Lingzhi mushroom:Other Identified Special Species:(32).Ganoderma cochlear.

TCM Herbalism:Medicinals and Classifications. ✵The article gives records of the herb other identified special species of Lingzhi mushroom,(32).Ganoderma cochlear,its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these other identified special species of Lingzhi mushroom, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these fungus species, the features of these fungus species, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.

Other Identified Special Species of Lingzhi mushroom:(32).Ganoderma cochlear.

 Except for the species which defined by Common herbal classics, and those cultivated species of Ganoderma, and other identified wild species of the Lingzhi Mushrooms commonly species. There are other identified special species not commonly used. These special wild species are introduced as:(21).Ganoderma curtisii.(22).Ganoderma daiqingshanense,(23).Ganoderma flexipes,(24).Ganoderma kunmingense,(25).Ganoderma ramosissimum,(26).Ganoderma rotundatum,(27).Ganoderma sichuanense,(28).Ganoderma submubraculum,(29).Ganoderma theaecolum,(30).Ganoderma amboineuse,(31).Ganoderma austro fujianense,(32).Ganoderma cochlear,(33).Ganoderma crebrostriatum,(34).Ganoderma dahlia,(35).Ganoderma fornicatum,(36).Ganoderma fulvellum,(37).Ganoderma guinanense,(38).Ganoderma luteomarginatum,(39).Ganoderma magniporum,(40).Ganoderma mastoporum,(41).Ganoderma mediosinense,(42).Ganoderma mirivelutinum,(43).Ganoderma ochrolaccatum,(44).Ganoderma parviungulatum,(45).Ganoderma simaoense,(46).Ganoderma tibetanum,(47).Ganoderma chenghaiense,(48).Ganoderma tsunodae,(49).Ganoderma formosanum,(50).Ganoderma multplea,(51).Ganoderma australe,(52).Ganoderma sanmingense,(53).Ganoderma annulate,(54).Ganoderma bawanglingense,(55).Ganoderma brownie,(56).Ganoderma aensiionatum,(57).Ganoderma diaoluoshanense,(58).Ganoderma limushanense,(59).Ganoderma meijjaganse,(60).Ganoderma philipii,(61).Ganoderma shangsiense,(62).Ganoderma trianglatum,(63).Ganoderma nugntum,(64).Ganoderma koningsbergii., etc.

(32).Ganoderma cochlear.

 a brownish mushroom of Ganoderma cochlear Blume et Nees Bres grows on stems Botanical description: Ganoderma cochlear (Blume et Nees) Bres is a fungus of the Ganodermataceae or Polyporaceae family and Ganoderma genus, it is commonly known as Ganoderma cochlear., Purple Back Stipe Ganoderma, or Bei Bing Zi LingZhi. The basidiocarp (fruiting body) is annual or perennial, petiolate, suberinite to ligneous. The pileus (cap) is orbicular (nearly circular) or circular (rounded), 6–9 × 8–10 cm, 1.5 cm thick, the surface is atropurpureus (purple black) to black, has lacquer-like luster, often has radial wrinkles and inconspicuous concentric ribs; the edge is blunt or truncated; the context is dark coffee color (dark brown), up to 1 cm thick; the fungus tube is 3–5 mm long, similar to the color of the context; pore surface is nearly white or yellowish; tube orifice is round or orbicular, wall of the tube is thick, 4–5 per mm (millimeter). The prosthecae are dorsiferous (tergiferous), some are stubby, length is 4–5 cm, diameter is 1–2 cm, and some are up to 20 cm long, the central part is flat, width is up to 4.5 cm, the same color as the pileus (cap), glossy, and the junction with the substrate is mostly swollen and forms a bigger base.

 a drawing of Ganoderma cochlear Blume et Nees Bres. The husk structure is irregular sporiferous layer type, hazel (pale brown) to brown, compositive hyphae are clavate, the enlarged part of the tip is 4.5–7.0 μm wide, and length is 20–30 μm.

 The mycelial system is three-body type: generative hypha is transparent, leptodermous (thin wall), 3–5 μm in diameter; skeletal hyphae are hazel (pale brown) to brown, pachypleurous (thick-walled) to farctate, have arborizations (dendritic branching) or acicular, skeletal part is 3–5 μm in dry diameter; flagelliform color binding hypha is formed at the end tip of branches; binding hypha is colorless, pachypleurous (thick wall), 1–2 μm in diameter.

 The basidiospores are oval (egg-shaped), sometimes the apex is slightly truncated, double wall, the outer wall is colorless and transparent, smooth, the inner wall is hazel (pale brown) to brown, and the inner wall has spinules or no spinules, 10.5–12 × 6.5–7.5 μm.

 a colorful mushrooms drawing of Ganoderma cochlear Blume et Nees Bres. Ecological Environment: Ganoderma cochlear (Blume et Nees) Bres grows in mountains and forest. Geographical distribution: This species is mainly distributed in Guangxi, Xichou of Yunnan, China, and Java. Worldwide, it is distributed in China, Java.



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  • 1.Introduction of Ling Zhi:Lucid Ganoderma or Ganoderma Lucidium.
  • 2.Lingzhi mushroom:Other Identified Special Species:Ganoderma cochlear.

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