Introduction of Xianɡ Ru:Herba Elshotziae or Elsholtzia Herb.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb Elsholtzia Herb, its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its botanical source 2 plant species, ①.Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angr, ②.Mosla chinensis Maxim., with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these two plants, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these two plants, the features of the herb Elsholtzia Herb, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Herba Elshotziae(Elsholtzia Herb).

Elsholtzia Herb with pink purple flowers Pin Yin Name: Xiānɡ Rú.
 English Name: Elsholtzia Herb.
 Latin Name: Herba Elshotziae.
 Property and flavor: light warm, pungent.

 Brief introduction: The herb Herba Elshotziae is the dried aerial part of Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angru., used (1).to induce sweating and resolve dampness in cases of a summer cold, (2).to cause diuresis for relieving edema. The herb is commonly known as Herba Elshotziae, Elsholtzia Herb, Xiānɡ Rú.

 Botanical source: The herb Herba Elshotziae (Elsholtzia Herb) is the dried aerial part of the Elshnoltzia splendens Nakai ex F.Maekawa, it is a plant of the Mosla. Genus, the Labiatae family (Lamiaceae, mint family) of the Lamiales order. It is also known as Chinese Mosla Herb, Herb of Haichow Elsholtzia.

 Herbal classic book defined the herb Herba Elshotziae (Elsholtzia Herb, Xiānɡ Rú) as the dried aerial part of (1).Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angru. Other famous herbal classics defined the herb as the dried aerial part of species of the same family: (1). Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angru., (2). Mosla chinensis Maxim. They are plants of the Mosla. Genus, the Labiatae family (Lamiaceae, mint family) of the Lamiales order. These 2 commonly used species are introduced:

(1).Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angru.

 a flowering plant of Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angr,with green arrow leaves and pink purple flower spike Botanical description: Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angru is also known as Jiang Xiang Ru. The plant Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angru is a cultivated varietas of Mosla chinensis Maxim. The plants are upright, stems are 55~65 cm tall. The basal branch is longer, the upward branch gradually becomes shorter. The stem is four prismatic, the base is quasi-circular, the middle-upper stem has several thin, shallow longitudinal grooves, sparse pilose grows on four edges, and curly pilose grows in grooves. Leaves are opposite; petioles are 0.7~1 cm long, covered by small cilia; leaf blades are lanceolate, 3~6 cm long, 0.6~1 cm wide, the apex is acuminate, the base is acuminate (tapering), the margin is 5~9-parted and shallow serrate, lateral veins are conspicuous, the upper surface is yellowish-green, pubescent, occasionally is tomentose, the undersurface is paler, there are pilose on main veins, the remainder are pubescent, with concave glandular points on both surfaces.

 a flowering plant of Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angr Racemes are densely spicate, 2~3.5 cm long, bracts are imbricate, obovate-ovate or obovate, 5~6 mm long, 4~4.5 mm wide, the apex is mucronate, entire, the upper half part of the upper surface is sparsely pilose, the lower part is glabrate; the undersurface is densely white pilose, and the upper half has densely dented glandular points, the margin has long cilia, 7~9 veins, grow palmately from the base. Pedicels are 1~1.5 mm long, pubescent. The calyx is campanulate, 4 mm long, 2~2.5 mm wide, the outside is covered with white pilose and sunken glandular points, the inner surface is covered with white woolly pilose above the throat part, the lower part is glabrous, the calyx has 5 teeth, subulate (diamond-shape) or lanceolate, nearly equal, about 2/3 of the full length, the base is enlarged during fruiting; corolla is mauve (lilac), or rarely white, 0.6~0.8 cm long, extending bracts, outside is puberulent, the inner surface is covered with tufty pilose on coronal tube (corolla tube) below the lower lip, coronal tube base has a ring of long hairs, remainder veins are covered with sparse short fluff, lower lip of the middle lobe margin has irregularly crenature or sharp serrate, the apex is concave. Stamen and pistil hide inside, 2 vestigial stamens, developed, 2 anther cells are nearly equal, filaments are very short, glabrous, inserted inside corolla tube; Stigma is 2-lobed, reversed; the anterior part of floral disc (flower disc) is fingerlike dilated.

