Herbs Regulating blood conditions,Herbs Activating Blood and Resolving Stasis.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) herbalism is also known as pharmaceutics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Chinese pharmaceutics, is the branch of health science dealing with the preparation, dispensing, and proper utilization of Chinese herbs. It is majorly composed of Introduction of Chinese Medicinals, Classification of Chinese Herbs, Formulas, and Patent medicines.

Classifications of Herbs:Herbs Regulating blood conditions,Herbs Activating Blood and Resolving Stasis.

 TCM Herbs Icon10 Introduction: Herbs Activating Blood and Resolving Stasis: also known as blood-activating and stasis-resolving herbs, an agent or substance herbs that promotes blood flow and removes stagnant blood, also known as blood-activating and stasis-dispelling herbs, or blood-activating herbs and stasis-resolving herbs.Blood-activating herbs are herbs used in the treatment of retarded or static blood flow, stasis-resolving herbs are herbs used in the treatment of blood stasis. According to the difference of its functions, blood-activating and stasis-dispelling herbs are classified into several kinds: ①.blood-activating analgesic herbs, ②.blood-activating and menstruation-regulating herbs, ③.blood-activating and trauma-curing herbs, ④.blood-breaking and mass-eliminating herbs.

 Blood-activating analgesic herbs are herbs that activate blood, move Qi and alleviates pain, indicated in the treatment of painful conditions caused by stagnation of Qi and blood. Blood-activating analgesic herbs mostly are pungent and dissipating, with functions activating blood and promoting the circulation of Qi, and also relieving pains, these herbs are mainly used for pain syndromes due to qi-stagnancy and blood stasis, such as cephalalgia (headache), pain in chest and hypochondrium, pain of numbness, pain of fall injury, abdominal pain, menorrhalgia (menstrual pains), postpartium abdominal pain, and also used for other syndromes of blood stasis. Representative herbs of this kind are Rhizome Chuanxiong (Chuān Xiōnɡ), Rhizoma Corydalis (Yán Hú Suǒ), Radix Curcumae (Yù Jīn), and other herbs including Rhizoma Curcumae Longae (Jiānɡ Huánɡ), Rhizoma Wenyujin concisa (Piàn Jiāng Huáng), Myrrha (Mò Yào), Olibanum (Rǔ Xiānɡ), Faeces Trogopterorum (Wǔ Línɡ Zhī), etc.

 Blood-activating and menstruation-regulating herbs are herbs that activates blood and regulates menstruation for treating menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and postpartum blood stagnation. Blood-activating and menstruation-regulating herbs have functions activating blood and removing blood stasis, so menstruation blood is regulated, are used for various gynecological syndromes due to blockage of blood stasis, such as irregular menstruation, menorrhalgia (menstrual pains), menoschesis, postpartium abdominal pain, detention of the afterbirth, stagnation of lochia or lochiorrhagia, and also used for syndromes due to blood stasis blocking, such as stabbing pain in chest and abdomen, liver-depressed hypochondrium pain, abdominal mass and lumps, injury from falls, pyocutaneous disease and pyogenic infections, etc. Representative herbs of this kind are Semen Persicae (Táo Rén), Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae (Dān Shēn), and other herbs including Flos Carthami (Hóng Huā), Stigma Croci (Xī Hónɡ Huā), Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae(Niú Xī), Radix Cyathulae (Chuān Niú Xī), Caulis Spatholobi (Jī Xuè Ténɡ), Semen Vaccariae (Wánɡ Bù Liú Xínɡ), Herba Lycopi (Zé Lán), Herba Leonuri (Yì Mǔ Cǎo), Herba Verbenae (Mǎ Biān Cǎo), Radix llicis Pubescentis(Máo Dōnɡ Qīnɡ), Flos Rosae chinensis (Yuè Jì Huā), Flos Campsis Grandiflorae (Líng Xiāo Huā), Semen Impatientis (Fèng Xiān Huā), etc.

