Popular Herbs.
✵Popular Herbs introduces the popular herbs and natural remedies, derivatives of plants, and natural substances mainly in America continent, Asia and Europe continent, Oceania and other areas in the global village, except Antarctica. It records and gives introduction to popular herbs, and in an alphabetically arranged listings A-to-Z entries. With its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, its source, with a detailed introduction to the features, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment, the features of the herb, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
✵There are Totally [177] kinds of herbs, [3] kinds of related green alga, [3] kinds of natural acids, [1] kinds of phytochemical, [1] kinds of vitamin supplements, [1] kinds of amino acids, [1] kinds of nutrient, [2] kinds of essential trace element, [1] kinds of nutritional supplements, [3] kinds of essential oils, [1] kinds of dairy product, and their natural sources: [246] kinds of related plant species, [1] kinds of related microorganism species, [3] kinds of related green alga species, [2] kinds of related fungus species, [2] kinds of related insect species, [1] kinds of related animal species, [1] processed substance, are recorded and introduced, till the date April 5th, 2022.
A-to-Z listings of Popular Herbs.
Herbs in A-to-Z entries: A , B , C ,D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z .
✵Till the date April 5th, 2022, there are Totally [177] kinds of herbs, are recorded in this category.
A: Acidophilus , Activated Charcoal , Agrimony , Alfafa (Medicago sativa) , Allspice , Almond sweet , Aloe Vera, Angelica (Angelica archangelica) , Anise (and Star Anise) , Apple , Apricot Pit (seed), Arnica , Artichoke , Ashwagandha , Asparagus, Astragalus.
Among above herbs, Aloe Vera , Apricot Pit , Asparagus , Astragalus are introduced in TCM herbalism.
B: Balm , Barberry , Barley (and Barley Grass), Basil , Bay(sweet) , Bayberry , Bee Pollen , Beta-Carotene , Betel Nut, Bilberry , Birch , Bitter Melon , Bitter Orange , Blackberry , Blackcohosh , Black currant , Black Pepper , Black Sesame Seed , Black Haw , Black Walnut , Blessed Thistle , Bogbean , Boldo , Boneset , Borage , Boswellin , Bromelain , Broom , Buchu , Bugleweed, Burdock root , Butcher's Broom .
Among above herbs, Barley , Betel Nut , Bugleweed , Burdock fruit are introduced in TCM herbalism.
C: Calendula , Calliopsis , Camphor, Caraway , Cardamom, Carrot , Cascara Sagrada , Cassia (Cinnamon), Catnip , Cat's Claw , Cedar (eastern red) , Celery Seed (Apium graveolens) , Chamomile , Chaste tree berry, Chickweed , Chicory , Chive , Chlorella , Cinnamon (and Cassia), Cleavers , Clove, Cocoa , Cod-liver oil , Codonopsis, Collisonia , Coltsfoot, Comfrey , Coriander , Corn silk, Couch grass , Cowslip (european) , Cramp bark , Cranberry , Cucurbita.
Among above herbs, Camphor , Cardamom , Cinnamon , Chaste tree berry , Cinnamon (and Cassia) , Clove , Codonopsis , Coltsfoot , Corn silk , Cucurbita seed are introduced in TCM herbalism.
D: Damiana , Dandelion, Devil's Claw , Devil's Dung , Dill , Dong Kuai.
Among above herbs, Dandelion , Dong Kuai are introduced in TCM herbalism.
E: Echinacea , Elder , Elecampane , English Walnut Leaf , Epilobium Herb , Eucalyptus , Evening Primrose Oil . .
F: False Unicorn Root , Fennel, Fenugreek, Feverfew , Flax , Forskolin , Fo-Ti, Fruit Acids , Fumitory .
Among above herbs, Fennel , Fenugreek , Fo-Ti are introduced in TCM herbalism.
G: Garlic , Gentian, Ginger, Ginkgo , Ginseng (American), Ginseng (Asian), Ginseng (Siberian), Goldenrod , Goldenseal , Gotu Kola , Grape Seed , Guarana , Gymnema .
