Lingzhi mushroom:Other Identified Special Species:(37).Ganoderma guinanense.
✵The article gives records of the herb other identified special species of Lingzhi mushroom,(37).Ganoderma guinanense,its English name, Latin name, property and flavor, with a detailed introduction to the botanical features of these other identified special species of Lingzhi mushroom, the growth characteristics, and ecological environment of these fungus species, the features of these fungus species, its pharmacological actions, medicinal efficacy, and administration guide.
Other Identified Special Species of Lingzhi mushroom:(37).Ganoderma guinanense.
Botanical description: Ganoderma guinanense J.D.Zhao et X.Q.Zhang is a fungus of the Ganodermataceae or Polyporaceae family and Ganoderma genus, it is commonly known as Ganoderma guinanense., or Gui Nan LingZhi. The basidiocarp (fruiting body) is annual, petiolate, suberinite. The pileus (cap) is orbicular (nearly circular), the central part is concave, about 7.5 cm in diameter, 3–8 mm thick, the surface is darkish brown to black, has concentric rings but is inconspicuous, has vertical wrinkles, is smooth, has a lacquer-like luster; the edge is entire, sharp, the under surface has a narrow infertile zone; the context is well-proportioned brown, and thickness is 3–5.5 mm, gradually turns thin toward the margin side; the fungus tube is 1–2 mm long; pore surface is brown; the tube orifice is orbicular (nearly circular), 4–5 per mm (millimeter). The prosthecae is mesic, about 11 cm long, and 1–1.2 cm in diameter, it has a strong lacquer-like luster, the context near the outer layer of the prosthecae is slightly hard, 2–3 mm thick, hazel (pale brown), and the inner layer is soft, brown.
The husk structure is composed of transparent, leptodermous (thin wall) generative hypha and subdiaphanous (nearly colorless), farctate skeletal hyphae, glued together, They are not easily separated from each other, the compositive hyphae mostly lean to one side, the tip is enlarged or slightly pointed, usually the width is 2–4 μm, length is 20–30 μm.
The mycelial system is a three-body type: generative hyphae are transparent, leptodermous (thin wall), 3–6 μm in diameter, and has transeptae (septum); skeletal hyphae are slightly brownish or hazel (pale brown), pachypleurous (thick-walled) to farctate, sometimes is tortuose, has arborizations (dendritic branching) or acicular, skeletal part is 3–4 μm in dry diameter; flagelliform colorless binding hypha is formed at the end tip of branches; binding hypha is colorless, pachypleurous (thick wall), 1.5–2 μm in diameter.
The basidiospores are broad-ovate (broadly ovate) or subsphaeroidal, double wall, the outer wall is colorless and transparent, smooth, the inner wall has indistinct spinules, colorless to slightly brownish, (4.5–) 6–11 x 5–8 μm.
Ecological Environment: Ganoderma guinanense J.D.Zhao et X.Q.Zhang grows in mountains and forests. Geographical distribution: This species is mainly distributed in Nonggang of Guangxi, Ledong of Hainan, China. Worldwide, it is distributed in China.
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1.Introduction of Ling Zhi:Lucid Ganoderma or Ganoderma Lucidium.
2.Lingzhi mushroom:Other Identified Special Species:Ganoderma guinanense.