 Blood-activating and trauma-curing herbs are herbs that activates blood, reduces swelling, stanch bleeding and promotes the healing of wounds and fractures. Blood-activating and trauma-curing herbs have functions promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis, reduce swelling and alleviate pain, promote tissue regeneration and stop bleeding, healing sore, and are mainly indicated for injuries from falls, pain caused by ecchymoma, fracture, injury of tendon and muscle, hemorrhage from incised wound, etc., and also used for syndromes of hemostasis (stagnation of blood), etc. Representative herbs of this kind are Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga (Tǔ Biē Chónɡ), and other herbs including Lignum Sappan (Sū Mù), Pyritum (Zì Rán Tónɡ), Rhizoma Drynariae (Gǔ Suì Bǔ), Sanguis Draconis (Xuè Jié), Catechu (ér Chá), etc.

 Blood-breaking and mass-eliminating herbs are herbs acting drastically, breaks up the stagnant blood and eliminates masses. Blood-breaking and mass-eliminating herbs mostly are pungent and bitter, salty in flavor, and mostly are prepared from insects, these herbs have functions breaking blood to expelling stasis, and are indicated for abdominal mass and lumps from chronic blood stasis, also used for amenorrhea from blood stasis, pain caused by ecchymoma, etc. These herbs have strong property, easily exhaust Qi and blood and hurt Yin, should not be used or with cautions in syndromes of bleeding, insufficiency of Yin blood, Qi deficiency and weak physical conditions, pregnancy, etc. Representative herbs of this kind are Rhizoma Curcumae (é Shù), Hirudo (Shuǐ Zhì), and other herbs including Rhizoma Sparganii (Sān Lénɡ), Tabanus (Ménɡ Chónɡ), Spina Gleditsiae(Zào Jiǎo Cì), Fructus Polygoni Orientalis (Shuǐ Hónɡ Huā Zǐ), etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [33] kinds of common TCM herbs, [59] kinds of related plant species, [5] kinds of related animal species, [6] kinds of related insect species, [1] kind of related mineral, are recorded in this category.

Blood-activating analgesic herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 10 Introduction: Blood-activating analgesic herbs are known including:, , , , ,,, , etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [8] kinds of common TCM herbs, [15] kinds of related plant species, [2] kinds of related animal species, are recorded in this category. Blood-activating analgesic herbs are briefly introduced separately:

Rhizome Chuanxiong (Szechwan Lovage Rhizome).

 Rhizome Chuanxiong Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizome Chuanxiong is the dried rhizome of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort (family Umbelliferae), used (1).to activate blood circulation and promote the flow of Qi for the treatment of irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and coronary heart disease, and (2).to dispel wind and alleviate pain for relieving headache and rheumatalgia. The herb is commonly known as Rhizome Chuanxiong, Szechwan Lovage Rhizome, Chuān Xiōnɡ.more
Rhizoma Corydalis (Yanhusuo).

 Rhizoma Corydalis Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma Corydalis is the steamed and dried tuber of Corydalis yanhusuo W.T.Wang (family Papaveraceae), used to activate blood and move Qi for relieving pain in the chest and abdomen, dysmenorrhea and traumatic pain. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Corydalis, Yanhusuo, Yán Hú Suǒ, or Yuán Hú.more
Radix Curcumae (Turmeric Root Tuber).

 Radix Curcumae Brief Introduction: The herb Radix Curcumae is the steamed and dried tuberous root of Curcuma wenyujin Y.H. Chen et C. Ling., Curcuma longa L., Curcuma kwangsiensis S. G. Lee et C. F. Liang., or Curcuma phaeocaulis Val (family Zingiberaceae), used (1).to activate blood and move Qi for relieving pain in the chest, abdomen or costal regions due to Qi stagnation and blood stasis, (2).to cool the blood for treating various types of hemorrhage due to upward perversion of Qi and fire, (3).to calm the mind in the treatment of delirium, mania and epilepsy, and (4).as a cholagogue for the treatment of jaundice. The herb is commonly known as Radix Curcumae, Turmeric Root Tuber, Yù Jīn.more
Rhizoma Curcumae Longae (Turmeric).