Among above herbs, Gentian , Ginger , Ginseng (American) , Ginseng (Asian) , Ginseng (Siberian) , Ginkgo seed are introduced in TCM herbalism.
H: Hawthorn, Henna , Hibiscus , Honey, Honeysuckle, Hops , Horehound , Horse Chestnut, Horseradish , Horsetail , Hydrangea , Hyssop .
Among above herbs, Hawthorn , Honey , Honeysuckle , Horse Chestnut are introduced in TCM herbalism.
I: Iceland Moss , Ipecac , Irish Moss , Ivy . .
J: Jasmine , Jewelweed , Jojoba Oil , Jujube (Common), Juniper Berry .
Among above herbs, Jujube is introduced in TCM herbalism.
K: Kelp, Kudzu.
Among above herbs, Kelp , Kudzu are introduced in TCM herbalism.
L: Labrador Tea , Lady's Mantle , Lavender , Lecithin , Licorice, Liden Flower , Lotus Leaf , Lovage , L-Lysine .
Among above herbs, Licorice is introduced in TCM herbalism.
M: Mango Leaves , Marshmallow , Meadowsweet , Melatonin , Melissa Officinalis , Milk Thistle , Motherwort, Mucuna Pruriens , Mugwort , Mullein , Mustard .
Among above herbs, Motherwort , Mustard seed are introduced in TCM herbalism.
N: Nardostachys Root , Neem , Nettle , Nutmeg (and Mace).
Among above herbs, Nutmeg is introduced in TCM herbalism.
O: Oak Bark , Oats , Olive Leaf , Olive Oil , Onion , Oregano . .
P: Pansy , Papaya , Parsley , Passionflower , Peony , Peony (White), Peppermint, Picrorhiza, Pineapple , Prickly Ash (Northern and Southern), Propolis , Psyllium, Pulsatilla, Pycnogenol (pinebark polyphenol) .
Among above herbs, Peony(White) , Peppermint , Picrorhiza , Prickly Ash(Northern and Southern) , Psyllium Plantain , Pulsatilla , are introduced in TCM herbalism.
Q: Quassia . .
R: Raspberry, Red Bush , Red Clover , Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum) , Rehmannia, Reishi Mushroom, Rhatany , Rhodiola rosea. , Rhodiola crenulata. , Rhubarb (Chinese), Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) , Roselle Calyx , Rosemary , Rose (Rose petals, Rose Oil and Rose Water) .
Among above herbs, Raspberry , Rehmannia , Reishi Mushroom , Rhubarb (Chinese) , are introduced in TCM herbalism.
S: Saffron, Sage , St. John's Wort , Salvia, Sarsaparilla (Smilax sarsaparilla) , Savory , Saw Palmetto , Schisandra, Scullcap, Selenium , Senega Root , Senna, Sheep's Sorrel , Shiitake Mushroom , Silybum marianum, Slippery Elm , Soapwort , Spearmint, Spirulina , Squaw Vine .
Among above herbs, Silybum marianum is introduced as Milk Thistle, Saffron , Salvia , Schisandra , Scullcap , Polygala senega , Senna , Spearmint , are introduced in TCM herbalism.
T: Tamarind , Tea (Black) , Tea (Green) , Tea Tree Oil , Tea-seed oil , Thyme , Tienchi, Turmeric, Turpentine oil .
Among above herbs, Tienchi , Turmeric are introduced in TCM herbalism.
U: Uva Ursi . .
V: Valerian , Vervain .
Among above herbs, Valerian , Vervain are also introduced in TCM herbalism.
W: Watercress , Wild Cherry Bark , Wild Oregon Grape , Wild Strawberry , Wild Yam, Willow Bark (Salix alba) , Wintergreen , Witch Hazel , Wood Betony , Wormwood .
Among above herbs, Wild Yam is introduced in TCM herbalism part.
X: . .
Y: Yarrow , Yellow Dock, Yerba Santa , Yogurt , Yucca .
Among above herbs, Yellow Dock is introduced in TCM herbalism part.
Z: Zinc . .
Last edit and latest revision date: April 5th 2022 at 14:30