 Nutlets are oblate, 0.9~1.4 mm in diameter, the surface is sparsely reticulated, inside is flat, with warty protuberance. Its flowering period is June, and the fruiting period is July.

 Ecological environment:  The plant grows wild on grassy slopes or in forests, at altitudes up to 1,400 meters above sea level. Resource distribution: the plant is cultivated in Jiangxi Fenyi, Xinyu, and other areas, and it is distributed in the east, central and southern areas, southwest, and Taiwan of China.

 Growth characteristics: The plant has a strong adaptability, likes a warm environment, no strict requirements on the soil, good drainage, loose fertile soil is appropriate, low-lying easy water-logging land, alkaline soil is not suitable for cultivation, better avoid continuous cropping.

 dried herb segments from Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angr Characters of herbs: The herb is 14~30 cm long and densely covered with white pubescence. The stem is branched, a tetragonal prism shape, the part near to base is round, the diameter is 0.5~5 mm; the surface is yellow-brown, the part near to base is usually red-brown, nodes are obvious, internode length is 2~5 cm, the texture is crisp, easily broken, the fracture surface is light yellow. Leaves are opposite, mostly are pendulous (cernuous), shriveled or broken, the intact leaves are narrow-long lanceolate when it is flattened, 0.7~2.5 cm long, about 4 mm wide, the edge is sparsely serrated, yellow-green or dark green; the texture of the herb is fragile, easily broken. Flowers in whorls are densely accumulated and are capitate; bracts are covered with white pilose; the calyx is campanulate (bell-shaped), the front end is 5-lobed; the corolla is wrinkled or deciduous (falls off). 4 nutlets, wrapped in a persistent calyx, strong fragrance, and tastes spicy cool. The herb of cultivated type is about 35~60 cm long, covered with sparse long pilose; stems are relatively thick, and internode length is 4~7 cm. The herb of a better grade has fresh branches, many spikes, and a strong fragrance.

 The herb is collected when the leaves are flourishing, flowers just bloom, in summer and autumn, dry in shade or dry in the sun, tied up into a wisp.

 Pharmacological actions: ①.inducing perspiration; ②.antipyretic; ③.sedative; ④.analgesic; ⑤.antibacterial;

 Medicinal efficacy: Inducing perspiration, relieve the summer heat, activating water flowing and dissipate dampness, warm stomach and regulate the middle, prompt diuresis and eliminate swelling, indicated for cold affection in summer, headache and fever, aversion to cold without sweat, feeling of stuffiness in the chest and abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, edema, beriberi and so on.

 Administration of Herba Elshotziae (Xiānɡ Rú): 
Reference: Administration Guide of Herba Elshotziae (Xiānɡ Rú)
TCM Books: ①.Internally: 3~9 grams; ②.water decoction, 1~3 qian (about 3~9 grams),or prepare to ground herb powder; ③.or water decoction, 3~9 grams, or prepare to pill,powder, or mouthwash with water decoction.Externally:proper amount,mashed and apply stick, 5~10 grams, water decoction; prepare to finely ground herb powder and prepared to pills, powder. Externally:proper amount, mashed and apply.

(2).Mosla chinensis Maxim.

 many flowering plants of Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angr:flowering plant Botanical description: The plant is also known as Orthodon chinensis (Maxim.) Kudo, or Hua Ji Ning, the herb collected from this plant source is also known as Shi Xiang Ru. The plant morphological characteristics are similar to Mosla chinensis Maxim .cv. Jiangxi-angru., but leaves are linear-lanceolate, 1.8~2.6 cm long, 0.3~0.4 cm wide, and the margin is 3 to 4 sparsely serrate, bracts mostly have 5 veins, the inner base of corolla tube has 2–3 lines of papillate or short rodlike fuzz, staminodes are not developed, 2 anther cells, one is large and another is small. Nutlets have deep pits or needle-eye carving, with glandular points in pits.

 dried herb segments of Mosla chinensis Maxim Ecological environment: The plant grows wild on grassy slopes or in forests, in areas at altitudes up to 1,400 meters above sea level. Resource distribution: the plant is distributed in the eastern area, middle south area, Taiwan and Guizhou of China.



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