 Rhizoma Curcumae Longae Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma Curcumae Longae is the steamed and dried rhizome of Curcuma longa L., or Curcuma aromatica Salisb(family Zingiberaceae), used to activate blood, move Qi, unblock meridians and relieve pain in cases of rheumatalgia, dysmenorrhea, epigastric, abdominal and costal pains, and traumatic injuries. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Curcumae Longae, Turmeric, Jiānɡ Huánɡ.more
Rhizoma Wenyujin concisa (Wenyujin Concise Rhizome).

 Rhizoma Wenyujin concisa Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma Wenyujin concisa is the dried rhizome of Curcuma wenyujin Y.H. Chen et C. Ling(family Zingiberaceae), used to resolve blood stasis and relieve pain in cases of dysmenorrhea, rheumatalgia, shoulder pain, and traumatic injuries. It is commonly known as Rhizoma Wenyujin concisa, Wenyujin Concise Rhizome, Piàn Jiāng Huáng.more
Myrrha (Myrrh).

 Myrrha Brief Introduction: The herb Myrrha is the gum-resin obtained from the stem of Commiphora myrrha Engl and probably other species, Balsamodendron chrenbergianum Berg (family Burseraceae), used in the relief of pain and swelling in cases of traumatic injury. The herb is commonly known as Myrrha, Myrrh, Myrrh, Mò Yào.more
Olibanum (Frankincense).

 Olibanum Brief Introduction: The herb Olibanum is the gum-resin obtained from Boswellia carterii Birdw and possibly other species of Boswellia, Boswellia bhawdajiana Birdw., Boswellia neglecta M. Moore (family Burseraceae), used to relieve pain and swelling in cases of traumatic injury by activating the local blood circulation. The herb is commonly known as Olibanum, Frankincense, Rǔ Xiānɡ.more
Faeces Trogopterorum (Trogopterus Dung).

 Faeces Trogopterorum Brief Introduction: The herb Faeces Trogopterorum is the dried feces of Trogopterus Xanthipes Milne-Edwards., or Pteromys volans L (family Petauristidae), used to relieve pain by eliminating blood stasis mainly for the treatment of gastric and abdominal pain, and dysmenorrhea. The herb is commonly known as Faeces Trogopterorum, Trogopterus Dung, Wǔ Línɡ Zhī.more
Blood-activating and menstruation-regulating herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 10 Introduction: Blood-activating and menstruation-regulating herbs are known including:, , , ,,,,, ,,,, etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [12] kinds of common TCM herbs, [28] kinds of related plant species, are recorded in this category. These blood-activating and menstruation-regulating herbs are briefly introduced separately:

Semen Persicae (Peach Seed).

 Semen Persicae Brief Introduction: The herb Semen Persicae is the dried ripe seed of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch., or Prunus davidiana (Carr.) Franch (family Rosaceae), used (1).to promote blood flow and remove stasis for the treatment of amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal masses, and traumatic injuries, and (2).as an aperient for constipation in the aged and debilitated. The herb is commonly known as Semen Persicae, Peach Seed, Táo Rén.more
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae (Danshen Root).

 Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae Brief Introduction: The herb Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae is the dried root and rhizome of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge., or Salvia przewalskii Maxim and several other species of the same genus (family Labiatae), used (1).to promote blood circulation and to remove blood stasis for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal masses due to stagnation of blood, as well as ischemic apoplexy and coronary heart disease, (2). to remove heat from the blood for treating boils and sores, and (3).to induce tranquilization for treating palpitation and insomnia. The herb is commonly known as Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Danshen Root, Root of Dan-Shen, Dān Shēn, Chinese Red-Sage Root.more
Flos Carthami (Safflower).

