiency, symptoms observed are including afternoon fever with heat sensation in the palms and soles, night sweets, reddened tongue and scanty tongue coating, and is also used in the late stage of a warm disease with residual heat.more

Expectorants:Herbs for Resolving Cold-Phlegm.
TCM Herbs Icon03  Expectorants,Herbs for Resolving Cold-Phlegm:an agent or substance herbs warm in property, used in treating disorders of cold-phlegm or phlegm-dampness.more

Expectorants:Herbs for Resolving Heat-Phlegm.
TCM Herbs Icon03  Expectorants,Herbs for Resolving Heat-Phlegm:an agent or substance herbs cold in property, used in treating disorders of phlegm-heat.more

TCM Herbs Icon04  Antiasthmatics:an agent or substance herbs that relieves cough and asthma(or dyspnea), usually by ventilating,cleating or moistening the lung, or directing lung Qi downward, stringing lung Qi or resolving phlegm.more

Purgatives Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon17  Purgatives Herbs:an agent or substance herbs that promotes defecation or even causes diarrhea, not only for relieving constipation, but also for driving stagnant matter, excessive heat and retained fluid out of the body.more

Drastic Hydrogogue Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon09  Herbs Hydragogues or Drastic Purgatives:also known as diuretic hydragogue herbs, an agent or substance herbs that causes copious discharge of water through catharsis and at the same time increases urine excretion.more

Dispelling Wind-Damp Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon06  Dispelling Wind-Damp Herbs:an agent or substance herbs that dispels wind and damp, mainly for relieving rheumatism and related conditions.more

Fragrant Odor for Resolving Dampness Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon08  Fragrant Odor for Resolving Dampness Herbs:a fragrant agent or substance herbs effective for resolving damp, often used in the treatment of damp syndrome marked by anorexia, lassitude, nausea and vomiting, distension in the chest and abdomen, greasy tongue coating and slippery pulse either in cases of febrile diseases or in other miscellaneous diseases.more

Herbs Diuretics.
TCM Herbs Icon09  Herbs Diuretics:also known as damp-draining diuretic herbs,an agent or substance herbs that increases urine excretion and water discharge for treating internal retention of dampness.more

Dispelling Internal Cold Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon07  Dispelling Internal Cold Herbs:also known as interior-warming herbs, an agent or substance herbs that warms the interior and expels internal cold, also known as cold-expelling herbs.more

Herbs Regulating the Flow of Qi.
TCM Herbs Icon10  Herbs Regulating the Flow of Qi:also known as Qi-regulating herbs, an agent or substance that regulates the activity of Qi to treat Qi stagnation or adverse Qi flow, also known as Qi-moving herbs.more

Herbs Digestives and Evacuants.
TCM Herbs Icon16  Herbs Digestives and Evacuants:also known as digestant herbs, an agent or substance that aids digestion to eliminate accumulated undigested food, also known as digestant and evacuant herbs.more

Anthelmintics Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon18  Anthelmintics Herbs:an agent or substance herbs that expels or kills parasitic worms.more

Herbs Regulating blood conditions:Hemostatic herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon10  Herbs Regulating blood conditions,Hemostatic herbs:the blood-regulating herbs are an agent or substance herbs that has the effects of regulating blood-including stanching bleeding and activating circulation-and tonifying blood.The herbs hemostatics or hemostatic herbs are an agent or substance that stanchs bleeding, either internal or external.more

Herbs Regulating blood conditions:Herbs Activating Blood and Resolving Stasis.
TCM Herbs Icon10  Herbs Activating Blood and Resolving Stasis:also known as blood-activating and stasis-resolving herbs, an agent or substance herbs that promotes blood flow and removes stagnant blood, also known as blood-activating and stasis-dispelling herbs, or blood-activating herbs and stasis-resolving herbs.more

Herbs Tranquilizers.
TCM Herbs Icon12  Herbs Tranquilizers:also known as tranquilizer or tranquilizing herbs, an agent or substance herbs that calms the mind and relieves mental tension.more

Herbs Pacifying the liver and extinguishing wind.
TCM Herbs Icon13  Herbs Pacifying the liver and extinguishing wind:also known as liver-pacifying and wind-extinguishing herb, an agent or substance herbs that pacifies the liver, suppresses exuberant Yang, extinguishes endogenous wind and controls spasms or tremors.more

Aromatic Stimulants Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon11  Aromatic Stimulants Herbs:also known as aromatic orifice-opening herbs, an agent or substance, fragrant in flavor, with a resuscitating effect, used for emergency treatment of impairment or loss of consciousness, also known as stimulant or orifice-opening herbs.more

Tonic herbs:Qi Tonics,Herbs for Replenishing Qi.
TCM Herbs Icon14  Qi Tonics,Herbs for Replenishing Qi:also known as Qi-tonifying herbs, an agent or substance that tonifies Qi, used in treating Qi deficiency.more

Tonic herbs:Blood Tonics,Herbs for Nourishing the Blood.
TCM Herbs Icon09  Blood Tonics,Herbs for Nourishing the Blood:also known as blood-tonifying herbs, an agent or substance herbs that tonifies the blood in treating blood deficiency of the heart and liver, marked by pallor, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, insomnia, oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, also known as blood-nourishing herb.more

Tonic herbs:Yin Tonics,Herbs for Replenishing Yin.
TCM Herbs Icon14  Yin Tonics,Herbs for Replenishing Yin:also known as Yin-tonifying herb, or Yin-nourishing herb, an agent or substance that tonifies the Yin of the heart, lung, stomach, liver, or kidney.more

Tonic herbs:Yang Tonics,Herbs for Reinforcing Yang.
TCM Herbs Icon14  Yang Tonics,Herbs for Reinforcing Yang:also known as Yang-tonifying herb, or Yang-reinforcing herb, an agent or substance herb that tonifies Yang-Qi, used in treating Yang deficiency.more

Astringent Herbs.
TCM Herbs Icon15  Astringent Herbs:also known as discharge-stopping herbs, an agent or substance that stops discharges such as sweat, diarrhea, urine, blood, leukorrhea and semen.more

Herbs for External Use.
TCM Herbs Icon19  Herbs for External Use:an agent or substance herbs that used externally for external disease.more

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