 Flos Carthami Brief Introduction: The herb Flos Carthami is the dried flower of Carthamus tinctorius L (family Compositae), used to activate blood flow, eliminate stasis and alleviate pain for the treatment of amenorrhea, chest pain, abdominal mass, and traumatic injuries. The herb is commonly known as Flos Carthami, Safflower, Hóng Huā, or Cǎo Hóng Huā.more
Stigma Croci (Crocus,Saffron).

 Stigma Croci Brief Introduction: The herb Stigma Croci is the dried stigma of Crocus sativus L (family Iridaceae), used in the same way as Flos Carthami.

 ✵Common herbal classical book and other famous herbal classical books defined the herb Stigma Croci (Crocus, Saffron) as the dried stigma of the species (1). Crocus sativus L. It is a plant of the Crocus genus, the Iridaceae family of the Liliflorae order. The herb is commonly known as Stigma Croci, Crocus, Saffron, Xī Hónɡ Huā, or Fān Hónɡ Huā.more
Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae (Twoteethed Achyranthes Root).

 Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae Brief Introduction: The Herb Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae is the dried root of Achyranthes bidentata Blume (family Amaranthaceae), used (1).to nourish the liver and kidney and to strengthen the sinews and bones for the treatment of aching back and knees, and asthenia of the lower limbs, (2).to activate blood flow for treating amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and irregular menstruation, as well as traumatic injuries, and (3).to direct fire or blood downward in the treatment of headache and dizziness due to up-rising of liver Yang, epistaxis and hemoptysis due to up-flaming of fire. The herb is commonly known as Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae, Twoteethed Achyranthes Root, Niú Xī.more
Radix Cyathulae (Medicinal Cyathula Root).

 Radix Cyathulae Brief Introduction: The herb Radix Cyathulae is the dried root of Cyathula officinalis Kuan (family Amaranthaceae), used (1).to promote blood flow for the treatment of amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and traumatic injuries, (2).to tonify the liver and kidney and strengthen the tendons and bones for lumbago and aching joints, and (3).to direct fire and blood downward for treating headache, epistaxis, and hematemesis. The herb is commonly known as Radix Cyathulae, Medicinal Cyathula Root, Chuān Niú Xī.more
Caulis Spatholobi (Suberect Spatholobus Stem).

 Caulis Spatholobi Brief Introduction: The herb Caulis Spatholobi is the dried lianoid stem of Spatholobus suberectus Dunn (family Leguminosae), used to move and tonify the blood, regulate menstruation and unblock collateral meridians for the treatment of menstrual disorders due to blood deficiency together with blood stasis, inflammation of peripheral vessels or thrombosis, numbness of the body and limbs, and also effective for leucopenia. The herb is commonly known as Caulis Spatholobi, Suberect Spatholobus Stem, Jī Xuè Ténɡ (literally it means chicken-blood vine).more
Semen Vaccariae (Cow-Herb Seed).

 Semen Vaccariae Brief Introduction: The herb Semen Vaccariae is the dried ripe seed of Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke (family Caryophyllaceae), used as an emmenagogue and galactagogue for treating amenorrhea and lack of lactation, and also used for treating urinary calculus. The herb is commonly known as Semen Vaccariae, Cow-Herb Seed, Wánɡ Bù Liú Xínɡ.more
Herba Lycopi (Bugleweed Herb).

 Herba Lycopi Brief Introduction: The herb Herba Lycopi is the dried aerial part of Lycopus lucidus Turcz. var. hirtus Regel (family Labiatae), used (1).to activate the blood, remove stasis and regulate menstruation for the treatment of irregular menstruation and postpartum abdominal pain, (2).to reduce swelling for treating traumatic injuries, boils and sores, and (3).to induce diuresis for treating edema and ascites. The herb is commonly known as Herba Lycopi, Bugleweed Herb, Hiraute Shiny Bugleweek Herb, Herb of Hirsute Shiny Bugleweed, Zé Lán.more
Herba Leonuri (Motherwort Herb).

 Herba Leonuri Brief Introduction: The herb Herba Leonuri is the dried aerial part of Leonurus artemisia (Lour.) S.Y.Hu (family Labiatae), used (1).to activate blood flow and regulate the menstrual discharge in cases of menstrual disorders, and (2).as a diuretic in cases of nephritic edema. The herb is commonly known as Herba Leonuri, Motherwort Herb, Yì Mǔ Cǎo.more
Herba Verbenae (European Verbena Herb).

 Herba Verbenae Brief Introduction: The herb Herba Verbenae is the dried aerial part of Verbena officinalis L (family Verbenaceae), used (1).to activate the blood and promote menstrual flow for the treatment of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, (2).as an antimalarial agent for treating malarial splenomegaly, and (3).to counteract toxins for treating boils and other types of suppurative inflammation. The herb is commonly known as Herba Verbenae, European Verbena Herb, Mǎ Biān Cǎo.more
Radix llicis Pubescentis (Pubescent Holly Root).

 Radix llicis Pubescentis Brief Introduction: The herb Radix llicis Pubescentis is the dried root of Ilex pubescens Hook.et Arn (family Aquifoliaceae), used (1).to invigorate blood circulation and unblock the meridians and collaterals for the treatment of thromboangitis obliterans and angina pectoris, (2).to clear heat and counteract toxins for treating inflammations such as acute tonsillitis, and (3).as antitussive and expectorant for treating acute bronchitis. The herb is commonly known as Radix llicis Pubescentis, Pubescent Holly Root, Root of Pubescent Holly, Máo Dōnɡ Qīnɡ.more
Blood-activating and trauma-curing herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 10 Introduction: Blood-activating and trauma-curing herbs are known including:,,,,,, etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [6] kinds of common TCM herbs, [10] kinds of related plant species, [2] kinds of related insect species, [1] kind of related mineral, are recorded in this category. These blood-activating and trauma-curing herbs are briefly introduced separately:

Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga (Ground Beetle).

 Ground Beetle Brief Introduction: The herb Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga is the dried female insect of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker., or Steleophaga plancyi(Bol.) (family Corydiidae), used (1).to break stasis for the treatment of amenorrhea and gynecological mass, and (2).to promote the healing of bone fracture. The herb is commonly known as Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga, Ground Beetle, Zhè Chónɡ or Tǔ Biē Chónɡ.more
Lignum Sappan (Sappan Wood).

 Lignum Sappan Brief Introduction: The herb Lignum Sappan is the dried heartwood of Caesalpinia sappan L (family Leguminosae), used to activate blood and remove stasis, mainly for the treatment of contused wounds, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea. The herb is commonly known as Lignum Sappan, Sappan Wood, Logwood, Sū Mù.more
Pyritum (Pyrite).

 Pyritum Brief Introduction: The herb Pyritum is a brassy yellow mineral, iron disulphide, cube-like crystals, used for promoting the healing of fractures and relieving traumatic pain. The herb is commonly known as Pyritum, Pyrite, Zì Rán Tónɡ.more
Rhizoma Drynariae (Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome).

 Rhizoma Drynariae Brief Introduction: The Herb Rhizoma Drynariae is the dried rhizome of Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J.Smith (family Polypodiaceae), used (1).to tonify the kidney for the treatment of lumbago, impaired hearing and tinnitus, (2).to promote the healing of traumatic injuries and bone fracture, and (3).externally for alopecia areata and vitiligo. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Drynariae, Furtune's Drynaria Rhizome, Gǔ Suì Bǔ, or Shí Yán Jiāng(literally means "Rock Ginger"), Hóu Jiāng(literally means "Monkey Ginger"), Máo Jiāng(literally means "Hairy Ginger").more
Sanguis Draconis (Dragon's Blood).

 Sanguis Draconis Brief Introduction: The Herb Sanguis Draconis is red resin secreted from the fruit of Daemonorops draco Bl (family Palmae), used to eliminate blood stasis, relieve pain and promote the healing of wounds for the treatment of traumatic injuries. The herb is commonly known as Sanguis Draconis, Dragon's Blood, Xuè Jié.more
Catechu (Cutch,Black Catechu).

 Catechu Brief Introduction: The Herb Catechu is a dry extract prepared from the peeled stem and branches of Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd (family Leguminosae), used externally as an astringent for chronic ulcer, eczema, and traumatic bleeding. The herb is commonly known as Catechu, Cutch, Black Catechu, ér Chá.more
Blood-breaking and mass-eliminating herbs.

 TCM Herbs Icon 10 Introduction: Blood-breaking and mass-eliminating herbs are known including:,,,,,, etc.

 ✵Till January 1st, 2024, there are totally [6] kinds of common TCM herbs, [6] kinds of related plant species, [3] kinds of related animal species, [4] kinds of related insect species, are recorded in this category. These blood-breaking and mass-eliminating herbs are briefly introduced separately:

Rhizoma Curcumae (Zedoary Rhizome).

 Zedoary Rhizome Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma Curcumae is the steamed and dried rhizome of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc., Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton, or Curcuma kwangsiensis S.G.Lee et C.F.Liang or curcuma wenyujin Y.H.Chen et C.Ling(family Zingiberaceae), used to relieve pain caused by retention of food and activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis for the treatment of abdominal mass and amenorrhea, also used as an anticancer agent, especially for cervical cancer of the uterus. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Curcumae, Zedoary Rhizome, é Shù.more
Hirudo (Leech).

 Hirudo Brief Introduction: The herb Hirudo is the dried body of Whitmania pigra Whitman., Hirudo nipponica Whitman., Whit-mania acranulata Whitman (family Hirudinidae), used to break stasis and reduce swellings for the treatment of severe cases of blood stasis, such as hematoma, amenorrhea, gynecological masses, and contusions. The herb is commonly known as Hirudo, Leech, Shuǐ Zhì.more
Rhizoma Sparganii (Common Burreed Tuber).

 Rhizoma Sparganii Brief Introduction: The herb Rhizoma Sparganii is the peeled and dried tuber of Sparganium stoloniferum Buch.-Ham (family Sparganiaceae), used to break blood stasis and eliminate masses for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and abdominal masses. The herb is commonly known as Rhizoma Sparganii, Common Burreed Tuber, Sān Lénɡ.more
Tabanus (Gadfly).

 Tabanus Brief Introduction: The herb Tabanus is the dried female insect of Tabanus bivittatus Matsumura., or Tabanus chrysurus Loew (family Tabanidae), used to break stasis and reduce swellings for the treatment of severe cases of blood stasis, such as amenorrhea and gynecological mass. The herb is commonly known as Tabanus, Gadfly, Ménɡ Chónɡ.more
Spina Gleditsiae (Chinese Honeylocust Spine).

 Spina Gleditsiae Brief Introduction: The herb Spina Gleditsiae is the dried spine of Gleditsia sinensis Lam (family Leguminosae), used (1).to reduce swelling and dispel pus for treating acute suppurative inflammation with the effect of promoting local rupture, and (2).as an antipruritic in the treatment of skin diseases. It is commonly known as Spina Gleditsiae, Chinese Honeylocust Spine, Zào Jiǎo Cì.more
Fructus Polygoni Orientalis (Prince's-feather Fruit).

 Fructus Polygoni Orientalis Brief Introduction: The herb Fructus Polygoni Orientalis is the dried ripe fruit of Polygonum orientale L., or Polygonum lapathifolium L (family Polygonaceae), used to eliminate blood stasis in the treatment of abdominal pain, and relieve epigastric pain due to food stagnation. The herb is commonly known as Fructus Polygoni Orientalis, Prince's-feather Fruit, Shuǐ Hónɡ Huā Zǐ.more

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